;Disassembly of Acorn DFS 2.24 ;Greg Cook, 21 September 2024 ;Source: http://wouter.bbcmicro.net/bbc/bestanden/roms-2009.01.28.zip ;Path: roms/kopie_van_disk/Acorn/DFS__2.24 ;Code length: &38D7 ;Acorn CRC: &E3E0 ;PKZIP CRC: &5E5D82CA ;XFER CRC: &00B813AB ;Cksum: 3911480006 ;This is a BeebAsm assembly source file. ; ; https://github.com/stardot/beebasm ; ;Most symbols copied from matching code in Acorn DNFS 3.00, ;as landmarks. ; ; https://github.com/stardot/AcornDNFSv300/ ; ;Comments by Greg Cook and occasionally the Acornsoft team. ;Comments beginning with capital letters are entry points. ;[D] marks differences from DNFS 3.00. ;Potential space savings can be found near comments containing ;"redundant", "unused", "can save", "unreachable code". ;Define any of the following symbols on the BeebAsm command line ;to select build options. ;For example: ; beebasm -i dfs224.asm.txt -D _BUGFIX -D _TURBO ; ;Alternatively pass this file through the attached beebasmpp.pl ;to strip unused conditional assembly paths, for readability ;or to make the current build options permanent. ;Usability options _BUGFIX =? 0 ;Various bug fixes (see below) _FASTGB =? 0 ;OSGBPB calls 1..4 transfer whole sectors directly from ;or to user memory _NMOS =? 0 ;Code uses only NMOS 6502 instructions _TURBO =? 0 ;Unrolled 'save AXY' routine for shorter debugging traces _SQUEEZE =? 0 ;Unreachable code removed and some routines shortened ;Bugs fixed by _BUGFIX: ;- LIBFS executable searches terminate (2.25) ;- OSWORD $7F drive parameter bit 3 enables double density ;- OSWORD $7F command $63, Format track handles the sector ; size code correctly and fetches sector IDs from the given ; coprocessor address ;- OSFIND with A=$00, Y=0 writes output files' final extents ; to disc ("CLOSE#0 / *CLOSE bug") (2.25) ;- OSARGS with A=$FF, Y>0 ensures a file more efficiently ;- OSARGS with A=$03, Y>0 sets the extent ensuring available ;- space, zeroes in extended data area and update on closure ; (2.25) ;- *SHUT closes all files on Acorn DFS media (2.25) ;- Accessing a disc with a file open, changing the disc and ; pressing BREAK raises a "Disc changed" error, even if the ; drive activity light was still on at BREAK (2.28) ;- OSGBPB calls 1..4 clear the EOF warning flag on exit ;- OSFILE calls 8..11 are translated ;- *COPY copies zero-length files ; (credit: dp11 on Stardot.org.uk/forums) ;- *COMPACT closes all files on entry ;- SRAM accepts lowercase bank letters w..z ;- *SRLOAD/*SRSAVE handle pseudo-addressed bank crossings ; while loading/saving to tape ;- *SRREAD/*SRWRITE/OSWORD $42 handle data blocks crossing ; 64 KiB boundaries on the coprocessor. ; ;Some bugs are reported fixed in the marked version of ;Acorn DFS, according to: ; D. Atherton, Master operating system, including BBC B+ ; and Master Compact: a dabhand guide (Manchester: ; Dabs Press, 1988, 2nd ed.) CPU 1 dftbid = $01 ;Tube claimant ID for Disc Filing System srtbid = $08 ;Tube claimant ID for SRAM prenmi = $00A0 ;previous owner of NMI area L00A1 = $00A1 ;b7=Tube data transfer b6=writing to disc ;b0=includes partial sector transfer L00A2 = $00A2 ;b7=NMISR busy b6..b2=WD 1770 status L00A3 = $00A3 ;Number of sectors per track $0A=SD $10=DD L00A4 = $00A4 ;Track stepping rate in WD 1770 format 0=fast..3=slow L00A5 = $00A5 ;Number of FDC commands to send/sectors to transfer L00A6 = $00A6 ;LSB number of bytes to transfer L00A7 = $00A7 ;Next FDC command or MSB number of bytes to transfer linno = $00A8 ;b7=catalogue entry is waiting to be created in *COPY, *COMPACT ;Flag for printing newlines in *CAT [D]linno now one byte L00A9 = $00A9 ;b7=Copying between different discs in same drive (swapping) utemp = $00AA ;$00=Source disc in drive $80=Destination disc in drive ;=0 listing current directory during *CAT >0 listing other dirs ;File attribute mask in *ACCESS $00=unlocked $80=locked ltemp = $00AB ;Offset of catalogue entry of found file in *CAT, *WIPE, *COPY ptemp = $00AE ;Pointer to dialogue or error message source string temp = $00B0 ;Pointer to private page, extended vector table, OSFILE or ;OSWORD $7F control block or local copy of sector ID table ;Offset of insertion point while creating catalogue entry ;Number of sectors per track while converting LBA to CHS (=10) L00B0 = $00B0 ;8 bytes; copy of OSWORD $42 control block ;Pointer to private page; action address in service call 4 L00B0a = $00B0 ;Sideways RAM bank number during transfer L00B1 = $00B1 ;2 bytes; source address during sideways RAM transfer xtemp = $00B2 ;2 bytes; pointer to RLE table in RAM during formatting ;b7=1 Disc operation called from OSWORD $7F; interrupts enabled ;b7=0 Disc operation called internally; interrupts disabled, ;extended control block with large transfer size in XY+9..11 ;Counter to compare filename with names of open handles ;Counter while composing sector ID table during formatting itemp = $00B3 ;overlaps xtemp ;Saved A on entry to string/error printing routines ;LSB number of sectors to transfer in extended OSWORD $7F (XY+9) ;LSB decoded sector size in bytes during Intel 8271 emulation ;Count of sector IDs to read during OSWORD $7F command $5B ;Temporary channel workspace pointer while finding free channel ;Parameter to service call $03 (init FS); Y=0 boot from media L00B3 = $00B3 ;2 bytes; destination address during sideways RAM transfer atemp = $00B4 ;2 bytes; MSB decoded sector size during Intel 8271 emulation ;LSB number of sectors to transfer in extended OSWORD $7F (XY+10) ;Pointer to track buffer during formatting ;Temporary copy of file open mode in A on entry to OSFIND ;Pointer to user's OSGBPB control block ytemp = $00B5 ;overlaps atemp; sector match result in Intel 8271 emulation ;Number of bytes to transfer in extended OSWORD $7F (XY+11) ;Shifting channel open flag mask while finding free channel ;Saved X register on entry to Filing System Call handler L00B5 = $00B5 ;2 bytes; number of bytes to transfer to/from sideways RAM vtemp = $00B6 ;4 bytes; iterating catalogue offset during *WIPE, *DESTROY ;Pointer to catalogue entry while searching for file ;(when found, vtemp+$00 has the offset to the found entry) ;Found Data Address Mark during Intel 8271 emulation (+$00) ;Attempt counter during Intel 8271 emulation (+$01) ;Pointer to RLE table template in ROM during formatting ;Temporary value while decoding sector size during formatting ;Offset into RLE table while building track buffer (+$00) ;Count of pages of bytes to add to track buffer (+$01) ;Temporary copy of pointer from OSGBPB control block ;Count of help table entries printed during *HELP DFS (+$01) L00B7 = $00B7 ;Sideways RAM bank number in OSWORD $42 control block ;Flag/pointer array offset; 1=read from SWRAM 3=write to SWRAM ztemp = $00B8 ;2 bytes, overlaps vtemp; digit to be added to number ;Count of sectors added to RLE table (redundant) ;Pointer to user memory in OSGBPB ;Spaces remaining to next tab stop ;NB: $00B8..$00B9 used as FTPTR by MOS 1.20 during *HELP; ;should be preserved during OSBPUT L00B8 = $00B8 ;2 bytes; pointer to private page in SRAM etemp = $00B9 ;overlaps ztemp; number being built from digits ;Count of sectors on track during formatting ;=0 print to screen >0 "print" to error message ;(if >0, offset of next error character in page $01) work = $00BA ;Rearranged copy of OSFILE control block plus temporaries: L00BA = $00BA ;4 bytes; general workspace: pseudo RAM bank, OSHWM, ;object length, buffer start address, buffer length, ;offset of end of argument plus mode bits for *command; ;pointer to paged RAM header, Tube data transfer address, ;pointer to paged ROM type table lodcat = work +$0000 ;temp cat offset in OSFILE $FF baselo = work +$0001 ;LSB base LBA in *FREE / *MAP intwa = work +$0001 ;integer working area in LA960 wrkcat = work +$0002 ;load/exec/length/start sector in catalogue format lodlo = work +$0002 ;LSB load address in OSFILE basehi = work +$0002 ;MSB base LBA in *FREE / *MAP L00BC = $00BC ;4 bytes, overlaps L00BA; sideways RAM address, mode bits, ;buffer length, pointer to sideways RAM address, ;converted hexadecimal argument, computed transfer size, ;pseudo RAM bank lodhi = work +$0003 ;3MSB load address in OSFILE frecat = work +$0003 ;temp cat offset in *FREE / *MAP L00BD = $00BD ;2 bytes; temporary SWRAM address while incrementing exelo = work +$0004 ;LSB exec address in OSFILE L00BE = $00BE ;2 bytes; size of current SWRAM transfer or mode bits exehi = work +$0005 ;3MSB exec address in OSFILE comtxt = work +$0005 ;offset of command table entry [D] was work+$02 freelo = work +$0005 ;LSB free space in *FREE / *MAP L00BF = $00BF ;temporary; byte written to SWRAM, error message offset, ;copyright string offset, sideways memory type, saved ;X register, sideways RAM bank number strtlo = work +$0006 ;LSB start address in OSFILE 0 lenlo = work +$0006 ;LSB file length in OSFILE freehi = work +$0006 ;MSB free space in *FREE / *MAP strthi = work +$0007 ;3MSB start address in OSFILE 0 lenhi = work +$0007 ;2MSB file length in OSFILE headlo = work +$0007 ;LSB headroom in *FREE / *MAP bitcnt = work +$0007 ;bit counter in LA960 endlo = work +$0008 ;LSB end address in OSFILE 0 lbahi = work +$0008 ;MSB LBA in OSFILE headhi = work +$0008 ;MSB headroom in *FREE / *MAP endhi = work +$0009 ;3MSB end address in OSFILE 0 lbalo = work +$0009 ;LSB LBA in OSFILE lenhl = work +$000A ;MSB file length in OSFILE L00C4 = work +$000A ;temp cat offset in *RENAME ;REUSED $0B=current FSC call is FSC 11 (_BUGFIX) todolo = work +$000A ;LSB no. sectors remaining to be copied todohi = work +$000B ;MSB no. sectors remaining to be copied wrknam = work +$000B ;current filename srclo = work +$000C ;LSB LBA of next sector to copy from source L00C6 = work +$000C ;microcode in *FREE / *MAP srchi = work +$000D ;MSB LBA of next sector to copy from source userpt = work +$000D ;pointer to user's OSWORD control block dstlo = work +$000E ;LSB LBA of next sector to copy to destination dsthi = work +$000F ;MSB LBA of next sector to copy to destination L00C9 = work +$000F ;microcode in *FORM / *VERIFY cpycat = work +$0010 ;catalogue pointer in *COPY L00CA = work +$0010 ;command line offset in *FORM / *VERIFY qualif = $00CC ;current directory fdrive = $00CD ;current drive track = $00CE ;current track pos. of current drive in OSWORD $7F sector = $00CF ;current sector no. on current drive in OSWORD $7F worda = $00EF ;reason code in A on entry to OSWORD wordx = $00F0 ;LSB control block address in X on entry to OSWORD wordy = $00F1 ;MSB control block address in Y on entry to OSWORD linptr = $00F2 ;2 bytes; pointer to character array in GSINIT/Svc $25 romid = $00F4 ;slot number of ROM currently paged in romptr = $00F6 ;2 bytes; pointer to next byte of RFS stream L00F6 = $00F6 ;romptr+$00 when used as a temp L00F7 = $00F7 ;romptr+$01 when used as a temp escflg = $00FF ;b7=0 normal, b7=1 ESCAPE pressed stack = $0100 ;hardwired 6502 stack page errbuf = $0100 ;error trampoline so a language ROM can print the message bytev = $020A ;BYTEV vector, redirected by SRAM vtab2 = $0212 ;FILEV, first FS vector claimed by DFS fscvec = $021E ;FSCV vector to control/shut down current FS taddrl = $0406 ;set up address for tube intnmi = $0D00 ;NMI service routine ecowsp = $0D60 ;Econet reserved area; end of NMI service routine priptr = $0DF0 ;table of private pages to each ROM base = $C000 ;start of HAZEL extended memory dirlow = base +$0000 ;first sector of volume catalogue catlow = dirlow+$0008 ;first catalogue entry; filename catdun = catlow+$0000 ;b7=catalogue entry listed modify = catlow+$0007 ;directory letter; b7=file locked dirhig = dirlow+$0100 ;second sector of catalogue cycno = dirhig+$0004 ;BCD cycle number, incremented when updating catalogue dirlen = dirhig+$0005 ;number of files in catalogue * 8; pointer to last entry option = dirhig+$0006 ;when accessing option bits cathig = dirhig+$0008 ;first catalogue entry; attributes mainws = dirhig+$0100 ;when saved/restored in bulk buffer = mainws+$0000 ;64 bytes; file spec passed to command tmpcin = mainws+$0045 ;18 bytes; saved arg ptr, cat attributes and filename tmpcat = tmpcin+$0002 ;load/exec/length/start sector of file being copied namtra = tmpcin+$000B ;filename and directory of file being copied tmpnam = mainws+$0058 ;filename and directory portion of file spec to *COPY dosram = mainws+$0060 ;copy of OSGBPB/OSFILE ctrl block; temp filename in *CAT IF _FASTGB acc = dosram+$000D ;temporary OSGBPB call number ltemp0 = dosram+$000E ;temporary count of bytes remaining to transfer ENDIF ldlow = mainws+$0072 ;4 bytes; load address passed to OSFILE; Tube tx addr hiwork = ldlow +$0002 ;8 bytes; high words of load/exec/start/end to OSFILE exlow = hiwork+$0000 ;overlaps ldlow; exec address passed to OSFILE strthl = hiwork+$0004 ;2MSB start address in OSFILE 0 strthh = hiwork+$0005 ;MSB start address in OSFILE 0 endhl = hiwork+$0006 ;2MSB end address in OSFILE btemp = mainws+$007D ;2 bytes; pointer to user's OSGBPB control block ctemp = mainws+$007F ;transfer direction 0=writing from mem 1=reading to mem tumflg = mainws+$0081 ;$00=transferring to/from host $FF=txing to/from Tube catdrv = mainws+$0082 ;drive no. of catalogue in dirlow/hi; $FF=cat invalid olddrv = mainws+$0083 ;set during init1, otherwise unused dufflg = mainws+$0086 ;$20=update EXT if changed $00=ensure buffers only LC287 = mainws+$0087 ;b7=drive 0, b6=drive 1 uncalibrated LC288 = mainws+$0088 ;track no. under heads on drive 0/2, 1/3 LC28A = mainws+$008A ;disc operation modifier... LC28B = mainws+$008B ;bad tracks 1,2 on drive 0/1, 2/3 LC290 = mainws+$0090 ;high OSWORD $7F control block LC29D = mainws+$009D ;retry counter in *FORM / *VERIFY LC29E = mainws+$009E ;retry counter in OSWORD $7F LC29F = mainws+$009F ;number of tracks to *FORMAT / *VERIFY prsist = mainws+$00C0 ;start of persistent workspace saved to private page dcbmap = mainws+$00C0 ;channel open flags dcbbit = mainws+$00C1 ;channel open bit mask for current open file dcby = mainws+$00C2 ;channel workspace pointer for current open file seqwb = mainws+$00C3 ;Offset of catalogue entry of current open file seqwc = mainws+$00C4 ;counter for copying catalogue entry while opening file LC2C4 = mainws+$00C4 ;LSB offset of current buffer from start of file in OSARGS 1,Y seqwx = mainws+$00C5 ;temporary copy of X register during sequential file ops monflg = mainws+$00C6 ;*OPT 1 monitor $00=verbose $FF=quiet enaflg = mainws+$00C7 ;*ENABLE counter $01=*ENABLE just called $00=current cmd ;enabled $FF=current command not enabled defqua = mainws+$00C9 ;default (CSD) directory character defdsk = mainws+$00CA ;default (CSD) drive libqua = mainws+$00CB ;library directory character libdsk = mainws+$00CC ;library drive wildch = mainws+$00CD ;$23=wildchard chars allowed in filespec $FF=not allowed dashop = mainws+$00CE ;$2A=asterisks allowed in filespec $FF=not allowed frpage = mainws+$00CF ;MSB of OSHWM; first free page of user memory frsize = mainws+$00D0 ;number of pages of user memory fdriv = mainws+$00D1 ;source drive in *BACKUP, *COPY tdriv = mainws+$00D2 ;destination drive in *BACKUP, *COPY colds = mainws+$00D3 ;$FF=allow warm start $00=force cold start memflg = $00D4 ;$FF=we have shared workspace $00=don't have workspace notube = mainws+$00D6 ;$00=Tube coprocessor present $FF=Tube absent (inverted MOS flag) qtemp = mainws+$00D7 ;2 bytes; action address in OSGBPB linadr = mainws+$00D9 ;2 bytes; offsets to cmd line tail/start or pointer to tail fcbadr = mainws+$00DB ;2 bytes; pointer to user's OSFILE control block seqsem = mainws+$00DD ;$00=*SPOOL/*EXEC critical, close files on error LC2DE = mainws+$00DE ;[0] flags; [0..3] b7=40 track drv LC2E2 = mainws+$00E2 ;3 bytes; trampoline to previous OSBYTE handler sramws = $00EE ;rest of private page used by SRAM srwork = sramws+$0000 ;copy of OSWORD $42/$43 control block sramfh = sramws+$000C ;sideways RAM image file handle sramln = sramws+$000D ;2 bytes; sideways RAM image file length srpsmp = sramws+$000F ;sideways RAM pseudo-addressing bitmap sramon = sramws+$0011 ;SRAM initialised; $4E=sramfh valid, close on BRK seqmap = mainws+$0100 ;workspaces for channels $11..$15 seqcat = seqmap+$0000 ;when accessing the catalogue entry seqll = seqcat+$0009 ;LSB of file length in catalogue entry seqlm = seqcat+$000B ;2MSB of file length in catalogue entry seqrdo = seqcat+$000C ;seventh character of filename; b7=channel read-only seqlh = seqcat+$000D ;top bits exec/length/load/LBA in catalogue entry seqlok = seqcat+$000E ;directory character of filename; b7=file locked seqloc = seqcat+$000F ;LSB of starting LBA in catalogue entry seqpl = seqmap+$0010 ;LSB of sequential pointer (PTR) seqpm = seqmap+$0011 ;2MSB of sequential pointer seqph = seqmap+$0012 ;MSB of sequential pointer seqbuf = seqmap+$0013 ;page of memory containing open file's sector buffer seqlla = seqmap+$0014 ;LSB of open file's extent (EXT) seqlma = seqmap+$0015 ;2MSB of open file's extent seqlha = seqmap+$0016 ;MSB of open file's extent seqflg = seqmap+$0017 ;channel flags b7=buffer contains PTR b6=buffer changed ;b5=EXT changed b4=EOF warning given b1..b0=drive number ;NB seqmap+$0018 'seqel' always contains zero seqem = seqmap+$0019 ;LSB of number of sectors allocated to file seqeh = seqmap+$001A ;MSB of number of sectors allocated to file seqbit = seqmap+$001B ;channel open bit mask corresponding to open file seqdal = seqmap+$001C ;LSB of starting LBA seqdah = seqmap+$001D ;MSB of starting LBA slots = seqmap+$0100 ;channel sector buffers latch = $FE24 ;floppy drive interface control latch fdc = $FE28 ;base of floppy drive controller registers fdccmd = fdc +$0000 ;WD 1770 command register (write only) fdcsta = fdc +$0000 ;WD 1770 status register (read only) fdctrk = fdc +$0001 ;WD 1770 track register fdcsec = fdc +$0002 ;WD 1770 sector register fdcdat = fdc +$0003 ;WD 1770 data register romsw = $FE30 ;ROMSEL paged ROM selection latch reg3 = $FEE5 ;Tube FIFO 3 gsinit = $FFC2 ;Initialise read gsread = $FFC5 ;Read char osrdsc = $FFB9 ;Read screen or paged ROM osfind = $FFCE ;Open file osgbpb = $FFD1 ;Get/put bytes to file osbput = $FFD4 ;Put bytes to file osbget = $FFD7 ;Get bytes from file osargs = $FFDA ;Read/write file arguments osfile = $FFDD ;Read/write whole file osrdch = $FFE0 ;Read char from kbd osasci = $FFE3 ;OSWRCH + CR]CRLF oswrch = $FFEE ;Write char to screen osbyte = $FFF4 ;Misc OS calls oscli = $FFF7 ;Execute command line ORG $8000 .lang ;Language entry BRK EQUW $0000 ;Service entry JMP LAB9F EQUB $82 ;rom type: service only EQUB copyr-lang ;copyright offset pointer EQUB $79 ;version No. EQUS "DFS",$00 ;title and terminator byte EQUS "2.24" ;version string .copyr EQUB $00 ;terminator byte EQUS "(C)1985 Acorn",$00 ;copyright string and terminator byte .osfscm ;Issue Filing System Call JMP (fscvec) .dskmsg ;Raise "Disk " error JSR estrng EQUB $00 EQUS "Disc " BCC gstrng .illmsg ;Raise "Bad " error JSR estrng EQUB $00 EQUS "Bad " BCC gstrng .estrng ;Check critical flag and prefix error message LDA seqsem ;if flag=$00 (i.e. if *SPOOL/*EXEC critical) BNE estrn1 JSR hmtspe ;then close *SPOOL/*EXEC files. .estrn1 LDA #$FF STA catdrv ;no catalogue in pages $0E..F STA seqsem ;clear *SPOOL/*EXEC critical flag: .fstrng ;Prefix error message immediate LDX #$02 ;error message being built from offset 2 LDA #$00 STA errbuf+$00 ;instruction at $0100 = BRK: .gstrng ;Append error message immediate IF _SQUEEZE ELSE STA itemp ;save A on entry (redundant unless debugging) ENDIF PLA ;pop caller's address into pointer STA ptemp+$00 PLA STA ptemp+$01 IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDA itemp ;restore A on entry (redundant) ENDIF LDY #$00 ;set Y=0 for indirect indexed load: JSR tmpinc ;increment ptemp LDA (ptemp),Y ;get character from after JSR STA errbuf+$01 ;$0101 = error number DEX ;decrement error message offset or POS: .estrn0 JSR tmpinc ;increment ptemp INX ;increment error message offset or POS LDA (ptemp),Y ;get character from after JSR STA errbuf,X ;store character at end of error message BMI vstrnr ;if b7=1 then opcode terminator, execute it BNE estrn0 ;else if not NUL then copy more characters JSR reltub ;else raise error. ensure Tube is released JMP errbuf ;jump to BRK to raise error .vstrng ;Print string immediate (via PCHR) STA itemp ;save A on entry PLA ;pop caller's address into pointer STA ptemp+$00 PLA STA ptemp+$01 LDA itemp ;restore A on entry and save on stack PHA TYA ;save Y PHA LDY #$00 ;set Y=0 for indirect indexed load .vstrlp JSR tmpinc ;increment ptemp LDA (ptemp),Y ;get character from after JSR BMI vstrnx ;if b7=1 then opcode terminator, execute it JSR pchr ;else print character JMP vstrlp ;and loop .vstrnx PLA ;restore AY TAY PLA .vstrnr CLC ;jump to address of end of string with C=0 JMP (ptemp) .dpdot ;Print digit and dot JSR digout .pdot ;Print a dot LDA #$2E .pchr ;Print character in A (OSASCI) JSR savita ;save AXY PHA ;else save character LDA #$EC ;call OSBYTE $EC = read/write char dest status JSR readby TXA ;save current output stream setting PHA ORA #$10 ;b4=1 disable *SPOOL output JSR wriwde ;call OSBYTE $03 = specify output stream in A PLA ;restore previous output stream setting TAX PLA ;restore character JSR osasci ;call OSASCI JMP wriwdx ;call OSBYTE $03 = specify output stream IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code JSR L8426 ;[D] ENDIF .bytout ;Print hex byte PHA ;save A JSR sfour ;shift A right 4 places JSR digout ;print top nibble of byte PLA ;restore bottom nibble: .digout ;Print hex nibble JSR digut1 ;[D]convert hex nibble to ASCII BNE pchr ;print character (always) .digut1 ;Convert hex nibble to ASCII AND #$0F ;extract b3..0 CMP #$0A ;if in range 10..15 BCC digot0 ADC #$06 ;then C=1; add 7 to put in range 17..22 .digot0 ADC #$30 ;c=0; add 48, result 48..57, 65..70 RTS ;return ASCII "0".."9" or "A".."F" .shftbo ;Copy address to (work,hiwork)+X JSR shfttw ;copy low word to zero page DEX ;backtrack destination offset DEX JSR shftt0 ;copy high word to workspace: .shftt0 ;copy byte of high word to workspace LDA (temp),Y STA hiwork-$02,X INX ;increment source and destination offsets INY RTS .shfttw ;copy low word to zero page: JSR shfton .shfton ;copy byte of low word to zero page LDA (temp),Y STA work,X INX ;increment source and destination offsets INY RTS .getnam ;Set current file from file spec JSR setdef ;set current drive and directory = default JMP getnm0 ;parse file spec .frmnam ;Set current file from argument pointer JSR setdef ;set current drive and directory = default: .frmnm1 ;Parse file spec from argument pointer LDA work+$00 ;copy argument pointer to GSINIT pointer STA linptr+$00 LDA work+$01 STA linptr+$01 LDY #$00 ;set Y = 0 offset for GSINIT JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0: .getnm0 ;Parse file spec LDX #$20 ;directory defaults to " " JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD BCS namerr ;if argument empty then "Bad filename" STA buffer+$00 ;else save first character of filename CMP #$2E ;if not "." then skip to dir/filename BNE getnm1 ;else empty dir spec, set directory = " ": .getnm2 STX qualif ;set as current directory BEQ getnm0 ;loop to parse file spec (always) .getnm1 CMP #$3A ;else is first character ":"? BNE getnm3 ;if not then skip to dir/filename JSR getdrv ;[D]else a drive is specified, get drive spec JSR rdchr ;a pathname must follow, so call GSREAD BCS namerr ;if only a drive spec then "Bad filename" CMP #$2E ;else next character must be "." BEQ getnm0 ;if so then parse pathname, else: .namerr ;Raise "Bad filename" error. JSR illmsg EQUB $CC EQUS "name" EQUB $00 .getnm3 TAX ;save first char in case it's a directory JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD, get second filename character BCS getnm4 ;if absent then process one-character name CMP #$2E ;else is the second character "."? BEQ getnm2 ;if so then set current directory from X LDX #$01 ;else offset = 1, second character of buffer: .getnm5 STA buffer,X ;store character of filename INX ;point X to next character of current filename JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD, get next character of leaf name BCS getnm6 ;if no more then filename complete, return CPX #$07 ;else have seven characters been read already? BNE getnm5 ;if not then loop BEQ namerr ;else raise "Bad filename" error. .rdchr ;Call GSREAD and validate filename character JSR gsread ;call GSREAD PHP ;save result AND #$7F ;clear bit 7 CMP #$0D ;if result = $0D BEQ rdchok ;then accept "|M" and "|!|M" as an embedded CR CMP #$20 ;else if ASCII value less than " " BCC namerr ;then raise "Bad filename" error CMP #$7F ;else if ASCII value = DEL or higher BEQ namerr ;then raise "Bad filename" error .rdchok PLP ;else restore GSREAD result RTS ;and return character in A, new offset in Y .getnm4 ;Process one-character filename LDX #$01 ;offset = 1, second character of buffer: .getnm6 ;Clear rest of filename buffer LDA #$20 ;put " " in A .getnm7 STA buffer,X ;fill rest of buffer with spaces INX ;increment buffer offset CPX #$40 ;have we reached end of buffer? BNE getnm7 ;if not then loop LDX #$06 ;else offset = 6: .clrnm0 LDA buffer,X ;copy filename in buffer STA wrknam,X ;to current filename DEX ;loop until 7 characters copied BPL clrnm0 RTS .prtnam ;Print filename from catalogue JSR savita ;save AXY LDA modify,Y ;get directory character PHP ;save N = lock attribute AND #$7F ;extract ASCII character BNE ptnam2 ;if NUL then file is in CSD JSR pdspc ;so print two spaces BEQ ptnam3 ;branch (always) .ptnam2 JSR pchr ;else print directory character JSR pdot ;print a dot .ptnam3 LDX #$06 ;repeat 7 times: .ptnam0 LDA catlow,Y ;get character of leaf name AND #$7F ;mask bit 7 JSR pchr ;print character INY DEX BPL ptnam0 ;and loop JSR pdspc ;print two spaces LDA #$20 ;a = space PLP ;restore lock attribute in N BPL ptnam1 ;if lock bit set LDA #$4C ;then A = capital L .ptnam1 JSR pchr ;print attribute character LDY #$01 ;print a space and exit .yspace ;Print number of spaces in Y JSR pspace ;print a space DEY BNE yspace ;loop until Y = 0 RTS .isoexe ;Extract b7,b6 of A LSR A LSR A .isolen ;Extract b5,b4 of A LSR A LSR A LSR A LSR A AND #$03 RTS .isolod ;Extract bit 3 to bits 1 and 0 AND #$08 ;[D]new BEQ L81BD ;if bit 3 clear then return 0 LDA #$03 ;else return 3: b1=1,b0=1 .L81BD RTS .sfive ;Shift A right 5 places LSR A .sfour ;Shift A right 4 places LSR A .sthree ;Shift A right 3 places LSR A ;[D]new entry point LSR A LSR A RTS .lfive ;Shift A left 5 places ASL A .lfour ;Shift A left 4 places ASL A ASL A ASL A ASL A RTS .atot ;Prepare ordinary file transfer LDA #$05 ;[D]new STA LC290+$05 LDA fdrive STA LC290+$00 LDA #$0A ;[D]set 10 sectors per track STA temp LDA wrkcat+$00 ;copy user data address to NMI area STA LC290+$01 LDA wrkcat+$01 STA LC290+$02 LDA ldlow+$02 STA LC290+$03 LDA ldlow+$03 STA LC290+$04 LDA #$FF ;set track number for transfer STA LC290+$07 ;decrement, to increment at start of loop LDA wrkcat+$06 ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector JSR isolen ;extract b5,b4 of A STA LC290+$0A ;?$A5 = b17..16 (MSB) of length LDA wrkcat+$04 ;copy LSB length STA LC290+$0B LDA wrkcat+$05 ;copy 2MSB length STA LC290+$09 LDA wrkcat+$06 AND #$03 ;x = b9..8 (MSB) of relative LBA TAX LDA wrkcat+$07 ;get LSB of relative LBA: .trsca SEC ;set C=1 to subtract without borrow: .trscb INC LC290+$07 ;increment track number SBC temp ;subtract sectors-per-track from LBA BCS trscb ;loop until LSB borrows in DEX ;then decrement MSB of relative LBA BPL trsca ;loop until MSB borrows in/underflows ADC temp ;add sectors per track to negative remainder STA LC290+$08 ;set sector number. .loksuc RTS .getlok ;Ensure file matching spec in catalogue JSR getnam ;set current file from file spec BMI errlok ;ensure matching file in catalogue .frmlok ;Ensure file matching argument in catalogue JSR frmnam ;set current file from argument pointer: .errlok ;Ensure matching file in catalogue JSR lookup ;search for file in catalogue BCS loksuc ;if found then return, else: .nofil ;Raise "Not found" error JSR fstrng EQUB $D6 EQUS "Not found" EQUB $00 .ex ;FSC 9 = *EX JSR stxylp ;set GSINIT pointer to XY, set Y=0 [D]new JSR setdef ;set current drive and directory = default JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 BEQ L8246 ;if no argument then list default directory JSR readd0 ;else parse directory spec .L8246 LDA #$2A ;set filename="*" STA buffer+$00 JSR getnm4 ;process one-character filename JSR setwld ;allow wildcard characters in filename JSR errlok ;ensure matching file in catalogue IF _SQUEEZE BCS L8265 ;print *INFO lines for all matching files ELSE JMP L8265 ;print *INFO lines for all matching files ;can save 1 byte (BCS/BRA L8265) ENDIF .info ;FSC 10 = *INFO JSR stxylp ;allow wildcard characters in filename JSR setwld JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 BEQ L826E ;if no argument then raise "Bad name" error JSR getlok ;else ensure file matching spec in catalogue .L8265 JSR prtinf ;print *INFO line JSR next ;find next matching file BCS L8265 ;loop until no more files match. RTS .L826E JMP namerr ;raise "Bad name" error .L8271 ;Search for file with execute privilege JSR L93AD ;ensure catalogue loaded with execute privilege LDA #buffer-buffer ;compare with name in buffer BEQ L8296 .lookw ;Search for wrknam in catalogue LDX #$06 ;7 characters to copy: .lookw0 LDA wrknam,X ;copy current leafname to workspace STA tmpnam,X DEX ;loop until 7 characters copied BPL lookw0 LDA #$20 ;set eighth character to space STA tmpnam+$07 ;to serve as filename terminator LDA #tmpnam-buffer ;compare with name in tmpnam BNE lookux .next ;Find next matching file LDX #buffer-buffer ;compare with name in buffer BEQ next0 .lookup ;Search for file in catalogue LDA #buffer-buffer ;compare with name in buffer: .lookux PHA JSR L93B1 ;ensure current volume catalogue loaded PLA .L8296 TAX ;set X = offset of comparand LDA #<(catlow-$08) ;start at first catalogue entry STA vtemp+$00 .next0 LDY #$00 ;y=0 point to start of leafname LDA #>(catlow-$08) ;[D]set MSB of pointer to first catalogue page STA vtemp+$01 LDA vtemp+$00 ;set A = catalogue pointer CMP dirlen ;have we reached the end of the catalogue? BCS matchf ;if so return C=0 file not found ADC #$08 ;else add 8 to A STA vtemp+$00 ;store new catalogue pointer JSR matchs ;compare leafname with one in catalogue BCC next0 ;if unequal then loop until file found or not LDA qualif ;else set A = current directory LDY #$07 ;y=7 point to directory character: JSR cpchar ;compare with character in catalogue BNE next0 ;if unequal then loop until file found or not LDY vtemp+$00 ;y=absolute offset of found file in workspace SEC ;return C=1 file found: .unstep ;Subtract 8 from Y DEY ;returns offset from start of catalogue DEY DEY DEY DEY DEY DEY DEY RTS .matchs ;Compare leafname with one in catalogue JSR savita ;save AXY .match1 LDA buffer,X ;get character of pattern CMP dashop ;if not "*" or wildcards are barred BNE match4 ;then compare literals INX ;else advance X past the * .match6 JSR matchs ;if rest of pattern matches rest of filename BCS matchr ;then return C=1 file found INY ;else skip one char of filename, adding it to wc CPY #$07 ;if not at end of filename BCC match6 ;then loop to see if pattern matches here .mathmt LDA buffer,X ;else globbed to end of filename CMP #$20 ;if pattern does not also end here BNE matchf ;then return C=0 no match RTS ;else return C=1 file found .match4 CPY #$07 ;comparing literals; if end of filename reached BCS mathmt ;then check pattern ends here also JSR cpchar ;else compare characters BNE matchf ;if unequal return C=0 no match INX ;else consume pattern character INY ;consume filename character BNE match1 ;loop to compare rest of pattern (always) .matchf ;match failed CLC ;return C=0 file not found .matchr ;match succeeded (C=1) RTS ;return C=1 file found .cpchar ;Compare characters CMP dashop ;if equal to "*" and wildcards are allowed BEQ cpret ;then return Z=1 characters match CMP wildch ;else if equal to "#" and wildcards allowed BEQ cpret ;then return Z=1 characters match JSR caps ;else test is character in A is a letter EOR (vtemp),Y ;compare pattern character with filename BCS cpchr0 ;if pattern character is a letter AND #$5F ;then ignore case differences .cpchr0 AND #$7F ;ignore bit 7, return Z=characters equal .cpret RTS .setcap ;Uppercase letter in A PHP ;preserve flags JSR caps ;is character in A a letter? BCS scap0 ;if not then just clear bit 7 AND #$5F ;else clear bits 5 and 7, convert to capitals .scap0 AND #$7F ;clear bit 7 PLP ;restore flags RTS ;and exit .delfil ;Delete catalogue entry JSR chkopl ;ensure file not locked or open (mutex) .dellop LDA catlow+$08,Y ;copy next file's entry over previous entry STA catlow,Y ;shifting entries up one place LDA cathig+$08,Y ;(copies title/boot/size if catalogue full) STA cathig,Y INY ;loop until current file count reached CPY dirlen ;have we reached the end of the catalogue? BCC dellop TYA ;copy Y to A = pointer to last file; C=1 SBC #$08 ;subtract 8, catalogue contains one file less STA dirlen ;store new file count CLC .infrts RTS .caps ;Set C=0 iff character in A is a letter PHA ;preserve character AND #$5F ;clear bits 5 and 7, convert lowercase to upper CMP #$41 ;is character less than capital A? BCC caps0 ;if so then return C=1 CMP #$5B ;else is it more than capital Z? BCC caps1 ;if not then return C=0 .caps0 SEC ;else return C=1, character is a letter .caps1 PLA RTS .inform ;Print *INFO line if verbose BIT monflg ;test *OPT 1 setting BMI infrts ;if b7=1 then *OPT 1,0 do not print, else: .prtinf ;Print *INFO line JSR savita ;save AXY JSR prtnam ;print filename from catalogue TYA ;save catalogue pointer PHA LDA #dosram STA temp+$01 JSR chukbk ;return catalogue information to OSFILE block LDY #$02 ;y = $02 offset of load address in block JSR pspace ;print a space JSR prtin0 ;print load address JSR prtin0 ;print execution address JSR prtin0 ;print file length PLA ;restore catalogue pointer TAY LDA cathig+$06,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$03 ;extract MSB start sector JSR digout ;print hex nibble LDA cathig+$07,Y ;get LSB start sector JSR bytout ;print hex byte JMP pcrlf ;print newline .prtin0 ;Print 24-bit field at dosram+Y LDX #$03 ;3 bytes to print (1 to skip on exit): .prtin1 LDA dosram+$02,Y ;y points to LSB, get MSB JSR bytout ;print hex byte DEY ;decrement offset DEX ;decrement counter BNE prtin1 ;loop until 3 bytes printed JSR step7 ;add 7 to Y to point to LSB of next field JMP pspace ;print a space and exit IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;can save 3 bytes (join) .getdir JSR savita ;save AXY JMP L93C0 ;load volume catalogue ENDIF .chukbk ;Return catalogue information to OSFILE block JSR savita ;save AXY TYA ;save catalogue pointer on stack PHA TAX ;and copy to X LDY #$12 ;clear bytes at offsets 2..17 LDA #$00 .chukb7 DEY ;[D]opto STA (temp),Y CPY #$02 BNE chukb7 ;offset 2 = LSB load address .chukb5 JSR chukb4 ;copy two bytes from catalogue to OSFILE block INY ;skip high bytes of OSFILE field INY CPY #$0E ;loop until 3 fields half-filled: BNE chukb5 ;load address, execution address, file length PLA ;restore catalogue pointer TAX LDA modify,X ;get directory character BPL chukb3 ;if b7=1 then file is locked LDA #$08 ;so set attributes to LRW/RW (old style) STA (temp),Y ;no delete, owner read/write, public read/write .chukb3 LDA cathig+$06,X ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector LDY #$04 ;offset 4 = 2MSB load address JSR chukb1 ;expand bits 3,2 to top 16 bits of field LDY #$0C ;offset 12 = 2MSB file length LSR A ;chukb1 returned A = ..eelldd LSR A ;shift A right twice to make A = ....eell PHA ;save exec address AND #$03 ;extract bits 1,0 for length (don't expand) STA (temp),Y ;store in OSFILE block PLA ;restore exec address in bits 3,2 LDY #$08 ;offset 8 = 2MSB execution address: .chukb1 LSR A ;shift A right 2 places LSR A PHA ;save shifted value for return AND #$03 ;extract bits 3,2 of A on entry CMP #$03 ;if either one is clear [D]opto BNE L83D8 ;then save both as b1,0 of 2MSB LDA #$FF ;else set MSB and 2MSB = $FF. STA (temp),Y INY .L83D8 STA (temp),Y PLA ;discard byte on stack RTS .chukb4 ;Copy two bytes from catalogue to OSFILE block JSR chukb6 .chukb6 LDA cathig,X STA (temp),Y INX INY RTS .tmpinc ;Increment ptemp INC ptemp+$00 BNE tmpin0 INC ptemp+$01 .tmpin0 RTS IF _TURBO .savita ;Save AXY PHA ;stack = Rl,Rh,a,cl,ch,sl,sh JSR savit0 ;return to caller,RTS jumps to next line .savrta ;Restore AXY and return to superroutine PLA ;stack = y,x,a,sl,sh TAY ;cl,ch=caller return address PLA ;sl,sh=superroutine return address TAX PLA RTS .savit0 ;Poke AXY into stack, return to caller PHA PHA PHA TXA PHA TSX ;stack = x,a,a,a,Rl,Rh,a,cl,ch,sl,sh LDA stack+$09,X ;caller address high byte STA stack+$04,X LDA stack+$08,X ;caller address low byte STA stack+$03,X LDA stack+$07,X ;A on entry STA stack+$09,X TYA ;Y on entry STA stack+$07,X ;stack = x,a,cl,ch,Rl,Rh,y,cl,a,sl,sh PLA ;X on entry STA stack+$08,X ;stack = a,cl,ch,Rl,Rh,y,x,a,sl,sh TAX PLA ;restore A on entry RTS ;return to caller .savit ;Save XY PHA ;stack = Rl,Rh,a,cl,ch,sl,sh JSR savit0 ;return to caller,RTS jumps to next line TSX STA stack+$03,X ;replace A on entry with A from caller JMP savrta ;restore AXY and return to superroutine ELSE .savita ;Save AXY PHA ;stack = Rl,Rh,y,x,a,cl,ch,sl,sh TXA ;cl,ch=caller return address PHA ;sl,sh=superroutine return address TYA PHA LDA #>(savrta-$01) PHA LDA #<(savrta-$01) PHA .savit0 LDY #$05 ;duplicate y,x,a,cl,ch .savit1 TSX LDA stack+$07,X PHA DEY BNE savit1 LDY #$0A ;copy top 10 bytes down 2 places: .savit2 LDA stack+$09,X ;overwrite bottom copy of cl,ch STA stack+$0B,X DEX DEY ;stack now contains: BNE savit2 ;y,x,y,x,a,cl,ch,Rl,Rh,y,x,a,sl,sh PLA ;discard y,x: PLA .savrta ;Restore AXY and return to superroutine PLA TAY PLA TAX PLA RTS .savit ;Save XY PHA ;push y,x,a TXA PHA TYA PHA JSR savit0 ;restack then "call" rest of caller's routine! TSX ;get stack pointer STA stack+$03,X ;store A on exit from caller in stack: JMP savrta ;restore y,x on entry, a on exit. ENDIF .L8426 ;Convert binary value in A to BCD JSR savit ;save XY TAY ;if A=0 BEQ L8436 ;then nothing to do, return A=0 CLC ;else clear carry for add SED ;set BCD mode LDA #$00 ;start with A=0: .L8430 ADC #$01 ;add 1 in BCD mode (C=0) DEY ;loop until conversion complete BNE L8430 CLD ;then clear BCD mode and exit .L8436 RTS IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code ;was *DUMP character filtering AND #$7F CMP #$7F BEQ L8441 CMP #$20 BCS L8443 .L8441 LDA #$2E .L8443 RTS ENDIF .L8444 ;Convert ASCII digit to binary and validate SEC ;C=1 iff invalid SBC #$30 IF _SQUEEZE ELSE BCC L845F ;(redundant) ENDIF CMP #$0A RTS IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code ;Convert ASCII hex digit to binary and validate JSR setcap ;uppercase letter in A JSR L8444 ;convert ASCII digit to binary and validate BCC L845E ;if in range 0..9 then return C=0 SBC #$07 ;else subtract 7; now C=1, A >= 3 BCC L845F ;(redundant) CMP #$0A ;if A < 10 then invalid digit BCC L845F ;so return C=1 CMP #$10 ;else C=0 if 10 <= A < 16, otherwise return C=1 .L845E RTS .L845F SEC RTS ENDIF .L8461 ;Input number up to 3 digits JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 SEC BEQ L848D ;if no argument then exit Z=1, C=1 PHP LDA #$00 ;else set total = 0 STA etemp BEQ L8482 ;and branch into loop (always) .L846E JSR L8444 ;convert ASCII digit to binary and validate BCS L848C ;if digit invalid return Z=0, C=1 STA ztemp ;else store new unit IF _SQUEEZE ASL etemp LDA etemp ELSE LDA etemp ;double total ASL A ;(can save 1 byte: ASL etemp) STA etemp ENDIF ASL A ;multiply by four: A = 8 * total ASL A ADC etemp ;add 2 * total ADC ztemp ;add unit: A = 10 * total + unit STA etemp ;store new total: .L8482 JSR gsread ;call GSREAD, get next character BCC L846E ;if character present then convert it LDA etemp ;else put total in A PLP ;restore flags from GSINIT: Z=0 CLC ;return Z=0, C=0, number valid RTS .L848C PLP .L848D RTS .wdcat ;FSC 5 = *CAT JSR stxylp ;set GSINIT pointer to XY, set Y=0 JSR readrv ;[D]select specified or default drive JSR L93C0 ;load catalogue LDY #$FF STY linno ;print a newline before first entry INY STY utemp ;CSD printed first, directory char = NUL .cat8 LDA dirlow,Y ;y=0; if Y=0..7 get char from sector 0 CPY #$08 ;if Y=8..11 BCC cat9 LDA dirhig-$08,Y ;then get character of title from sector 1 .cat9 JSR pchr ;print character in A (OSASCI) INY ;loop until 12 characters of title printed CPY #$0C BNE cat8 JSR vstrng ;print " (" EQUS " (" LDA cycno ;get BCD catalogue cycle number JSR bytout ;print hex byte JSR vstrng ;print ") FM" +newline +"Drive " EQUS ") FM" EQUB $0D EQUS "Drive " LDA fdrive JSR digout LDY #$0D JSR yspace ;print number of spaces in Y JSR vstrng ;print "Option " EQUS "Option " LDA option ;get boot option/top bits volume size JSR sfour ;shift A right 4 places PHA ;a=0..3; save for printing descriptor JSR digout ;print hex nibble JSR vstrng ;print " (" EQUS " (" LDY #$03 ;4 characters to print PLA ASL A ;multiply boot option by 4 ASL A TAX ;transfer to X for use as offset .cat5 LDA opttab,X ;get character of boot option descriptor JSR pchr ;print character in A (OSASCI) INX ;increment offset DEY ;decrement count BPL cat5 ;loop until 4 characters printed JSR vstrng ;print ")" + newline + "Dir. :" EQUS ")" EQUB $0D EQUS "Dir. :" LDA defdsk ;get default drive JSR dpdot ;print digit and dot LDA defqua ;get default directory JSR pchr ;print character in A (OSASCI) LDY #$0B JSR yspace ;print number of spaces in Y JSR vstrng ;print "Lib. :" EQUS "Lib. :" LDA libdsk ;get library drive JSR dpdot ;print digit and dot LDA libqua ;get library directory JSR pchr ;print character in A (OSASCI) JSR pcrlf ;print newline LDY #$00 .cat0 CPY dirlen ;have we reached the end of the catalogue? BCS catscn ;if so then start sorting entries LDA modify,Y ;else get directory character of cat entry EOR defqua ;compare with default (CSD) directory AND #$5F ;mask off lock bit, make caseless BNE cat1 ;if directories differ skip to next entry LDA modify,Y ;else set directory character to NUL AND #$80 ;and preserve lock bit STA modify,Y .cat1 JSR step ;add 8 to Y BCC cat0 ;and loop (always) .catscn LDY #$00 ;y=$00, start at first file entry JSR findir ;find unlisted catalogue entry BCC newbst ;if entries remaining then print them LDA #$FF ;else finish catalogue STA catdrv ;forget catalogue in workspace JMP pcrlf ;print newline .nxtcat ;Find next unlisted catalogue entry JSR step ;add 8 to Y .findir ;Find unlisted catalogue entry CPY dirlen ;if catalogue pointer beyond last file BCS findx ;then return C=1 LDA catdun,Y ;else test first character of leaf name BMI nxtcat ;if b7=1 then already listed, skip .findx RTS ;else return C=0, catalogue pointer in Y .newbst STY ltemp ;save catalogue pointer LDX #$00 ;set filename offset = 0 .catlop LDA catlow,Y ;copy name and directory of first entry JSR setcap ;with b7 clear and capitalised STA dosram,X ;to workspace INY INX CPX #$08 ;loop until 8 characters copied BNE catlop .cattry JSR findir ;find unlisted catalogue entry BCS scand ;if none remaining then print lowest entry SEC ;else set C=1 for subtraction LDX #$06 ;start at 6th character (LSB) of leaf name: .catsbc LDA catlow+$06,Y ;get character of entry JSR setcap ;clear bit 7, make uppercase SBC dosram,X ;subtract character of workspace DEY ;loop until 7 characters compared DEX BPL catsbc JSR step7 ;add 7 to Y LDA modify,Y ;get directory character (MSB) of entry JSR setcap ;mask off lock bit, make uppercase SBC dosram+$07 ;subtract directory character in workspace BCC newbst ;if entry < wksp then copy entry to wksp JSR step ;else add 8 to Y BCS cattry ;and loop (always) .scand LDY ltemp ;get catalogue pointer LDA catdun,Y ;set b7 in first character of leaf name ORA #$80 ;marking entry as listed STA catdun,Y LDA dosram+$07 ;get directory character from workspace CMP utemp ;compare with last one printed BEQ sameq ;if same then add entry to group LDX utemp ;else test previous directory STA utemp ;set previous directory = current directory BNE sameq ;if prev=NUL we go from CSD to other dirs JSR pcrlf ;so print double newline: .cat3 JSR pcrlf ;print newline LDY #$FF ;set Y = $FF going to 0, start of line BNE firstc ;branch (always) .sameq LDY linno ;have we printed two entries on this line? BNE cat3 ;if so then print newline and reset counter LDY #$05 ;else tab to next field. Y = 5 spaces JSR yspace ;print number of spaces in Y, set index = 1: .firstc INY STY linno ;y = index of next entry on this line LDY ltemp ;get catalogue pointer JSR pdspc ;print two spaces JSR prtnam ;print filename from catalogue JMP catscn ;loop until all files listed .opttab ;Table of boot option descriptors 0..3 EQUS "off",$00 EQUS "LOAD" EQUS "RUN",$00 EQUS "EXEC" .dskadr ;Test if new file will fit after current file LDA cathig+$06,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector JSR isolen ;extract b5,b4 of A = MSB length STA lbahi ;save length in zero page (big-endian) IF _SQUEEZE LDA cathig+$04,Y ;setting C=1 if file includes partial sector CMP #$01 ELSE CLC ;can save 1 byte (CMP #$01) LDA #$FF ;subtract 1 from LSB length ADC cathig+$04,Y ;setting C=1 if file includes partial sector ENDIF LDA cathig+$07,Y ;add LSB start LBA + 2MSB length + C ADC cathig+$05,Y ;=LSB LBA after last sector of file STA lbalo ;save LBA in zero page (big-endian) LDA cathig+$06,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$03 ;extract MSB start LBA ADC lbahi ;add MSB start LBA + MSB length + C STA lbahi ;=MSB LBA after last sector of file: .dskspc ;Test if new file will fit at current LBA SEC LDA cathig-$01,Y ;subtract LSBs LBA of file - current LBA SBC lbalo PHA ;=LSB no. free sectors after file LDA cathig-$02,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$03 ;extract MSB start LBA SBC lbahi ;subtract MSB current LBA TAX ;=MSB no. free sectors after file LDA #$00 ;compare no. free sectors - file size in sectors CMP lenlo ;c=0 iff file includes a partial sector PLA ;compare 2MSBs SBC lenhi TXA ;compare MSBs SBC lenhl ;return C=1 file will fit, C=0 file won't fit. .return RTS .comtab ;DFS command table EQUS "ACCESS" ;*ACCESS $89AC EQUB >(access-$01),<(access-$01) EQUB $32 ;syntax $2,$3: (L) EQUS "BACKUP" ;*BACKUP $A436 EQUB >(cpydsk-$01),<(cpydsk-$01) EQUB $04 ;syntax $4: EQUS "COMPACT" ;*COMPACT $A263 EQUB >(compct-$01),<(compct-$01) EQUB $07 ;syntax $7: () EQUS "COPY" ;*COPY $A482 EQUB >(cpyfil-$01),<(cpyfil-$01) EQUB $24 ;syntax $4,$2: EQUS "DESTROY" ;*DESTROY $8756 EQUB >(destry-$01),<(destry-$01) EQUB $02 ;syntax $2: EQUS "DIR" ;*DIR $8905 EQUB >(set -$01),<(set -$01) EQUB $06 ;syntax $6: () EQUS "DRIVE" ;*DRIVE $87B0 EQUB >(drive -$01),<(drive -$01) EQUB $09 ;syntax $9: () (40)(80) EQUS "ENABLE" ;*ENABLE $8B0D EQUB >(enable-$01),<(enable-$01) EQUB $00 ;syntax $0: no arguments EQUS "FORM" ;*FORM $A5DE EQUB >(form -$01),<(form -$01) EQUB $BA ;syntax $A,$B: 40/80 ()... EQUS "FREE" ;*FREE $A812 EQUB >(free -$01),<(free -$01) EQUB $07 ;syntax $7: () EQUS "LIB" ;*LIB $8909 EQUB >(slib -$01),<(slib -$01) EQUB $06 ;syntax $6: () EQUS "MAP" ;*MAP $A815 EQUB >(map -$01),<(map -$01) EQUB $07 ;syntax $7: () EQUS "RENAME" ;*RENAME $8B72 EQUB >(rename-$01),<(rename-$01) EQUB $05 ;syntax $5: EQUS "TITLE" ;*TITLE $897D EQUB >(title -$01),<(title -$01) EQUB $08 ;syntax $8: EQUS "VERIFY" ;*VERIFY $A5DA EQUB >(verify-$01),<(verify-$01) EQUB $0B ;syntax $B: (<drive>)... EQUS "WIPE" ;*WIPE $8712 EQUB >(wipe -$01),<(wipe -$01) EQUB $02 ;syntax $2: <afsp> ;unrecognised command, *RUN it $8835 EQUB >(defcom-$01),<(defcom-$01) .initbl ;Utility command table EQUS "DISC" ;*DISC $9B6B EQUB >(init -$01),<(init -$01) EQUB $00 ;syntax $0: no arguments EQUS "DISK" ;*DISK $9B6B EQUB >(init -$01),<(init -$01) EQUB $00 ;syntax $0: no arguments ;unrecognised utility, return $8626 EQUB >(return-$01),<(return-$01) .hlptab ;*HELP keyword table EQUS "DFS" ;*HELP DFS $A125 EQUB >(help -$01),<(help -$01) EQUB $00 ;syntax $0: no arguments ;unrecognised keyword, skip $A15D EQUB >(nohelp-$01),<(nohelp-$01) .wname ;FSC 3 = unrecognised *command JSR stxylp ;set GSINIT pointer to XY, set Y=0 LDX #<(comtab-comtab-$03) ;command table offset = $FD going to 0: .wname0 TYA ;save string offset PHA .thunk INX ;skip action address, 2 bytes INX PLA ;restore offset of start of command line PHA TAY JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 INX ;skip syntax byte LDA comtab,X ;fetch first byte BMI finish ;if terminator,empty keyword matches anything DEX ;else decrement X and Y to stay in place: DEY STX comtxt .firch INX ;advance command line and table offsets INY LDA comtab,X ;get byte from table BMI chklst ;if terminator, check command also terminates EOR (linptr),Y ;else compare with character of command AND #$5F ;make comparison case-insensitive BEQ firch ;if equal then compare next characters DEX .minus INX ;scan keyword in table LDA comtab,X BPL minus ;loop until terminator reached LDA (linptr),Y ;get mismatching character of command CMP #$2E ;is it a dot? abbreviation if so, else mismatch BNE thunk ;if mismatch then skip syntax, scan next kywd INY ;else advance command line offset past the dot: BCS finish ;accept abbreviated command (always) .chklst LDA (linptr),Y ;get character of command JSR caps ;set C=0 iff character in A is a letter BCC thunk ;if so then command longer than keyword, no match .finish ;Accept command PLA ;discard offset to start of command LDA comtab,X ;get action address high byte PHA ;store high byte of vector LDA comtab+$01,X ;get action address low byte PHA ;store low byte of vector RTS ;execute command. .stxylp ;Set GSINIT pointer to XY, set Y=0 STX linptr+$00 STY linptr+$01 LDY #$00 RTS .setupr ;Call GSINIT with C=0 CLC ;c=0 space or CR terminates unquoted strings JMP gsinit ;jump to GSINIT .wipe ;*WIPE JSR setwld ;allow wildcard characters in filename JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR getlok ;ensure file matching spec in catalogue .qdel0 LDA modify,Y ;test lock bit BMI qdel4 ;if b7=1 then deletion not allowed, skip JSR prtnam ;else print filename from catalogue JSR LA403 ;print " : " and ask user yes or no BNE qdel2 ;if user replies no then find next match LDX vtemp+$00 ;[D] hold catalogue pointer ;(may be clobbered by i8271 emulator) JSR chksam ;else ensure disc not changed STX vtemp+$00 ;[D] restore catalogue pointer to zero page JSR deldec ;delete catalogue entry STY ltemp ;[D] stash updated catalogue pointer elsewhere JSR dirout ;write volume catalogue (emulator may wipe vtemp again) LDA ltemp ;[D] put catalogue pointer back in workspace STA vtemp+$00 .qdel2 JSR pcrlf ;print newline .qdel4 JSR next ;find next matching file BCS qdel0 ;if found then wipe the file RTS ;else exit IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code ;was *DELETE JSR clrwld ;disallow wildcard characters in filename JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR getlok ;ensure file matching spec in catalogue JSR inform ;print *INFO line if verbose JSR delfil ;delete catalogue entry JMP dirout ;write volume catalogue ENDIF .destry ;*DESTROY JSR chkena ;ensure *ENABLE active JSR setwld ;allow wildcard characters in filename JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR getlok ;ensure file matching spec in catalogue .destr1 LDA modify,Y ;test lock bit BMI destr5 ;if b7=1 then deletion not allowed, skip JSR prtnam ;else print filename from catalogue JSR pcrlf ;print newline .destr5 JSR next ;find next matching file BCS destr1 ;loop until all unlocked files listed JSR sure ;print "Go?" and ask user yes or no BEQ destr2 ;if user replies yes then destroy files JMP pcrlf ;else print newline and exit .destr2 JSR chksam ;ensure disc not changed JSR lookup ;search for file in catalogue .destr3 LDA modify,Y ;test lock bit BMI destr4 ;if b7=1 then deletion not allowed, skip JSR deldec ;else delete file and decrement catalogue pointer .destr4 JSR next ;find next matching file BCS destr3 ;loop until all unlocked files deleted JSR dirout ;write volume catalogue JSR vstrng ;print "Deleted" and exit EQUB $0D EQUS "Deleted" EQUB $0D .step ;Add 8 to Y INY .step7 ;Add 7 to Y INY INY INY INY INY INY INY RTS .deldec ;Delete file and decrement catalogue pointer JSR delfil ;delete file LDY vtemp+$00 ;put catalogue pointer in Y JSR unstep ;subtract 8 from Y STY vtemp+$00 ;save new catalogue pointer RTS .drive ;*DRIVE JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR getdrv ;select specified drive STA defdsk ;set default drive = current drive JSR L8461 ;input number up to 3 digits BEQ L87D7 ;if no number given then preserve 40/80 setting CMP #$28 ;else does number = 40? BEQ L87CA ;if so then C=1, set drive to 40 tracks CMP #$50 ;else does number = 80? CLC BEQ L87CA ;if so then C=0, set drive to 80 tracks JMP synerr ;else raise "Syntax: " error. .L87CA ;Set default drive to 40/80 tracks PHP ;save C=1 40 track drive, C=0 80tracks [D]new LDX defdsk ;get default drive LDA LC2DE,X ;get flags for default drive ROL A ;shift bit 7 into carry flag PLP ;restore state of carry flag on entry ROR A ;move carry flag into b7, preserve b6..0 STA LC2DE,X ;save updated drive flags .L87D7 RTS .dodriv ;Select drive in A AND #$03 ;[D]no disc operation STA fdrive ;mask drive number 0..3, set current drive RTS .loader ;OSFILE $FF = load file JSR frmlok ;ensure file matching argument in catalogue JSR tryfl0 ;set up pointer to user's OSFILE block JSR chukbk ;return catalogue information to OSFILE block LDA #$80 .loadt ;Load file into memory STA LC290+$06 ;[D] store command in high OSWORD $7F control block STY lodcat ;save catalogue offset of found file LDX #$00 LDA exelo ;test offset 6, LSB exec from OSFILE block BNE reloc ;if non-zero, use load address in catalogue INY ;else skip first two bytes of catalogue entry INY LDX #$02 ;skip over user-supplied load address in zp BNE loadt0 ;branch (always) .reloc LDA cathig+$06,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector STA lbahi JSR decodl ;expand 18-bit load address to 32-bit .loadt0 LDA cathig,Y ;copy load/exec/length/start from catalogue STA wrkcat,X ;into low words of OSFILE block INY ;(our copy, gave user theirs at loader+$06) INX CPX #$08 ;loop until 8 or 6 bytes copied, 0..7/2..7 BNE loadt0 JSR decode ;expand 18-bit exec address to 32-bit LDY lodcat ;restore catalogue offset of found file JSR inform ;print *INFO line if verbose JMP blkxx ;read ordinary file L5 and exit ;can save 1 byte: fall through, L8826 does BNE/BRA .blkrd ;Read ordinary file L5 LDA #$80 BNE L8826 .saver ;OSFILE 0 = save file JSR dirdo ;create file from OSFILE block JSR tryfl0 ;set up pointer to user's OSFILE block JSR chukbk ;return catalogue information to OSFILE block .blkwr ;Write ordinary file L5 LDA #$A0 .L8826 STA LC290+$06 ;store command in high OSWORD $7F control block: .blkxx ;Transfer ordinary file L5 JSR atot ;prepare ordinary file transfer JSR L93F9 ;transfer data and report errors L4 LDA #$01 ;return A=1, file found ;(appears in A on exit from OSFILE 0/$FF ;but these calls define no return value) RTS .wnota ;FSC 2/4/11 = */, *RUN, *RUN from library JSR stxylp ;set GSINIT pointer to XY, set Y=0: IF _BUGFIX BEQ defcon ;always branch .nobin JMP LB4AD ;raise "Bad command" error (NB: in SRAM) .defcom ;FSC 3 with *command not in table ASL A ;ensure A is even: .defcon STA L00C4 ;save call number (<> $0B from FSC 3) ELSE .defcom ;FSC 3 with *command not in table ENDIF JSR supld ;copy argument ptr and load to cat address STY linadr+$01 ;store offset of start of command line JSR frmnam ;set current file from argument pointer STY linadr+$00 ;store offset of command line tail JSR L8271 ;search for file in catalogue BCS defsuc ;if found then execute command binary LDY linadr+$01 ;else restore offset of start of command line LDA libqua ;get library directory STA qualif ;set as current directory LDA libdsk ;get library drive JSR dodriv ;select drive in A JSR frmnm1 ;parse file spec from argument pointer JSR L8271 ;search for file in catalogue BCS defsuc ;if found then execute it LDA linptr+$00 ;[D]else get LSB of GSINIT pointer ADC linadr+$01 ;add offset of start of command line TAX ;hold in X LDY linptr+$01 ;put MSB of GSINIT pointer in Y BCC L8867 ;carry out to MSB INY .L8867 LDA #$0B ;[D]pass to library FS IF _BUGFIX CMP L00C4 ;if already serving FSC 11 BEQ nobin ;then raise "Bad command" error ENDIF JMP osfscm ;[BUG]no infinite loop check like ADFS .defsuc ;Execute command binary LDA cathig+$06,Y ;[D]test exec address JSR isoexe CMP #$03 ;if b17 or b16 clear BNE L88BA ;then run as executable LDA cathig+$02,Y ;else both set. AND low bytes of exec address AND cathig+$03,Y CMP #$FF ;if exec address <> $FFFFFFFF BNE L88BA ;then run as executable LDX #$06 ;else 7 characters to move: .L8882 LDA buffer,X ;shift filename down 7 characters STA buffer+$07,X DEX BPL L8882 LDA #$0D ;add CR command line terminator STA buffer+$0E LDA #$45 ;prepend "E.:<drv>.<dir>." STA buffer+$00 IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDA #$2E STA buffer+$01 ENDIF LDA #$3A STA buffer+$02 LDA fdrive ORA #$30 STA buffer+$03 LDA #$2E ;can save 2 bytes here IF _SQUEEZE STA buffer+$01 ENDIF STA buffer+$04 STA buffer+$06 LDA qualif STA buffer+$05 LDX #<buffer ;*EXEC the file. LDY #>buffer JMP oscli .L88BA LDA #$81 ;$81 = read sector + execute privilege JSR loadt ;load file into memory CLC LDA linadr+$00 ;get offset of command line tail TAY ;and pass to command in Y (if on host) ADC linptr+$00 ;add it to GSINIT pointer in $F2,3 STA linadr+$00 ;giving command line tail pointer LDA linptr+$01 ;save it in linptr for OSARGS 1 (redundant) ADC #$00 STA linadr+$01 LDA exlow+$02 ;and high bytes of address AND exlow+$03 ;a=$FF if address is in the host ORA notube ;a=$FF if Tube absent (inverted MOS flag) CMP #$FF ;if host address or Tube absent BEQ runho ;then jump indirect LDA exelo ;else copy low word of exec address STA exlow+$00 ;over high word of load addr in OSFILE block LDA exehi STA exlow+$01 JSR clatub ;claim Tube LDX #<exlow ;point XY to 32-bit execution address LDY #>exlow LDA #$04 ;tube service call $04 = *Go JMP taddrl ;jump into Tube service .runho ;Execute command on host LDA #$01 ;enter with A=$01, entering executable JMP (exelo) ;jump to execution address .supld ;Copy argument ptr and load to cat address LDA #$FF ;lsb exec address in our OSFILE block = $FF: STA exelo ;load executable to load address in catalogue LDA linptr+$00 ;copy GSINIT string pointer to zero page STA work+$00 ;= command line pointer LDA linptr+$01 STA work+$01 RTS .set ;*DIR LDX #defqua-defqua ;point X to default directory/drive BEQ slib1 ;branch (always) .slib ;*LIB LDX #libqua-defqua ;point X to library directory/drive .slib1 JSR readdf ;set current directory STA defdsk,X ;set as default/library drive LDA qualif ;get current directory STA defqua,X ;set as default/library directory RTS .savmem ;Copy shared workspace to private page JSR savita LDA temp+$00 ;save current contents of page pointer PHA LDA temp+$01 PHA JSR suspri ;set up pointer to private page LDY #$00 ;[D]opto .relme1 CPY #prsist-mainws ;store persistent main and channel workspace BCC relme2 ;(wrapped around so that private page LDA mainws,Y ;contains: $00..$BF=seqmap, $C0..$ED=mainws) BCS relme3 .relme2 LDA seqmap,Y .relme3 STA (temp),Y INY CPY #sramws ;[D]stop at SRAM workspace BNE relme1 PLA ;restore old contents of page pointer STA temp+$01 PLA STA temp+$00 RTS .readdf ;Set current directory LDA defqua ;get default directory STA qualif ;set as current directory JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 BNE readd0 ;if argument present then parse it LDA #$00 ;else default to drive 0 JSR dodriv ;select drive in A BEQ set3 ;and exit (always) .readd0 ;Parse directory spec LDA defdsk ;get default drive JSR dodriv ;select drive in A .set4 JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD and validate filename character BCS illdir ;if invalid then raise "Bad dir" error CMP #$3A ;else is character a colon? BNE set0 ;if not then accept directory character JSR getdrv ;else JSR rdchr ;else call GSREAD BCS set3 ;if ":" by itself then "Bad drive" error CMP #$2E ;else is character a full stop? BEQ set4 ;if so then expect a directory character, else: .illdir ;Raise "Bad dir" error JSR illmsg EQUB $CE EQUS "dir" EQUB $00 .set0 STA qualif ;set directory from ASCII character JSR rdchr ;if not at end of argument BCC illdir ;then raise "Bad dir" error .set3 LDA fdrive ;else return drive number. RTS IF _SQUEEZE ELSE .title ;*TITLE JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR setdef ;set current drive and dir = default JSR getdir ;load volume catalogue L4 LDX #$0B ;first offset to store = 11 LDA #$00 ;set title to 12 NULs: .clrti0 JSR titwit ;store character of title DEX ;loop until 12 characters stored BPL clrti0 .titset INX ;x=$FF, set X=0 offset of first character JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD BCS titend ;if end of argument write catalogue JSR titwit ;else store character of title CPX #$0B ;is this the twelfth character written? BCC titset ;if not then loop to write more, else: .titend JMP dirout ;write volume catalogue and exit ;can save 3 bytes (join; acces1 BCC booto) ENDIF .titwit ;Store character of title CPX #$08 ;if offset is 8 or more BCC titllw STA dirhig-$08,X ;then store second sector, X=8..11 RTS .titllw STA dirlow,X ;else store in first sector, X=0..7 RTS .access ;*ACCESS JSR setwld ;allow wildcard characters in filename JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR getnam ;set current file from argument LDX #$00 ;preset X=$00 file unlocked JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 BNE acces5 ;if argument is empty .acces0 STX utemp ;then attribute mask = $00, file unlocked IF _SQUEEZE JSR errlok ;ensure matching file in catalogue, then: ELSE JSR lookup ;search for file in catalogue BCS acces1 ;if not found JMP nofil ;then raise "Not found" error ;can save 5 bytes (JSR errlok) ENDIF .acces1 JSR chkopn ;ensure file not open (mutex) LDA modify,Y ;get directory character from catalogue AND #$7F ;mask off old attribute ORA utemp ;apply new attribute STA modify,Y ;put back in catalogue JSR inform ;print *INFO line if verbose JSR next ;find next matching file BCS acces1 ;if found then set its attribute IF _SQUEEZE BCC booto1 ELSE BCC titend ;else write volume catalogue and exit ENDIF .acces6 LDX #$80 ;found L, set bit 7 to indicate file locked: .acces5 JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD, get character of attribute BCS acces0 ;if end of string then set attribute AND #$5F ;else clear bit 7, make uppercase CMP #$4C ;is character "L" or "l"? BEQ acces6 ;if so then set bit 7 JSR illmsg ;else raise "Bad attribute" error. EQUB $CF EQUS "attribute" EQUB $00 .wfopt ;FSC 0 = *OPT JSR savita ;save AXY TXA CMP #$04 ;is it *OPT 4? BEQ booto ;if so go and set boot option CMP #$02 ;else is it *OPT 0 or *OPT 1? BCC setmon ;if so go and set monitoring option JSR illmsg ;else raise "Bad option" error. EQUB $CB EQUS "option" EQUB $00 .setmon ;*OPT 0 / *OPT 1 monitor LDX #$FF TYA ;is verbosity level =0? BEQ stmon0 ;if so then set flag = $FF LDX #$00 ;else level >0, set flag = 0. .stmon0 STX monflg RTS .booto ;*OPT 4 set boot option TYA ;save requested option PHA JSR setdef ;set current drive and dir = default JSR L93C0 ;load volume catalogue PLA ;restore option JSR lfour ;shift A left 4 places EOR option ;xor new option with old AND #$30 ;clear all but option bits 5,4 EOR option ;b5,4 contain new option, others preserved STA option ;store new option in catalogue IF _SQUEEZE .booto1 ENDIF JMP dirout ;write volume catalogue and exit. .noroom ;Raise "Disk full" error. JSR dskmsg EQUB $C6 EQUS "full" EQUB $00 .dirdo ;OSFILE 7 = create file JSR frmnam ;set current file from argument pointer JSR lookup ;search for file in catalogue BCC filels ;if found JSR delfil ;then delete catalogue entry .filels LDA strtlo ;save start address low word PHA LDA strthi PHA SEC ;subtract end address - start address LDA endlo ;(24 bits) yielding file length SBC strtlo STA lenlo LDA endhi SBC strthi STA lenhi LDA endhl SBC strthl STA lenhl JSR genfil ;create catalogue entry LDA strthh ;copy start address high word to data pointer STA ldlow+$03 LDA strthl STA ldlow+$02 PLA ;restore low word to data pointer STA lodhi PLA STA lodlo RTS .genfil ;Create catalogue entry LDA #$00 ;start of data area = LBA $0002 STA lbahi ;set MSB of LBA = 0 LDA #$02 ;a=no. reserved sectors in data area STA lbalo ;set as LSB of LBA LDY dirlen ;get number of files in catalogue * 8 CPY #$F8 ;if there are already 31 files BCS dirful ;then raise "Cat full" error, else: JSR dskspc ;test if new file will fit at current LBA JMP spachk ;jump into loop .spalop BEQ noroom ;if cat ptr = 0 then raise "Disk full" error JSR unstep ;else subtract 8 from Y JSR dskadr ;test if new file will fit after current file .spachk TYA ;test if catalogue pointer > 0 BCC spalop ;if file won't fit then test prev cat entry STY temp ;else insert new catalogue entry here LDY dirlen ;point Y to last valid catalogue entry: .moveup CPY temp ;compare pointer with insertion point BEQ insnam ;stop copying if insertion point reached LDA catlow-$01,Y ;else copy current catalogue entry STA catlow+$07,Y ;to next slot LDA cathig-$01,Y ;leaving one slot open STA cathig+$07,Y ;for new catalogue entry DEY ;decrease pointer to work back from end BCS moveup ;and loop (always) .insnam ;Write entry into catalogue at Y=0..$F0 LDX #$00 ;offset into current filename = 0 JSR encode .namin LDA wrknam,X ;get character of current filename+dir STA catlow,Y ;store in catalogue INY ;increment both offsets INX CPX #$08 ;loop until 8 bytes copied: BNE namin .varin ;Write load/exec/length/start into catalogue LDA wrkcat-$01,X ;x=8..1 copy from wrkcat DEY ;y=catalogue pointer + 7..0 STA cathig,Y ;copy to catalogue address fields DEX ;loop until 8 bytes copied BNE varin JSR inform ;print *INFO line if verbose TYA ;save catalogue pointer PHA LDY dirlen ;get number of files in catalogue * 8 JSR step ;add 8 to Y STY dirlen ;store new file count JSR dirout ;write volume catalogue PLA ;restore catalogue pointer TAY RTS .dirful ;Raise "Cat full" error. JSR estrng EQUB $BE EQUS "Cat full" EQUB $00 .encode ;Compose top bits exec/length/load/start LDA exlow+$02 ;get b17,b16 exec address AND #$03 ;place in b1,b0 of A, clear b7..b2 ASL A ;shift A left 2 places ASL A ;a = ....ee.. EOR lenhl ;place b17,b16 of length in b1,b0 AND #$FC ;keep b7..b2 of A EOR lenhl ;a = ....eell ASL A ;shift A left 2 places ASL A ;a = ..eell.. EOR ldlow+$02 ;place b17,b16 of load address in b1,b0 AND #$FC ;keep b7..b2 of A EOR ldlow+$02 ;a = ..eelldd ASL A ;shift A left 2 places ASL A ;a = eelldd.. EOR lbahi ;place b10,b9 of start LBA in b1,b0 AND #$FC ;keep b7..b2 of A EOR lbahi ;a = eellddss STA wrkcat+$06 ;set top bits exec/length/load/start sector RTS .enable ;*ENABLE LDA #$01 ;set *ENABLE flag = 1; will be nonnegative STA enaflg ;(after FSC 8) for next *command only. RTS .decodl ;Expand 18-bit load address to 32-bit LDA #$00 STA ldlow+$03 ;set MSB of address = $00 LDA wrkcat+$06 ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector JSR isolod ;extract bit 3 to bits 1 and 0 IF _SQUEEZE BEQ decdl0 ;if clear then set high word = $0000, else: .LA5D1 ;Set high word of OSFILE load address = $FFFF ELSE CMP #$03 ;redundant (BEQ decdl0) BNE decdl0 ;if clear then set high word = $0000 ENDIF LDA #$FF ;else set high word of OSFILE load address = $FFFF STA ldlow+$03 .decdl0 STA ldlow+$02 RTS .decode ;Expand 18-bit exec address to 32-bit LDA #$00 STA exlow+$03 ;set MSB of address = $00 LDA wrkcat+$06 ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector JSR isoexe ;extract b7,b6 of A CMP #$03 ;if b7,b6 both set BNE decde0 LDA #$FF ;then a host address, set high word = $FFFF STA exlow+$03 .decde0 STA exlow+$02 ;else set 2MSB parasite address $0..2FFFF RTS .setdef ;Set current drive and directory = default LDA defqua ;get default directory STA qualif ;set as current directory: .setddr ;Select default drive LDA defdsk ;get default drive JMP dodriv ;select drive in A .readrv ;Select specified or default drive JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 BEQ setddr ;if argument empty select default drive, else: .getdrv ;Set current drive from argument JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD and validate filename character BCS drverr ;if invalid then raise "Bad drive" error CMP #$3A ;else is character a colon? BEQ getdrv ;if so then skip it and loop SEC SBC #$30 ;else convert ASCII digit to binary IF _SQUEEZE ELSE BCC drverr ;redundant ENDIF CMP #$04 ;ensure drive number in range 0..3 BCS drverr ;if not then raise "Bad drive" error JSR dodriv ;else select drive in A CLC ;return C=0, drive spec valid RTS .drverr ;Raise "Bad drive" error JSR illmsg EQUB $CD EQUS "drive" EQUB $00 .rename ;*RENAME JSR clrwld ;disallow wildcard characters in filename JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR getnam ;set current file from file spec TYA ;save command line offset PHA JSR errlok ;ensure matching file in catalogue JSR chkopl ;ensure file not locked or open (mutex) STY L00C4 ;save catalogue offset [D] was to itemp, $B3 PLA ;restore command line offset TAY JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument LDA fdrive ;save current drive PHA JSR getnam ;set current file from file spec PLA ;restore current drive CMP fdrive ;compare with destination drive BNE drverr ;if rename across drives then "Bad drive" JSR lookup ;else search for file in catalogue BCC ren4 ;if not found then update filename+dir CPY L00C4 ;else compare catalogue offsets BEQ ren4 ;if file specs match then allow case change JSR estrng ;else raise "Exists" error. EQUB $C4 EQUS "Exists" EQUB $00 .ren4 LDY L00C4 ;get catalogue offset of file JSR step ;add 8 to Y LDX #$07 ;8 characters to replace: .ren5 LDA wrknam,X ;get character of current filename+dir STA catlow-$01,Y ;store in catalogue DEY ;decrement both offsets DEX BPL ren5 ;loop until 8 bytes copied JMP dirout ;write volume catalogue and exit .L8BBC ;Internal OSWORD $7F handler CLC ;c=0 interrupts not enabled BCC L8BC1 ;branch into routine (always) .L8BBF ;External OSWORD $7F handler CLI ;enable IRQ handling SEC ;set carry flag to indicate this .L8BC1 ROR xtemp ;save interrupt flag state in xtemp STX temp+$00 ;set up pointer to caller's control block STY temp+$01 CLD ;clear decimal mode JSR L8C1C ;prepare for OSWORD $7F operation LDA L00A2 ;test result code BNE L8BD8 ;if recalibration failed then skip LDY #$05 ;else get number of OSWORD $7F parameters LDA (temp),Y BEQ L8BD8 ;if zero then skip JSR L8CD1 ;else do OSWORD $7F operation .L8BD8 LDY #$05 ;get number of OSWORD $7F parameters LDA (temp),Y CLC ;add 7 = offset of OSWORD $7F result ADC #$07 TAY ;set new offset LDA L00A2 ;get final controller status JSR L8C0D ;convert WD 1770 status to i8271 result STA (temp),Y ;store in caller's control block PHA ;save status for return CMP #$18 ;$18 = sector not found BNE L8BF1 ;if status matches LDA #$FF ;then mark both drives uncalibrated STA LC287 .L8BF1 LDA fdrive ;get drive number AND #$01 ;mask unit number TAY ;in Y as offset LDA track ;get track number of disc operation STA LC288,Y ;get track number of current unit JSR L8EDF ;write track register BIT L00A1 ;test Tube flag BPL L8C05 ;if Tube in use JSR L8F2F ;then release Tube .L8C05 JSR L8F13 ;release NMI LDA fdcdat ;read and discard FDC data register PLA ;restore result code for return RTS .L8C0D ;Convert WD 1770 status to i8271 result LDX #L90F3-L90ED-$01 ;start at end of table .L8C0F CMP L90ED,X ;scan table for known WD 1770 results BEQ L8C18 ;if match found then convert DEX ;else step to start of table BPL L8C0F ;loop until before first entry (X=$FF) RTS ;if not found return WD 1770 status. .L8C18 LDA L90F3,X ;return equivalent Intel 8271 result code RTS .L8C1C ;Prepare for OSWORD $7F operation JSR L8F04 ;claim NMI JSR L8F37 ;set track stepping speed from CMOS RAM LDA #$00 STA L00A1 ;clear read/write flag LDY #$09 ;copy bytes 9..11 of control block to zp .L8C28 LDA (temp),Y STA itemp-$09,Y ;sets itemp, atemp, ytemp from parms 3..5 INY CPY #$0C ;do not copy offset 12 BNE L8C28 LDY #$06 ;offset of command LDA (temp),Y ;get command byte AND #$F0 ;mask off flag bits (except m, multiple) CMP #$A0 ;is command $A0, write sector? BEQ L8C3E ;if so then C=1, set write flag CMP #$F0 ;else set C=1 if $F0, write track else C=0 .L8C3E ROR L00A1 ;b7=1 writing to disc, b7=0 reading from disc LDY #$03 ;offset of 2MSB data address LDA (temp),Y ;get 2MSB data address INY ;y=$04 AND (temp),Y ;and with MSB data address CMP #$FF ;if both = $FF then it's a host address CLC BEQ L8C69 ;so skip Tube setup with C=0, host transfer JSR L8EF4 ;else set Tube presence flag CLC BMI L8C69 ;if Tube absent then skip setup with C=0 JSR clatub ;else claim Tube IF _SQUEEZE LDA #$00 ;clear b7..b1 of Tube call and make zero comparand CMP L00A1 ;c=1 iff flag=$00, read bytes from disc ROL A ;convert to $00=bytes to host, $01=bytes from host ELSE LDA L00A1 ;flag=$80 write, $00 read ROL A ;convert to $01=bytes to disc, $00=bytes from disc ROL A AND #$01 ;redundant EOR #$01 ;flip b0: $00=bytes to host, $01=bytes from host ENDIF LDX temp+$00 ;point XY to caller's control block LDY temp+$01 INX ;increment low byte of pointer BNE L8C65 ;carry out to high byte INY ;to point to data address in control block .L8C65 JSR taddrl ;call Tube service to set up data transfer SEC ;set C=1, transferring to Tube: .L8C69 ROR L00A1 ;set b7=Tube flag, b6=write flag JSR L8F48 ;install NMI service routine LDY #$00 ;$00 = offset of drive parameter LDA (temp),Y ;get drive number to operate on BMI L8C78 ;if b7=1 reuse current drive then skip AND #$0F ;else mask drive number and option bits STA fdrive ;set current drive .L8C78 LDA fdrive ;get current drive IF _BUGFIX AND #$0F ;mask drive number and options CMP #$08 ;set C=bit 3, force double density AND #$03 ;mask drive number 0..3 TAX ;transfer to X for use as index LDA LC2DE,X ;get flags for selected drive STA LC28A ;set current drive flags LDA L90D1,X ;set A=latches for drive 0..3 in X LDX #$0A ;preset 10 sectors per track BCC o7fset ;if double density EOR #$20 ;then clear single density flag in b5 LDX #$10 ;and set 16 sectors per track .o7fset STX L00A3 ;set sectors per track STA latch ;store in control latch LSR A ;c=1 iff drive 0/2 selected AND #$01 ;a=1 iff drive 1/3 selected TAX ;transfer to X for use as index LDA LC288,X ;get head position of chosen drive TAX ;hold in X STY L00A2 ;clear result code/NMI busy flag LDA LC287 ;test b7=d0, b6=d1 uncal flags BCC L8CB3 ;if drive 0 is selected BPL L8CC4 ;and drive 0 uncal flag is set STY LC288+$00 ;then zero head 0 position AND #$7F ;and clear uncal flag BPL L8CBA .L8CB3 ;drive 1 selected ASL A ;drive 1 uncalibrated flag to N BPL L8CC4 ;if clear then set track register STY LC288+$01 ;else zero head 1 position AND #$7F ;clear drive 1 uncal flag ROR A ;restore drive 0 uncal flag to b7 ELSE AND #$03 ;mask drive number 0..3 TAX ;transfer to X for use as index LDA LC2DE,X ;get flags for selected drive STA LC28A ;set current drive flags LDA fdrive ;get current drive again LDY #$0A ;preset 10 sectors per track AND #$08 ;mask b3, force double density BEQ L8C8D ;if set LDY #$10 ;then set 16 sectors per track .L8C8D STY L00A3 ;set sectors per track EOR L90D1,X ;apply latches for drive 0..3 in X STA latch ;store in control latch [BUG] wrong DD bit LSR A ;c=0 drive 1/3; c=1 drive 0/2 LDX LC288+$00 ;get head position of chosen drive BCS L8C9E ;drive 0/2 LDX LC288+$01 ;or drive 1/3 .L8C9E LDY #$00 STY L00A2 ;clear result code/NMI busy flag LDA LC287 ;test b7=d0, b6=d1 uncal flags BIT LC287 BCC L8CB3 ;if drive 0 is selected BPL L8CC4 ;and drive 0 uncal flag is set STY LC288+$00 ;then zero head 0 position AND #$7F ;and clear uncal flag BPL L8CBA .L8CB3 BVC L8CC4 ;likewise for drive 1 STY LC288+$01 AND #$BF ENDIF .L8CBA STA LC287 ;update uncal flags LDA #$00 ;$00 = restore JSR L8DC9 ;execute WD 1770 command in A L1 LDX #$00 ;head now at track 0: .L8CC4 TXA ;store current track STA track JSR L8EDF ;write track register. .L8CCA RTS .L8CCB JMP L8E64 ;$C0 read address .L8CCE JMP L8DC9 ;execute WD 1770 command in A L1 .L8CD1 ;Do OSWORD $7F operation JSR L8EB4 ;seek track BNE L8CCA ;if command failed then exit silently LDY #$06 ;get command byte LDA (temp),Y CMP #$10 ;if $10 seek BEQ L8CCA ;then we just did it, so exit CMP #$C0 ;if $C0 read address BEQ L8CCB ;then handle separately CMP #$E0 ;if $E0 read track/$F0 write track BCS L8CCE ;then execute WD 1770 command in A LDY #$08 ;2nd parm, starting sector LDA (temp),Y BIT xtemp ;if called from OSWORD $7F BMI L8D49 ;then do single track operation LDX itemp+$02 ;else get ytemp set from XY+11 BEQ L8CF8 ;if transferring a partial sector INC itemp+$00 ;then round up LSB number of sectors BNE L8CF8 ;carry out to MSB INC itemp+$01 .L8CF8 JSR L90AF ;write sector register STA sector ;store current sector IF _SQUEEZE EOR #$FF ;c=1; take two's complement ADC L00A3 ;subtract current sector from no. per track ELSE SBC L00A3 ;c=1; subtract number of sectors per track EOR #$FF ;take two's complement CLC ;can save 3 bytes (EOR #$FF:ADC L00A3) ADC #$01 ;=number of sectors to end of track ENDIF STA L00A5 ;store sector count LDA itemp+$01 ;if more than 255 sectors to transfer BNE L8D2B ;then transfer rest of track LDA itemp+$00 ;else get LSB number of sectors BEQ L8D48 ;if zero then nothing to do, so exit CMP L00A5 ;else compare with span to end of track BEQ L8D14 ;if equal then transfer correct no. bytes BCS L8D2B ;if more then transfer rest of track .L8D14 STA L00A5 ;else set sector count LDX itemp+$02 ;get number of bytes to transfer BEQ L8D2B ;if >0, i.e. partial sector STX L00A6 ;then set byte count ROR L00A1 ;set b0 of flag SEC ROL L00A1 CMP #$01 ;if doing no whole sectors, only partial BNE L8D2B ;then no sector advance occurs LDA L8FA7-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;so emulate L8FA7: ?$0D4C=?$0D22 STA L8FD1-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;discard/write zeroes at end of count .L8D2B LDA itemp+$00 ;get LSB number of sectors to transfer SEC ;subtract number of sectors in this operation SBC L00A5 ;store updated count of sectors remaining STA itemp+$00 LDA itemp+$01 ;borrow in from MSB SBC #$00 STA itemp+$01 JSR L8DC5 ;execute WD 1770 command BNE L8D48 ;if failed then exit silently LDA itemp+$00 ;else test number of sectors remaining ORA itemp+$01 BEQ L8D48 ;if none remaining then exit Z=1 JSR L8E81 ;else advance track and skip bad tracks BEQ L8CF8 ;if successful then loop to do next track .L8D48 RTS ;else exit .L8D49 ;do single track operation JSR L90AF ;write sector register STA sector ;store current sector LDY #$09 ;3rd parm, sector size+count LDA (temp),Y AND #$1F ;mask off sector size code BEQ L8D48 ;if no sectors to transfer then exit Z=1 STA L00A5 ;else store sector count BIT L00A1 ;test write flag in b6 BVS L8DC5 ;if writing then execute WD 1770 command BIT LC28A ;else test disc op modifier (from C2DE,X) BVC L8DC5 ;if drive 0 and Z-BREAK in effect LDX #(L90AF-L901B+intnmi-ecowsp-$01) ;then X=size of overhang - $01: .L8D63 LDA ecowsp,X ;copy Econet reserved area STA buffer,X ;to buffer DEX BPL L8D63 JSR L8D7D ;emulate Intel 8271 disc operation LDX #(L90AF-L901B+intnmi-ecowsp-$01) ;x=size of saved Econet area .L8D71 LDA buffer,X ;restore Econet reserved workspace STA ecowsp,X ;from buffer DEX BPL L8D71 LDA L00A2 ;return final result code RTS .L8D7D ;Emulate Intel 8271 disc operation IF _BUGFIX LDA (temp),Y ;3rd parm, sector size+count STA atemp ;store in temp shift register AND #$80 ;extract b7 of byte = b2 of code BMI emudon ;%111 = 128 * 128 bytes/sector LDA #$08 ;%011 = 8 * 128 bytes/sector .emudon ASL atemp ;test b6 of byte, b1 of code BMI emudo1 ;if b6=0, %x0x LSR A ;then divide sector size by 4 LSR A .emudo1 ASL atemp ;test b5 of byte, b0 of code BMI emudo2 ;if b5=0, %xx0 LSR A ;then halve sector size .emudo2 LSR A ;halve again to get no. pages STA atemp ;store MSB sector size LDA #$00 ;clear LSB sector size ROR A ;shift carry into b7 STA itemp ;store LSB = 0 or 128 bytes ELSE LDA #$00 STA atemp ;clear MSB sector size LDA (temp),Y ;3rd parm, sector size+count AND #$E0 ;extract sector size code BNE L8D89 ;if %000, 128-byte sectors LDA #$10 ;then sector size = 128 bytes .L8D89 ASL A ;[BUG] not decoded! ROL atemp ;shift sector size code ASL A ;into MSB sector size b2..b0 ROL atemp ASL A ROL atemp STA itemp ;store LSB = 0 or 128 bytes TAX ;test LSB ENDIF BEQ L8D99 ;if sector size = 128 bytes INC atemp ;then treat as one (short) page .L8D99 JSR L8FF2 ;install i8271 emulator ISR LDA #$14 ;20 attempts STA vtemp+$01 .L8DA0 LDA #$E0 ;command = $E0 read track STA L00A2 ;set b7=1 ISR busy flag STA fdccmd ;store command register .L8DA7 LDA L00A2 ;test ISR busy flag BMI L8DA7 ;loop until ISR finished BNE L8DC4 ;if error occurred then exit LDA L00A5 ;else test no. sectors remaining BEQ L8DBA ;if no more then set result code DEC vtemp+$01 ;else decrement attempt counter BNE L8DA0 ;if attempts remaining then try again LDA #$10 ;else WD 1770 S4 = record not found STA L00A2 ;can save 1 byte: BNE L8DC4-$02 RTS .L8DBA LDA vtemp+$00 ;test found data address mark EOR #$FB ;if equal to $FB, normal DAM BEQ L8DC4 ;then return $00, good completion LDA #$20 ;else WD 1770 S5 = deleted data mark STA L00A2 .L8DC4 RTS ;NB Type I commands are handled fully here (i.e. this is the L0 routine for them). .L8DC5 ;Execute WD 1770 command L1 LDY #$06 LDA (temp),Y .L8DC9 ;Execute WD 1770 command in A L1 LDY #$FF ;y=$FF going to 0, point to start of table: .L8DCB INY ;search table for command CMP L90D5,Y BNE L8DCB ;only recognised commands used, always terminates PHA ;save command LDA L90E1,Y ;get status code mask corresponding to command STA L8F8A-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;set AND operand in NMI handler ROR L00A2 ;c=1; set b7 of flag, b7=1 ISR busy PLA ;restore command BPL L8E29 ;if a Type I command then branch BIT L00A1 ;else test write flag BVC L8DE9 ;if writing to disc LDY track CPY #$14 ;and if track number >= 20 BCC L8DE9 ORA #$02 ;then enable write precompensation .L8DE9 STA L00A7 ;store command byte LDY #$01 ;if command = $C0, read address CMP #$C0 ;then Y=1 read one address BEQ L8E0A ;and no settling delay ORA #$04 ;else enable head settling delay BCS L8E0A ;if $F0 then write one track LDY L00A5 ;else $80/$A0 read/write Y sectors CMP #$85 ;if original command was $81 BEQ L8E04 ;(read w/privilege) then command=$80 CMP #$87 ;else if $83 (=$5E/$5F verify data) BNE L8E0A LDA #L8FD8-L8F8E-$02 ;then discard all data read during NMI STA L8F8E-L8F86+intnmi+$01 .L8E04 LDA #$80 ;set repeat command =$80 read sector STA L00A7 LDA #$84 ;actual first command =$84 read/settling .L8E0A STY L00A5 ;set count of items STA fdccmd ;send command to FDC CMP #$F0 ;if it is $F0, write track BCC L8E1B JSR L8E54 ;then wait until controller idle L0 AND #$5C ;mask {WrProt NotFound CRCError LostData} STA L00A2 ;store command result RTS .L8E1B LDA L00A2 ;else wait until ISR finished BMI L8E1B CMP #$20 ;if deleted data was read BNE L8E26 JSR L8E5A ;then wait until controller idle .L8E26 LDA L00A2 ;return masked controller status RTS .L8E29 ;type I command LDY #$01 ;execute it once STY L00A5 ORA L00A4 ;apply stepping speed bits in b1,b0 STA fdccmd ;send command to FDC BIT xtemp ;if called from OSWORD $7F BMI L8E1B ;then wait for ISR and return status CMP #$20 ;else if $20 step/$40 step in/$60 step out BCS L8E1B ;then wait for ISR and return status .L8E3A LDA L00A2 ;else seek/restore. wait until ISR finished BPL L8E53 ;if so then exit LDA escflg ;else test escape flag BPL L8E3A ;if Escape not pressed then keep waiting LDA #$40 ;else $0D00 = RTI STA intnmi+$00 LDA #$00 ;b2=0 put FDC in reset STA latch IF _BUGFIX LDA #$FF ELSE LDA escflg ;reload escape flag = $FF [BUG] ENDIF STA catdrv ;forget catalogue in workspace STA L00A2 ;set bogus controller status = $FF, escape .L8E53 RTS .L8E54 ;Wait for controller to complete operation L0 LDA fdcsta ;get status from FDC ROR A ;test WD1770 S0 = busy BCC L8E54 ;if not busy then wait for operation to start .L8E5A ;Wait for controller to become idle LDA fdcsta ;get status from FDC ROR A ;test WD1770 S0 = busy BCS L8E5A ;if busy then wait for operation to finish LDA fdcsta ;then get final status from FDC RTS .L8E64 ;$C0 Read address LDA #L8FD8-L8F8E-$02 ;?$0D4C=$48 STA L8FD1-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;set ISR to discard data after count read LDX L8F8E-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;hold DRQ dispatch branch operand .L8E6C SBC #$01 ;wait 180 microseconds BNE L8E6C STX L8F8E-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;restore branch operand (=$2F store bytes read) LDA #$04 ;4 bytes to read STA L00A6 ;set count of bytes to transfer JSR L8DC5 ;execute WD 1770 command BNE L8E80 ;if command failed exit Z=0 DEC itemp ;else decrement count of sector IDs to read BNE L8E6C ;loop until all IDs read .L8E80 RTS .L8E81 ;Advance track and skip bad tracks JSR L8EA1 ;advance track BNE L8EA0 ;if failed then exit LDA fdrive ;else get drive number AND #$01 ;mask unit number ASL A ;double it TAY ;to Y as bad track table offset LDA track ;get current track BIT LC28A ;test 40-track flag BPL L8E94 ;if set LSR A ;then halve track number .L8E94 CMP LC28B,Y ;compare with first bad track BEQ L8E81 ;if equal then advance track CMP LC28B+$01,Y ;else compare with second bad track BEQ L8E81 ;if equal then advance track LDA #$00 ;else return Z=1, succeeded .L8EA0 RTS .L8EA1 ;Advance track BIT LC28A ;test 40-track flag BPL L8EAD ;if clear then step in once LDA #$40 ;else $40 = step in JSR L8EAF ;increment track and step drive BNE L8EA0 ;if step failed then exit .L8EAD LDA #$50 ;$50 = step in, update track reg. .L8EAF INC track ;increment current track JMP L8DC9 ;execute WD 1770 command in A L1 .L8EB4 ;Seek track LDA fdrive ;get current drive AND #$01 ;extract unit number 0=0/2 1=1/3 ASL A ;double it TAX ;to X as bad track register offset LDY #$07 LDA (temp),Y ;1st parm, track number JSR L8EE8 ;skip bad tracks on unit X/2 BIT LC28A ;test current disc operation flags BPL L8EC7 ;if 40-track flag set ASL A ;then double track number .L8EC7 STA track ;store current track number TAY ;if zero BEQ L8ED6 ;then command=$00 restore .L8ECC STA fdcdat ;else store track no. in data register CMP fdcdat ;loop until FDC takes it BNE L8ECC LDA #$10 ;command=$10 seek .L8ED6 JSR L8DC9 ;execute WD 1770 command in A L1 BNE L8EF3 ;if command failed then exit silently LDY #$07 ;else get back 1st parm, track number LDA (temp),Y ;set FDC track register to logical track number: .L8EDF ;Write track register STA fdctrk CMP fdctrk BNE L8EDF RTS .L8EE8 ;Skip bad tracks on unit X/2 JSR L8EEC ;skip first bad track INX ;point X to second bad track register: .L8EEC CMP LC28B,X ;if A equals or exceeds bad track no. then add 1 IF _SQUEEZE ELSE BCC L8EF3 ;redundant, can save 2 bytes ENDIF ADC #$00 ;or 1 byte by unrolling (-INX) .L8EF3 RTS .L8EF4 ;Set Tube presence flag LDA #$EA LDX #$00 ;$00 = don't alter variable LDY #$FF ;$FF = don't update variable JSR osbyte ;call OSBYTE $EA = read Tube presence flag TXA EOR #$FF ;invert; 0=tube present $FF=Tube absent STA notube ;save Tube presence flag RTS .L8F04 ;Claim NMI LDA #$8F ;OSBYTE $8F = issue service call LDX #$0C ;service call $0C = claim NMI LDY #$FF ;call OSBYTE with Y=$FF JSR osbyte STY prenmi ;save ID of previous NMI owner INC colds ;$00 = force cold start RTS .L8F13 ;Release NMI LDY prenmi ;Y = ID of previous NMI owner LDA #$8F LDX #$0B ;service call $0B = NMI release JSR osbyte ;call OSBYTE $8F = issue service call DEC colds ;$FF = allow warm start RTS .clatub ;Claim Tube PHA .clatb0 LDA #$C0+dftbid ;tube service call = $C0 + ID for DFS (1) JSR taddrl ;call Tube service BCC clatb0 ;loop until C=1, indicating claim granted PLA RTS .reltub ;Release Tube JSR L8EF4 ;set Tube presence flag [D]opto BMI L8F36 ;if Tube not present then exit, else: .L8F2F PHA LDA #$80+dftbid ;tube service call = $80 + ID for DFS (1) JSR taddrl ;call Tube service PLA .L8F36 RTS .L8F37 ;Set track stepping speed from CMOS RAM LDA #$A1 ;OSBYTE $A1 = read CMOS RAM LDX #$0B ;$0B = ADFS start-up options, keyboard settings and floppy drive parameters JSR osbyte TYA AND #$02 ;if bit 1 set BEQ L8F45 LDA #$03 ;then set $03 = slowest stepping (30 ms) .L8F45 STA L00A4 ;else set $00 = fastest stepping (6 ms) RTS .L8F48 ;Install NMI service routine LDX #L8FE4-L8F86-$01 ;set X=offset of last byte of routine .L8F4A LDA L8F86,X ;copy routine to NMI service area at $0D00 STA intnmi,X DEX BPL L8F4A LDX #L8FC2-L8FBF ;if reading, X=3 BIT L00A1 ;to paste address into STA instruction BVC L8F69 LDA #L8FDD-L8F8E-$02 ;else set NMISR to write zeroes at end of transfer STA L8FA7-L8F86+intnmi+$01 LDX #L8FF2-L8FE4 ;point X to last byte of write overlay .L8F60 LDA L8FE4-$01,X ;replace part of NMI service routine with write overlay STA L8FBF-L8F86+intnmi-$01,X DEX BNE L8F60 ;finish with X=0 .L8F69 BIT L00A1 ;test Tube flag BMI L8F7B ;if transferring to host LDY #$01 ;then get LSB of data address from control block LDA (temp),Y STA L8FBF-L8F86+intnmi+$01,X ;paste LSB LDA operand (X=0) or STA (X=3) INY ;y=$02 LDA (temp),Y ;get 3MSB data address STA L8FBF-L8F86+intnmi+$02,X ;paste MSB LDA operand (X=0) or STA (X=3) RTS .L8F7B ;transferring to Tube. LDA #$B0 ;0D3F=BCS L8FCD STA L8FC5-L8F86+intnmi+$00 LDA #L8FCD-L8FC5-$02 ;always branch; do not increment R3DATA address STA L8FC5-L8F86+intnmi+$01 RTS ;NMI routine copied to $0D00 .L8F86 PHA ;save A from main thread LDA fdcsta ;read status register .L8F8A AND #$18 ;apply mask matching command (pasted here) CMP #$03 ;if {DRQ Busy} then data request .L8F8E BEQ L8FBF ;so handle DRQ (default: read to Tube) AND #$FC ;else mask off {DRQ Busy}; b7 already clear BNE L8F98 ;if S6..S2 set then return result code DEC L00A5 ;else command complete; decrement sector count BNE L8F9C ;if more sectors then advance to next sector .L8F98 STA L00A2 ;clear NMI busy flag, b6..2=status PLA ;restore A from main thread RTI ;return from interrupt .L8F9C ;advance sector LDA L00A5 ;test no. sectors remaining CMP #$01 ;if next sector is the last BNE L8FAC LDA L00A1 ;then test b0=partial sector flag ROR A BCC L8FAC ;if set .L8FA7 LDA #L8FD8-L8F8E-$02 ;then discard data/write zeroes at end of byte count STA L8FD1-L8F86+intnmi+$01 .L8FAC INC sector ;increment current sector LDA sector ;get new current sector .L8FB0 STA fdcsec ;write sector register CMP fdcsec ;loop until FDC takes it BNE L8FB0 LDA L00A7 ;get repeat command STA fdccmd ;write to command register PLA ;restore A from main thread RTI ;return from interrupt .L8FBF ;data request handler LDA fdcdat ;read data register .L8FC2 STA reg3 ;if reading to host, address pasted here .L8FC5 INC L8FC2-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;increment low byte of host address BNE L8FCD ;(branched-over if transferring to/from Tube) INC L8FC2-L8F86+intnmi+$02 ;carry out to high byte .L8FCD DEC L00A6 ;decrement byte count BNE L8FD6 ;exit ISR if bytes remaining .L8FD1 LDA #L8FBF-L8F8E-$02 ;0D4B set dispatch branch offset for next DRQs STA L8F8E-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;default: continue reading to memory .L8FD6 PLA ;restore A from main thread RTI ;return from interrupt .L8FD8 LDA fdcdat ;read and discard data register PLA ;restore A from main thread RTI ;return from interrupt .L8FDD LDA #$00 ;write zero to data register STA fdcdat PLA ;restore A from main thread RTI ;return from interrupt .L8FE4 ;Write overlay pasted to $0D39 LDA reg3 ;if writing to host, address pasted here / L8FBF .L8FE7 STA fdcdat ;write data register INC L8FBF-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;increment low byte of host address BNE L8FF2 ;actually goes to L8FCD INC L8FBF-L8F86+intnmi+$02 ;carry out to high byte .L8FF2 ;Install i8271 emulator ISR LDX L8FC2-L8F86+intnmi+$01 ;extract I/O write address LDA L8FC2-L8F86+intnmi+$02 ;from basic ISR, X=LSB A=MSB PHA ;save MSB LDY #L90AF-L901B ;y=offset of last byte of ISR .L8FFB LDA L901B-$01,Y ;copy ISR from ROM STA intnmi-$01,Y ;to NMI area at $0D00 DEY BNE L8FFB PLA ;restore MSB write address BIT L00A1 ;if reading to Tube BPL L9014 LDA #$B0 ;then $0D18 = BCS $0D20 STA L9033-L901B+intnmi+$00 LDA #L903B-L9033-$02 ;always branch; do not increment R3DATA address STA L9033-L901B+intnmi+$01 RTS .L9014 STX L9030-L901B+intnmi+$01 ;else reading to I/O memory STA L9030-L901B+intnmi+$02 ;paste write address into new ISR. RTS ;NMI routine copied to $0D00 .L901B PHA ;save A from main thread LDA fdcsta ;read status register AND #$1B ;apply mask matching command (pasted here) CMP #$03 ;if idle or no DRQ BNE L902A ;then finish ISR LDA fdcdat ;else DRQ, read data register .L9028 BCS L9050 ;state 0: wait for IAM .L902A AND #$FC ;mask off S1 DRQ/S0 busy STA L00A2 ;clear NMI busy flag, b6..2=status PLA RTI .L9030 ;state 8 STA reg3 ;store data in I/O or Tube memory .L9033 INC L9030-L901B+intnmi+$01 ;increment LSB I/O address BNE L903B ;carry out to MSB INC L9030-L901B+intnmi+$02 ;fall through: .L903B ;state 9 DEC L00A6 ;decrement LSB bytes remaining this sector BNE L904E ;borrow in from MSB DEC L00A7 BNE L904E ;if count underflows LDA #L90A1-L9028-$02 ;then go to state 10 if more sectors DEC L00A5 ;decrement sector count BNE L904B ;if no more sectors LDA #L904E-L9028-$02 ;then go to state 13 .L904B STA L9028-L901B+intnmi+$01 ;set dispatch branch offset, fall through: .L904E ;state 13 PLA ;discard all further data from FDC RTI .L9050 ;state 0 CMP #$FE ;if ID Address Mark reached BEQ L9058 CMP #$CE ;or variant due to sync error BNE L904E .L9058 LDA #L905C-L9028-$02 ;then go to state 1 BNE L904B .L905C ;state 1 SBC fdcdat ;c=1, subtract data reg.; =0 if stable STA ytemp ;this is the C parameter; save result LDA #L9065-L9028-$02 ;go to state 2 BNE L904B .L9065 ;state 2 LDA #L9069-L9028-$02 ;discard H parameter BNE L904B ;go to state 3 .L9069 ;state 3 SBC sector ;compare R with current sector ORA ytemp ;or difference with C result STA ytemp ;ytemp=0 if sector numbers match LDA #L9073-L9028-$02 ;go to state 4 BNE L904B .L9073 ;state 4 LDA #L9077-L9028-$02 ;discard N parameter BNE L904B ;go to state 5 .L9077 ;state 5 LDA itemp ;discard MSB ID CRC character STA L00A6 ;reset LSB number of bytes to read LDA #L907F-L9028-$02 ;go to state 6 BNE L904B .L907F ;state 6 LDA atemp ;discard LSB ID CRC character STA L00A7 ;reset number of (short) pages to read LDA #L9087-L9028-$02 ;go to state 7 BNE L904B .L9087 ;state 7 CMP #$FB ;if normal Data Address Mark reached BEQ L908F CMP #$F8 ;or Deleted Data Address Mark reached BNE L904E ;then proceed else exit ISR .L908F STA vtemp+$00 ;store Data Address Mark found LDA ytemp ;if sector ID is incorrect BNE L909B ;then discard sector contents INC sector ;else increment sector no. to match next LDA #L9030-L9028-$02 ;and go to state 8 BNE L904B .L909B ;discard sector contents INC L00A5 ;inc. sector count to include this interloper LDA #L903B-L9028-$02 ;and go to state 9 BNE L904B .L90A1 ;state 10 LDA #L90A5-L9028-$02 ;discard MSB data CRC character BNE L904B ;go to state 11 .L90A5 ;state 11 LDA #L90A9-L9028-$02 ;discard LSB data CRC character BNE L904B ;go to state 12 .L90A9 ;state 12 BNE L904E ;discard data until $00 found LDA #L9050-L9028-$02 ;then go to state 0 BNE L904B .L90AF ;Write sector register STA fdcsec CMP fdcsec ;loop until FDC acknowledges new value BNE L90AF RTS IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code LDX #$00 LDA #$5A ;set track reg. out of range .L90BC STA fdctrk CMP fdctrk BEQ L90C9 DEX BNE L90BC .L90C7 CLC RTS .L90C9 LDA latch AND #$03 BEQ L90C7 RTS ENDIF ;Table of drive control latch values for drives 0..3 .L90D1 EQUB $25,$26,$35,$36 ;Table of WD 1770 commands .L90D5 EQUB $00,$10,$40,$50 EQUB $80,$81,$83,$A0 EQUB $A1,$C0,$E0,$F0 ;Table of WD 1770 status code mask values .L90E1 EQUB $18,$18,$18,$18 EQUB $3F,$1F,$1F,$5F EQUB $5F,$17,$1B,$5F ;Table of WD 1770 status codes .L90ED EQUB $08,$10,$18,$20 EQUB $40,$00 ;Table of equivalent Intel 8271 result codes .L90F3 EQUB $0E,$18,$0C,$20 EQUB $12,$00 ;Addresses of format RLE tables .L90F9 EQUW L9121 .L90FB EQUW L90FD .L90FD ;Double density format RLE table EQUB $3C .L90FE ;lead-in to sector ID EQUB $0C,$03,$01 EQUB $01,$01,$01,$01 EQUB $01,$16,$0C,$03 EQUB $01 .L910A ;sector data area (bytes) EQUB $FF .L910B ;sector data area (pages) EQUB $01,$01 .L910D ;gap3 EQUB $18 .L910E ;gap4 EQUB $04 .L910F EQUB $4E,$00,$F5,$FE .L9113 ;CHRN values in sector header EQUB $00,$00,$00,$00 EQUB $F7,$4E,$00,$F5 EQUB $FB,$5A,$5A,$F7 EQUB $4E,$4E .L9121 ;Single density format RLE table EQUB $10,$06,$00,$01 EQUB $01,$01,$01,$01 EQUB $01,$0B,$06,$00 EQUB $01,$FF,$01,$01 EQUB $13,$03 EQUB $FF,$00,$00,$FE EQUB $00,$00,$00,$00 EQUB $F7,$FF,$00,$00 EQUB $FB,$E5,$E5,$F7 EQUB $FF,$FF .L9145 ;Table of Intel 8271 commands EQUB $0A,$0B,$0E,$0F ;first four are write commands .L9149 EQUB $12,$13,$16,$17 EQUB $1B,$1E,$1F,$23 EQUB $29 .L9152 ;Table of extension commands EQUB $20,$30 .L9154 ;Table of equivalent WD 1770 commands EQUB $A0,$A0,$A1,$A1 EQUB $80,$80,$81,$81 EQUB $C0,$83,$83,$F0 EQUB $10,$E0,$F0 .L9163 ;OSWORD $7F = general read/write function (DFS) LDA #$FF STA catdrv ;forget catalogue in workspace STX userpt+$00 ;set up pointer to user's control block STY userpt+$01 LDY #$0C ;13 bytes to copy incl. space for format result .L916E LDA (userpt),Y ;copy bytes of user's control block STA work,Y ;to workspace DEY ;loop until 13 bytes copied BPL L916E LDX #L9152-L9145-$01 ;end of official command table LDA work+$05 ;get number of parameters CMP #$0A ;if equal to ten BNE L9180 LDX #L9154-L9145-$01 ;then search extension commands .L9180 LDA work+$06 ;get command byte AND #$3F ;mask off drive select bits CMP #$3A ;if =$3A write special registers BEQ L91D3 ;then branch CMP #$3D ;if =$3D read special registers BEQ L91F3 ;then branch CMP #$35 ;if =$35 initialise BNE L9193 JMP L920E ;then jump to handler .L9193 CMP L9145,X ;compare user's command with table entry BEQ L919F ;if match found then proceed with disc op DEX ;else loop until whole table scanned BPL L9193 .L919B ;command not found LDA #$FE ;return status $FE BMI L91C8 ;branch (always) .L919F CMP #$23 ;if A=$0A,$0B,$0E,$0F or $23 BEQ L91A7 ;(all write commands) CPX #L9149-L9145 ;then reject if 40-track flag set BCS L91B5 .L91A7 LDA work+$00 ;get drive number from control block BPL L91AD ;if b7=1, reusing previous drive LDA fdrive ;then get current drive number .L91AD AND #$03 ;mask drive number in bits 1,0 TAY ;transfer to y for use as index LDA LC2DE,Y ;b7=40-track flag set on drive Y BMI L919B ;if set then exit with status $FE .L91B5 LDY L9154,X ;else fetch equivalent WD 1770 command STY work+$06 ;replace original in workspace CPY #$F0 ;if =$F0 write track BNE L91C1 JSR L9251 ;then convert CHRN table to track buffer .L91C1 LDX #<work ;point XY to modified control block LDY #>work JSR L8BBF ;call external OSWORD $7F handler IF _SQUEEZE .L920B ENDIF .L91C8 PHA ;save result of disc operation LDA work+$05 ;get number of parameters to command CLC ADC #$07 ;add 7 = offset of result byte TAY ;move to Y to use as index PLA ;restore result STA (userpt),Y ;store in caller's control block RTS .L91D3 ;$3A Write special registers JSR L923E ;validate bad track register address BCS L91DF ;if not a bad track reg. then skip LDA work+$08 ;2nd parm, register value STA LC28B,X ;store in bad track array at X BCC L91EF ;return result $00 (always) .L91DF JSR L922D ;validate current track register address BCC L920B ;if invalid then return result $FE LDA work+$08 ;else 2nd parm, register value LDY LC2DE,X ;test 40-track flag for UNIT X BPL L91EC ;if set ASL A ;then double track number .L91EC STA LC288,X ;store position of unit 0/1 .L91EF LDA #$00 ;return result $00 BEQ L920B .L91F3 ;$3D Read special registers JSR L923E ;validate bad track register address BCS L91FD ;if not a bad track reg. then skip LDA LC28B,X ;else read from bad track array at X BCC L920B ;return track number as result (always) .L91FD JSR L922D ;validate current track register address BCC L920B ;if invalid then return result $FE LDA LC288,X ;else get position of unit 0/1 LDY LC2DE,X ;test 40-track flag for UNIT X BPL L920B ;if set LSR A ;then halve track number IF _SQUEEZE BPL L920B ELSE .L920B JMP L91C8 ;can save 1 byte (BPL/BRA) ENDIF .L920E ;$35 Initialise LDA #$FF ;preset result $FF (not $FE!) LDX #$00 ;preset offset 0 for unit 0 LDY work+$07 ;1st parm, subcommand / parameter 0 CPY #$10 ;$10 = load surface 0 bad tracks BEQ L921E ;if match then set up unit 0 CPY #$18 ;$18 = load surface 1 bad tracks BNE L922A ;if mismatch then return result $FF INX ;else point to unit 1 bad track array INX ;(can save time: LDX #$02) .L921E LDA work+$08 ;2nd parm, bad track 1 STA LC28B,X LDA work+$09 ;3rd parm, bad track 2 STA LC28B+$01,X ;[BUG] current track not initialised LDA #$00 ;return result $00 .L922A JMP L91C8 .L922D ;Validate current track register address LDX #$00 ;preset offset to 0 LDA work+$07 ;1st parm, register address CMP #$12 ;if =$12, unit 0 current track BEQ L923D ;then accept with C=1, offset=0 INX ;else offset=1 CMP #$1A ;if =$1A, unit 1 current track BEQ L923D ;then accept with C=1, offset=1 LDA #$FE ;else result=$FE, unrecognised command CLC ;return C=0, invalid address .L923D RTS .L923E ;Validate bad track register address LDA work+$07 ;1st parm, register address AND #$F6 ;accept n,n+1,n+8,n+9 CMP #$10 ;if not $10,$11,$18,$19 SEC ;then exit C=1 invalid address BNE L9250 LDA work+$07 ;get back address LSR A ;move b3, unit select LSR A ;to b1 (b0=0 from previous test) ORA work+$07 ;put bad track slot no. in b0 AND #$03 ;mask b1=unit, b0=bad track slot no. TAX ;to X as bad track array offset .L9250 RTS .L9251 ;Convert CHRN table to track buffer JSR getlsz ;get start and size of user memory LDA work+$01 ;get LSB of caller's data address (CHRN table) STA temp+$00 ;set up LSB of data pointer STA atemp+$00 ;and LSB of track buffer pointer CLC ADC #$80 ;add 128 to it STA xtemp+$00 ;set up LSB of RLE table pointer LDA work+$02 ;get MSB of caller's data address STA temp+$01 ;set up MSB of data pointer PHP ;save carry flag from ADC JSR L8EF4 ;set Tube presence flag BMI L9271 ;if Tube absent LDA work+$03 ;or high bytes = $FF ORA work+$04 ;of source address CMP #$FF BNE L9278 .L9271 LDA temp+$01 ;then atemp[1]=max(OSHWM,work[2]) CMP frpage BCS L927B .L9278 LDA frpage ;else source on Tube; atemp[1]=OSHWM .L927B PLP STA atemp+$01 ;but now xtemp[]=atemp[]+$0080 ADC #$00 ;and atemp[]=atemp[]+$0100 STA xtemp+$01 ;i.e. 128/256 bytes above CHRN table INC atemp+$01 ;[BUG]clobbers user memory! LDA work+$00 ;if b7=1, reusing previous drive BPL L928A LDA #$00 ;then format drive 0, SD! (C=0) .L928A ROL A ;shift bit 5 of drive parameter into carry ROL A ROL A STA LC28A ;save b4..2 (and drive) as disc op modifier LDX #L90FB-L90F9 ;point to SD table address ROL A ;if b3, force DD, was set BMI L9297 LDX #L90F9-L90F9 ;then point to DD table address .L9297 LDA L90F9+$00,X ;set up pointer to RLE table in ROM STA vtemp+$00 LDA L90F9+$01,X STA vtemp+$01 LDY #L9121-L90FD-$01 ;40 bytes to copy: .L92A3 LDA (vtemp),Y ;copy RLE table from ROM STA (xtemp),Y ;to user memory DEY ;loop until 40 bytes copied BPL L92A3 IF _BUGFIX LDY #$01 ;size code %000 = 1 * 128 bytes LDA work+$09 BPL code1 LDY #$10 ;size code %100 = 16 * 128 bytes = 2K .code1 STY vtemp+$00 ;store starter sector size in workspace ASL A ;put b6 of parameter = b1 of code in N BPL code0 ;if set ASL vtemp+$00 ;then multiply sector size by 4 ASL vtemp+$00 .code0 ASL A ;put b5 of parameter = b0 of code in N BPL coded ;if set ASL vtemp+$00 ;then multiply sector size by 2 .coded LSR A ;restore sector count to bits 5..0 LSR A AND #$1F ;mask sector count STA etemp ;save as counter LDA vtemp+$00 ;get number of 128-byte units per sector LSR A ;halve it; 128-byte remainder in C LDY #L910A-L90FD ;point to data area (pages) count STA (xtemp),Y ;store in RLE table INY ;point to data area (bytes) count LDA #$00 ;set A=$00 no bytes ROR A ;or $80 if data area is 128 bytes STA (xtemp),Y ;store in RLE table ELSE INY ;y=$00 STY vtemp+$00 ;zero size code receiver LDA work+$09 ;3rd parm, sector size+count PHA ;save sector count AND #$E0 ;mask size code in b7..b5 BNE L92B6 ;all codes >0 indicate a whole no. of pages LDA #$10 ;code 0 indicates 128-byte sectors: .L92B6 ASL A ;shift the three size code bits ROL vtemp+$00 ;into the size code receiver ASL A ROL vtemp+$00 ASL A ;now A=$00 or A=$80 ROL vtemp+$00 LDY #L910A-L90FD ;point to data area (bytes) count STA (xtemp),Y ;store A in RLE table LDA vtemp+$00 ;get size code in b2..b0 INY ;point to data area (pages) count STA (xtemp),Y ;set as count of pages ;[BUG] not decoded! code %011 writes 768 bytes PLA AND #$1F ;extract b5..b0 STA etemp ;store number of sectors on track ENDIF LDA work+$08 ;2nd parm, gap3 LDY #L910D-L90FD ;point to gap3 count STA (xtemp),Y ;store in RLE table LDA work+$0B ;5th parm, gap1 LDY #$00 ;point to gap1 count STA (xtemp),Y ;store in RLE table TYA IF _SQUEEZE ELSE STA ztemp ;redundant ENDIF JSR L9387 ;append run from table to track buffer JSR L8EF4 ;test Tube presence BMI L931B ;if Tube absent then skip LDA work+$03 ;if high bytes are $FF AND work+$04 ;i.e. address is not a Tube address CMP #$FF BEQ L931B ;then skip IF _BUGFIX ELSE LDA #$FF ;else set high bytes to $FF STA work+$03 ;[BUG] corrupts source address given to Tube STA work+$04 ;Tube transfer starts from $FFFFxxxx ENDIF JSR clatub LDX #<(work+$01) LDY #>(work+$01) TYA ;a=0, bytes to host JSR taddrl ;must delay 24 us from return to first LDr LDX atemp+$01 ;set temp[1]=host src addr or OSHWM DEX STX temp+$01 LDA etemp ;get number of sectors on track ASL A ASL A ;* 4 = number of CHRN bytes; C=0 TAX ;put in X as counter LDY #$00 ;start at beginning of local table (9.5 us): .L9309 LDA #$07 ;wait 15.5 us (C=0)/18.0 us (C=1) .L930B SBC #$01 BNE L930B ;c=1 at end of loop LDA reg3 ;get CHRN byte from Tube FIFO 3 STA (temp),Y ;store in local table INY ;increment offset DEX ;decrement counter BPL L9309 ;loop until CHRN acquired (26.5 us/byte) JSR L8F2F ;release Tube IF _BUGFIX LDA #$FF ;set high bytes to $FF STA work+$03 ;track buffer is in I/O memory STA work+$04 ENDIF .L931B LDA atemp+$01 STA work+$02 ;work[2] = atemp[1] w/o increments .L931F LDY #L9113-L90FD ;point to sector ID in RLE table (C byte) LDX #$00 ;zero offset for indexed indirect load: .L9323 LDA (temp,X) ;get byte of CHRN table STA (xtemp),Y ;overwrite CHRN fields in RLE table INC temp ;increment LSB of CHRN table pointer BNE L932D ;carry out to MSB INC temp+$01 .L932D INY ;increment offset into RLE table CPY #L9113-L90FD+$04 ;have we reached the CRC insertion code? BNE L9323 ;if not then update the rest of CHRN LDA #L90FE-L90FD ;else start at ID lead-in sequence STA vtemp+$00 ;and add 13 entries including data area (bytes): .L9336 LDA vtemp+$00 ;get current offset into RLE table CMP #L910B-L90FD ;have we reached the data area (pages)? BNE L9341 ;if not then append rest of preamble JSR L9368 ;else append required number of pages of data BEQ L9344 ;and skip next instruction (always) .L9341 JSR L9387 ;append run from table to track buffer .L9344 INC vtemp+$00 ;increment RLE table offset LDA vtemp+$00 ;get its current value CMP #L910E-L90FD ;are we now at the last entry (gap4)? BNE L9336 ;if not then loop IF _SQUEEZE ELSE INC ztemp ;redundant ENDIF DEC etemp ;else decrement number of sectors remaining BNE L931F ;loop until all sectors added TAY ;transfer RLE table offset to Y LDA #$0E ;3584 bytes = SD track length 3125 + 459 BIT LC28A ;if formatting double density BVC L935C LDA #$1A ;then 6656 bytes = DD track length 6250 + 406 .L935C CLC ADC work+$02 ;add MSB start of track buffer = generous end point SBC atemp+$01 ;subtract end of last sector BCS L9365 ;if track short then pad with gap4 [BUG] may be 0! LDA #$01 ;else $01 = write 256 bytes: .L9365 ;Append byte from table x (A*256) to track buffer STA (xtemp),Y ;store run length in RLE table TYA ;copy offset to A: .L9368 ;Append run x 256 from table to track buffer JSR L9379 ;get run from RLE table BEQ L9378 ;if run length = $00 then exit, else: STX vtemp+$01 ;store run length in counter LDX #$00 ;$00 = repeat 256 times .L9371 JSR L938C ;append A x X to track buffer DEC vtemp+$01 ;decrement counter BNE L9371 ;loop until 256*X bytes appended .L9378 RTS ;returns Z=1 .L9379 ;Get run from RLE table TAY ;offset in A, transfer to Y LDA (xtemp),Y ;get run length into X TAX TYA ;put offset back in A CLC ;add run table length to point to values ADC #L910F-L90FD TAY ;put new offset in Y LDA (xtemp),Y ;get value in A CPX #$00 ;test run length; Z=1 if zero RTS .L9387 ;Append run from table to track buffer JSR L9379 ;get run from RLE table BEQ L9399 ;if run length = $00 then exit, else: .L938C ;Append A x X to track buffer LDY #$00 ;clear offset, start at (atemp) .L938E STA (atemp),Y ;write value in A to track buffer INC atemp+$00 ;increment low byte of address BNE L9396 ;carry out to high byte INC atemp+$01 .L9396 DEX ;decrement repeat count BNE L938E ;loop until X copies appended .L9399 RTS IF _SQUEEZE .title ;*TITLE JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR setdef ;set current drive and dir = default JSR getdir ;load volume catalogue L4 LDX #$0B ;first offset to store = 11 LDA #$00 ;set title to 12 NULs: .clrti0 JSR titwit ;store character of title DEX ;loop until 12 characters stored BPL clrti0 .titset INX ;x=$FF, set X=0 offset of first character JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD BCS titend ;if end of argument write catalogue JSR titwit ;else store character of title CPX #$0B ;is this the twelfth character written? BCC titset ;if not then loop to write more, else: .titend ENDIF .dirout ;Write volume catalogue L4 LDA cycno ;add 1 to BCD catalogue cycle number CLC ;[D]reordered SED ADC #$01 STA cycno CLD .L93A5 ;Write volume catalogue as-is LDY #$A0 ;command = $A0, write sector BNE L93C2 ;branch (always) .L93A9 ;Load catalogue with execute privilege LDY #$81 ;command = $80, read sector, b0 repurposed BNE L93C2 ;branch (always) .L93AD ;Ensure catalogue loaded with execute privilege LDY #$81 ;command = $80, read sector, b0 repurposed BNE L93B3 ;branch (always) .L93B1 ;Ensure current volume catalogue loaded LDY #$80 ;command = $80, read sector .L93B3 BIT fdcsta ;test FDC status register BPL L93C2 ;if motor is off then load catalogue LDA catdrv ;else get drive number of loaded catalogue CMP fdrive ;compare with current drive BNE L93C2 ;if unequal then load volume catalogue RTS ;else exit IF _SQUEEZE .getdir JSR savita ;save AXY ENDIF .L93C0 ;Load catalogue LDY #$80 .L93C2 ;Transfer catalogue JSR L94EA ;clear high OSWORD $7F control block STY LC290+$06 ;store WD 1770 command at offset 6 LDA fdrive ;get current drive STA LC290+$00 ;store at offset 0 LDA #$02 ;512 bytes to transfer STA LC290+$09 LDA #>dirlow ;set data address = $FFFFC000 STA LC290+$02 DEC LC290+$03 ;set address high bytes = $FF DEC LC290+$04 JSR L93F9 ;transfer data and report errors L4 LDA fdrive ;get current drive STA catdrv ;set drive number of loaded catalogue RTS .L93E6 ;Check for escape condition BIT escflg ;test escape flag BPL L93F8 ;if ESCAPE not pressed then return .escape JSR ackesc ;else acknowledge escape condition JSR fstrng ;and raise "Escape" error. EQUB $11 EQUS "Escape" EQUB $00 .L93F8 RTS .L93F9 ;Transfer data and report errors L4 JSR L94CA ;ensure not writing to 40-track mode drive LDA #$06 ;5 attempts STA LC29E JSR L93E6 ;check for escape condition .L9404 LDA LC290+$07 ;1st parm, track number LDX LC290+$00 ;get drive number to transfer to LDY LC2DE,X ;test 40-track flag for said drive BPL L9410 ;if set ASL A ;then double track number .L9410 LDY #$18 ;preset result $18 = Sector not found CMP #$50 ;if track no. >=80 then return this BCS L9475 LDX #<LC290 ;else point XY to high OSWORD $7F control block LDY #>LC290 JSR L8BBC ;call internal OSWORD $7F handler TAY ;test result code BEQ L93F8 ;if no errors then return BMI escape ;if escape key pressed then raise Escape error CMP #$12 ;else if result = $12, write protect BEQ L947A ;then raise "Disc read only" error CMP #$20 ;else if result = $20, Deleted data found BNE L9441 LDA LC290+$06 ;then test bit 0 of WD 1770 command ROR A ;in read sector commands, b0 unused and repurposed BCS L93F8 ;as execute privilege bit. If not set when needed JSR fstrng ;then raise "Execute only" error. EQUB $BC EQUS "Execute only" EQUB $00 .L9441 CMP #$18 ;$18 = sector not found BNE L9470 ;if another error then retry operation LDA LC28A ;else test disc operation modifier CMP #$04 ;if loading catalogue during boot sequence BNE L945D LDX LC290+$06 ;and command = $81 read sector with exec privilege CPX #$81 BNE L945D LDA #$FF ;then invert first bad track register of unit 0 EOR LC28B+$00 ;putting it out of range STA LC28B+$00 ;but preserving its value BCS L9470 ;branch (always) .L945D LDX track ;otherwise if current track > 0 BEQ L9470 ROL A ;then move BIT 6 of disc op modifier AND #$80 ;to bit 7, and mask it LDX LC290+$00 ;get drive number of OSWORD $7F operation EOR LC2DE,X ;toggle 40-track flag for drive if b6 was set STA LC2DE,X ;update 40-track flag for drive JSR L94CA ;ensure not writing to 40-track mode drive .L9470 DEC LC29E ;decrement retry counter BNE L9404 ;loop until counter reaches zero .L9475 TYA ;y=result code. move to A: .dknern ;Translate result code to error CMP #$12 ;if result = $12, write protect, then: BNE dkerr0 .L947A ;Raise "Disc read only" error JSR dskmsg EQUB $C9 EQUS "read only" EQUB $00 .dkerr0 ;Raise "Disc fault ..." error PHA ;save result code in A JSR dskmsg ;start "Disc ..." error EQUB $00 ;error number $00, empty string NOP ;not $00 = return, don't BRK JSR gstrng ;append "fault " to error message EQUB $C7 ;replace error number with $C7 EQUS "fault " NOP ;not $00 = return, don't BRK PLA ;restore result code JSR L94DA ;append hex byte to error message JSR gstrng ;append " at :" to error message EQUB $00 ;replace error number with $00 EQUS " at :" LDA fdrive ;get current drive JSR L94E2 ;append hex byte to error message JSR gstrng ;append space to error message EQUB $00 EQUS " " LDA track ;get track number of OSWORD $7F command BIT LC28A ;test 40-track flag of current drive BPL L94B8 ;if set LSR A ;then double track number .L94B8 JSR L94DA ;append hex byte to error message JSR gstrng ;append "/" to error message EQUB $00 EQUS "/" LDA sector ;get sector number of OSWORD $7F command JSR L94DA ;append hex byte to error message JSR gstrng ;append empty string to error message EQUB $C7 ;error number $C7 EQUB $00 ;jump to BRK to raise error .L94CA ;Ensure not writing to 40-track mode drive LDA LC290+$06 ;get command from high OSWORD $7F control block CMP #$A0 ;if $A0 write sector, $F0 write track BCC L94E9 ;OR $C0 read address LDX LC290+$00 ;then get drive number of OSWORD $7F operation LDA LC2DE,X ;test 40-track flag for drive BMI L947A ;if set then raise "Disc read only" error RTS ;else exit .L94DA ;Append hex byte to error message PHA JSR sfour ;shift A right 4 places JSR L94E2 ;print top nibble of byte PLA ;restore bottom nibble: .L94E2 JSR digut1 ;convert hex nibble to ASCII STA errbuf,X ;append character to error message INX ;and increment offset .L94E9 RTS .L94EA ;Clear high OSWORD $7F control block LDX #$0D LDA #$00 .L94EE STA LC290-$01,X DEX BNE L94EE LDA #$05 STA LC290+$05 RTS .whlim ;FSC 7 = range of valid file handles LDX #$11 LDY #$15 .shtal1 RTS .wfdie ;FSC 6 = new filing system starting up JSR savita ;save AXY LDA #$77 ;call OSBYTE $77 = close *SPOOL/*EXEC files JSR osbyte JMP relmem ;[D]vacate absolute workspace IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code LDA #$20 STA dufflg ENDIF .close2 ;Close all files IF _BUGFIX LDA #$77 ;call OSBYTE $77 = close *SPOOL/*EXEC files JSR osbyte ELSE JSR wfdie ;close *SPOOL/*EXEC files and vacate workspace ;[BUG] clears dufflg ENDIF .shtall LDA #$00 ;set channel workspace pointer = $00: .shtal0 CLC ;add $20 to point to next channel ADC #$20 BEQ shtal1 ;if =0 then exit (close 5 files $A0..20). TAY JSR vshut BNE shtal0 .wshut ;Close a file/all files LDA #$20 ;$20 = write EXT to catalogue if updated STA dufflg TYA ;if handle = 0 BEQ close2 ;then close all files IF _BUGFIX .wshut1 ENDIF JSR dcrych ;else convert to pointer, if valid ($11..17) .vshut ;Close file PHA JSR cheeky ;validate workspace offset BCS vshutq ;if channel invalid or closed then exit LDA seqbit,Y ;else get bit mask corresponding to channel EOR #$FF ;invert it, bit corresponding to channel =0 AND dcbmap ;clear bit of channel open flag byte STA dcbmap ;update flag byte LDA seqflg,Y ;get channel flags AND #$60 ;if either buffer or EXT changed BEQ vshutq JSR vlook ;then ensure open file still in drive LDA seqflg,Y ;if EXT changed AND dufflg ;and this is a close operation BEQ vshdd LDX seqwb ;then set X = catalogue pointer LDA seqlla,Y ;copy low word of EXT to length in catalogue STA cathig+$04,X LDA seqlma,Y STA cathig+$05,X LDA seqlha,Y ;get high byte of EXT JSR lfour ;shift A left 4 places EOR cathig+$06,X ;replace b5,b4 of top bits with b5,b4 from A AND #$30 EOR cathig+$06,X STA cathig+$06,X ;store top bits back in catalogue JSR dirout ;write volume catalogue LDY dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in Y .vshdd JSR bflush ;ensure buffer up-to-date on disc L6 .vshutq LDX seqwx ;restore X on entry PLA ;restore A on entry RTS .vlook ;Ensure open file still in drive JSR setq ;set current vol/dir from open filename: .vlook3 ;Ensure open file still on current drive LDX #$06 ;start at seventh character of leaf name: .vshutl LDA seqcat+$0C,Y ;copy leaf name of file to current leaf name STA wrknam,X DEY ;skip odd bytes containing length and addrs DEY ;select previous character of leaf name (Y>0) DEX ;decrement offset in current leaf name BPL vshutl ;loop until 7 characters copied (X=7..1) JSR lookw ;search for wrknam in catalogue BCC dskchn ;if file not found then raise "Disk changed" STY seqwb ;else save offset in catalogue LDY dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in Y .cksam0 RTS .setq ;Set current drive/dir from open filename LDA seqlok,Y ;get directory character of open file AND #$7F ;mask off b7 =channel file locked bit STA qualif ;set as current directory LDA seqflg,Y ;get drive containing open file JMP dodriv ;select drive in A and exit .chksam ;Ensure disc not changed JSR savita ;save AXY LDA cycno ;get cycle number of last catalogue read JSR getdir ;load volume catalogue L4 CMP cycno ;compare with freshly loaded cycle number BEQ cksam0 ;return if equal, else: .dskchn ;Raise "Disk changed" error. JSR dskmsg EQUB $C8 EQUS "changed" EQUB $00 .wfind ;OSFIND AND #$C0 BNE wfind0 ;if A>=$40 then open a file JSR savita ;else save AXY JMP wshut ;and close a file/all files. .wfind0 ;Open a file JSR savit ;save XY STX work+$00 STY work+$01 STA atemp ;store file open mode in temporary var. BIT atemp ;set N and V from temporary variable PHP JSR frmnam ;set current file from argument pointer JSR clrwld ;disallow wildcard characters in filename JSR lookup ;search for file in catalogue BCS newdcb ;if found then set up channel IF _SQUEEZE LDA #$00 PLP ;else if opening for read or update BVC vnewo ;then existing file was expected, return A=0 ELSE PLP ;else if opening for read or update BVC vnewo ;(i.e. OSFIND call no. b6=1) LDA #$00 ;then existing file was expected, return A=0 ENDIF RTS .vnewo PHP ;else opening new file for output. IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDA #$00 ;can save 2 bytes (swap BVC/LDA) ENDIF LDX #$07 .vnewl STA wrkcat,X ;clear load, exec, start and length = 0 STA hiwork,X DEX BPL vnewl DEC exelo ;set exec address = $FFFFFFFF DEC exehi DEC exlow+$02 DEC exlow+$03 LDA #$40 ;initial length = $4000 = 16 KiB STA endhi JSR dirdo ;create file from OSFILE block ;[BUG]even if no channels available: .newdcb ;enter with Y=catalogue offset of open file PLP ;restore flags containing channel open mode PHP BVS find3 ;if opening for output (OSFIND b6=0) JSR chklok ;then ensure file not locked .find3 JSR cmpfil ;find free channel and check for clashes BCC find1 ;if file not open then continue .find2 LDA seqrdo,Y ;else test if the channel is open read-write BPL filopn ;if so, reopening is a conflict; raise error PLP ;else if reopening a r-o channel read-write PHP ;(i.e. channel b7=1, OSFIND call no. b7=1) BMI filopn ;then this also conflicts; raise error JSR nxtfil ;else find any other channels open on this file BCS find2 ;if another channel found then loop ;NB loop is redundant; can fall through instead .find1 LDY dcby ;else get free channel workspace offset from cmpfil BNE seqnul ;if valid then set up channel JSR estrng ;else raise "Too many open" error. EQUB $C0 EQUS "Too many open" EQUB $00 .filopn ;Raise "Open" error. JSR estrng EQUB $C2 EQUS "Open" EQUB $00 .seqnul LDA #$08 ;set counter = 8 STA seqwc .fillda LDA catlow,X ;copy name and attributes of file STA seqcat,Y ;to bottom half of channel workspace INY LDA cathig,X STA seqcat,Y INY INX DEC seqwc ;loop until 8 byte pairs copied BNE fillda LDX #$10 ;16 bytes to clear LDA #$00 .filldb STA seqmap,Y ;clear top half of channel workspace INY DEX BNE filldb ;loop until 16 bytes cleared LDA dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in A TAY JSR sfive ;shift A right 5 places, A=1..5, C=0 ADC #(>slots)-$01 ;add 17; A=$12..16 STA seqbuf,Y ;store page number of channel buffer LDA dcbbit ;get bit mask corresponding to channel STA seqbit,Y ;store in channel workspace ORA dcbmap ;set that bit in channel open flags byte STA dcbmap ;marking this channel open LDA seqll,Y ;test LSB of file length ADC #$FF ;c=0 from last ADC; c=1 if partial sector LDA seqlm,Y ;copy 2MSB length to allocation ADC #$00 ;rounding up to whole sector STA seqem,Y LDA seqlh,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector ORA #$0F ;mask off load/start sector ADC #$00 ;carry out to length in bits 5 and 4 JSR isolen ;extract b5,b4 of A STA seqeh,Y ;store MSB allocation PLP ;restore OSFIND call number to N and V BVC vfindo ;if opening for output then branch BMI vfind1 ;if opening for update then branch LDA #$80 ;else opening for input. ORA seqrdo,Y ;set b7=1 of seventh char of leaf name STA seqrdo,Y ;marking channel read-only. .vfind1 LDA seqll,Y ;input or update; set EXT = length of file STA seqlla,Y LDA seqlm,Y STA seqlma,Y LDA seqlh,Y JSR isolen ;extract b5,b4 of A STA seqlha,Y .vfinxx LDA fdrive ;get current drive ORA seqflg,Y ;OR with channel flags in high nibble STA seqflg,Y ;set drive of open file in low nibble TYA ;set A=workspace pointer JSR sfive ;shift A right 5 places ORA #$10 ;return A=file handle $11..15. RTS .vfindo ;opening for output LDA #$20 ;set channel flag b5=1, "EXT changed" STA seqflg,Y ;to truncate file's initial allocation BNE vfinxx ;branch to return file handle (always) .nxtfil ;Find any other channels open on this file TXA ;x=catalogue offset of open file, save PHA JMP cmpfl1 ;jump to decrement workspace offset and loop .cmpfil ;Find free channel and check for clashes LDA #$00 ;preset workspace pointer = $00 STA dcby ;to return if all channels in use / none free LDA #$08 ;start at $08, open flag mask for channel $15 STA ytemp ;save as shift register TYA ;y=catalogue offset of open file, move to X TAX LDY #$A0 ;start at channel workspace offset $A0: .cmpfl4 STY itemp ;save workspace offset TXA ;save catalogue offset PHA LDA #$08 ;set counter = 8 STA xtemp LDA ytemp ;get open flag mask for current channel BIT dcbmap ;test channel open flag BEQ cmpfl5 ;if Z=1 channel closed then skip channel LDA seqflg,Y ;else get drive of open file EOR fdrive ;compare with current drive AND #$03 ;mask off channel flags, compare drives only BNE cmpfl1 ;if unequal then no match .cmpfl0 LDA catlow,X ;get character of filename to compare EOR seqcat,Y ;compare with char of open filename AND #$7F ;ignore bit 7 BNE cmpfl1 ;if unequal then no match INX ;skip to next character of comparand INY ;skip even addresses cont'g file attributes INY ;skip to next character of open filename DEC xtemp ;decrement counter BNE cmpfl0 ;loop until 7 leaf name chars + dir tested SEC ;return C=1 matching filename found. BCS cmpfl2 ;branch to finish (always) .cmpfl5 ;channel closed STY dcby ;set offset of lowest free channel STA dcbbit ;set open mask bit of lowest free channel: .cmpfl1 ;no match SEC ;subtract $20 from channel workspace pointer LDA itemp SBC #$20 STA itemp ASL ytemp ;shift channel open bit mask to next channel down CLC ;return C=0 no match: .cmpfl2 PLA ;restore catalogue offset TAX LDY itemp ;return Y=free channel offset or Y=0 none free LDA ytemp ;test channel open bit mask BCS cmpfl3 ;if matching filename found return C=1 BNE cmpfl4 ;else if more channels to compare then loop .cmpfl3 RTS ;else return C=0 no channels match open file. .ensur ;OSARGS A=$FF ensure file/all files JSR wopa ;have A=0 returned on exit .nsrnow ;Ensure file/all files up-to-date on disc (flush) LDA dcbmap ;save channel open flags PHA LDA #$00 ;$00=this is an ensure operation STA dufflg ;do not update EXT in catalogue TYA ;if Y>0 BNE ensur1 ;then close file to ensure contents JSR shtall ;else close all files to ensure contents BEQ ensur0 ;and restore channel open flags (always) .ensur1 ;OSARGS A=$FF, Y>0 ensure file up-to-date IF _BUGFIX JSR wshut1 ;ensure a file ELSE JSR wshut ;close a file/all files [BUG] sets dufflg again ENDIF .ensur0 PLA ;restore channel open flags. STA dcbmap RTS .wopa ;Have A=0 returned on exit PHA ;caller called Save AXY, A was at $0105,S TXA ;save caller's AX PHA ;these two bytes plus return address make 4 LDA #$00 ;superroutine's A is thus 5+4 = 9 bytes down TSX STA stack+$09,X PLA ;restore caller's AX TAX PLA RTS .wargs ;OSARGS JSR savita ;save AXY CMP #$FF ;if A=$FF BEQ ensur ;then ensure file up-to-date on disc CPY #$00 ;else if Y = 0 BEQ wargs1 ;then perform Y = 0 functions CMP #$04 ;else file handle in Y. if A>=4 BCS wargsr ;then return JSR wopa ;else have A=0 returned on exit CMP #$03 ;if A=3 BEQ L97A9 ;then set EXT CMP #$01 ;else compare A - 1 BNE vradr ;if A=0 or A=2 then return PTR or EXT JMP vstar ;else A=1 set PTR .wargs1 ;OSARGS Y=0 CMP #$02 ;if A>=2 BCS wargsr ;then return JSR wopa ;else have A=0 returned on exit BEQ rdfsno ;if A=0 then return FS number, else: ;unreachable code ;as FileSwitch intercepts OSARGS 1,0 LDA #$FF ;OSARGS A=1, Y=0 read command line tail STA $02,X ;command line is always in I/O processor STA $03,X ;so return a host address, $FFFFxxxx LDA linadr+$00 ;copy address of command line arguments STA $00,X ;from workspace where stored by FSC 2..4 LDA linadr+$01 ;to user's OSARGS block STA $01,X ;return A=0 .wargsr RTS .rdfsno ;OSARGS A=0, Y=0 return filing system number LDA #$04 ;a=4 for Disc Filing System TSX STA stack+$05,X ;save in stack to return via Restore AXY RTS .vradr ;OSARGS A=0/2, Y>0 return PTR/EXT JSR dcrych ;ensure file handle valid and open STY dcby ;save channel workspace pointer ASL A ;A=0 or 2, multiply by 2 ADC dcby ;A=0 offset of PTR, A=4 offset of EXT TAY ;add offset to channel workspace pointer LDA seqpl,Y ;copy PTR or EXT STA $00,X ;to 3 LSBs of user's OSARGS block LDA seqpm,Y STA $01,X LDA seqph,Y STA $02,X LDA #$00 ;clear MSB of user's OSARGS block STA $03,X ;PTR <= EXT < 16 MiB RTS .L97A9 ;OSARGS A=3, Y>0 set EXT JSR dcrych ;ensure file handle valid and open IF _BUGFIX JSR scmp ;compare EXT - requested EXT BCS trunc ;if EXT < request LDA seqph,Y ;then extend file. save current PTR PHA LDA seqpm,Y PHA LDA seqpl,Y PHA JSR vstara ;set PTR = request, extending file PLA ;restore previous PTR STA seqpl,Y PLA STA seqpm,Y PLA STA seqph,Y JSR vstarc ;update buffer-contains-PTR channel flag .trunc LDA seqrdo,Y ;else get channel read-only bit in b7 BMI freado ;if set then raise "Read only" ;(or BMI dfsfix: pretend file is shorter) ORA seqlok,Y ;get channel file locked bit in b7 BMI flockd ;if set then raise "File locked" ;(or BMI dfsfix) LDA #$20 ;b5=1, EXT has changed JSR setbit ;set channel flag bits (A = OR mask) .dfsfix LDA $00,X ;copy 3 LSBs of user's OSARGS block STA seqlla,Y ;to EXT LDA $01,X STA seqlma,Y LDA $02,X STA seqlha,Y TXA ;save OSARGS block pointer PHA TYA ;a=y, compare with extent JSR pcmp ;compare PTR - EXT PLA ;restore OSARGS block pointer TAX BCC args3x ;if PTR >= EXT JSR vstara ;then set PTR = request = EXT .args3x LDA #$EF ;clear b4=0, EOF warning not given JMP clrbit ;clear channel flag bits (A = AND mask) .freado JMP vbput2 .flockd JMP delprt ELSE LDA $00,X ;copy 3 LSBs of user's OSARGS block STA seqlla,Y ;to EXT LDA $01,X ;[BUG] may overlap next file STA seqlma,Y ;[BUG] extended part of file not zeroed LDA $02,X ;[BUG] EXT-changed flag not set STA seqlha,Y RTS IF _BUGFIX .args3x LDA #$EF ;clear b4=0, EOF warning not given JMP clrbit ;clear channel flag bits (A = AND mask) ENDIF ENDIF .cheeky ;Validate workspace offset PHA ;save A STX seqwx ;save X in workspace TYA ;transfer workspace offset to A AND #$E0 ;mask bits 7..5, offset = 0..7 * $20 STA dcby ;save channel workspace offset BEQ chekyz ;if offset = 0 (i.e. channel $10) return C=1 JSR sfive ;else shift right five times, divide by 32 TAY ;transfer to Y for use as counter LDA #$00 ;clear channel open bit mask SEC ;set C=1 so first mask will be $80 for ch.$11: .chekya ROR A ;shift channel open bit mask to next channel up DEY ;decrement counter BNE chekya ;loop 1..5 times for channel $11..15 LDY dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in Y BIT dcbmap ;if channel's open bit in flag byte = 1 BNE chekyb ;then return C=0 IF _SQUEEZE .chekyz SEC ;else return C=1 .chekyb PLA ;restore A on entry RTS ELSE .chekyz PLA ;else return C=1 SEC RTS .chekyb ;can save 3 bytes (.chekyz:SEC:.chekyb:PLA:RTS) PLA CLC ;redundant (C=0 on entry) RTS ENDIF IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code PHA TXA JMP dcryp2 ENDIF .dcrypt ;Convert file handle to channel pointer PHA ;save A TYA .dcryp2 CMP #$10 ;if Y outside range $10..17 BCC dcryp0 CMP #$18 BCC dcryp1 .dcryp0 LDA #$08 ;then return Y=0, C=1 .dcryp1 JSR lfive ;else multiply Y by 32 TAY ;yielding $00..E0 PLA ;transfer to Y as index RTS ;restore A on entry .hmtspe ;Close *SPOOL/*EXEC file on error LDA #$C6 ;OSBYTE $C6 = read/write *EXEC file handle JSR readby ;call OSBYTE with X=0, Y=$FF TXA ;test *EXEC file handle in X BEQ hmtsp1 ;if no *EXEC file open then test *SPOOL handle JSR hmtcmp ;else compare *EXEC handle with error handle BNE hmtsp1 ;if unequal then test *SPOOL handle LDA #$C6 ;else OSBYTE $C6 = read/write *EXEC file handle BNE hmtbyt ;set *EXEC file handle = 0 .hmtsp1 LDA #$C7 ;OSBYTE $C7 = read/write *SPOOL file handle JSR readby ;call OSBYTE with X=0, Y=$FF JSR hmtcmp ;compare *SPOOL handle with error handle BNE hmtsp2 ;if unequal then exit LDA #$C7 ;else OSBYTE $C7 = read/write *SPOOL file handle: .hmtbyt ;Set *SPOOL/*EXEC file handle = 0 LDX #$00 LDY #$00 JMP osbyte .hmtcmp ;Compare file handle with channel workspace offset TXA ;on entry X=file handle, move to Y TAY JSR dcrypt ;convert file handle to channel pointer CPY dcby ;compare with offset in use when error occurred .hmtsp2 RTS ;return Z=result .wfeof ;FSC 1 = read EOF state PHA ;save AY TYA PHA TXA ;transfer file handle to Y TAY JSR dcrych ;ensure file handle valid and open TYA ;a=y = channel workspace pointer JSR pcmp ;compare PTR - EXT BNE wfeof0 ;if PTR <> EXT (blech!) then return 0 LDX #$FF ;else return $FF, we are at end of file BNE wfeof2 .wfeof0 LDX #$00 .wfeof2 PLA ;restore AY and exit TAY PLA .dcryc0 RTS .dcrych ;Ensure file handle valid and open JSR dcrypt ;convert file handle to channel pointer JSR cheeky ;validate workspace offset BCC dcryc0 ;if channel open then return C=0 JSR hmtspe ;else close *SPOOL/*EXEC file on error JSR estrng ;and raise "Channel" error. EQUB $DE EQUS "Channel" EQUB $00 .illeof ;Raise "EOF" error JSR estrng EQUB $DF EQUS "EOF" EQUB $00 .wbget ;OSBGET JSR savit ;save XY JSR dcrych ;ensure file handle valid and open TYA ;a=y = channel workspace pointer JSR pcmp ;compare PTR - EXT BNE noteof ;if at EOF LDA seqflg,Y ;then test EOF warning flag b4 AND #$10 BNE illeof ;if set then raise "EOF" error LDA #$10 ;else set EOF warning flag b4=1 JSR setbit ;set channel flag bits (A = OR mask) IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDX seqwx ;redundant ENDIF LDA #$FE ;return A=$FE, error code for EOF SEC ;return C=1 indicating end-of-file RTS ;restore XY and exit .noteof LDA seqflg,Y ;not at EOF. get channel flags BMI vbgetb ;if PTR not within current buffer JSR setq ;then set current vol/dir from open filename JSR bflush ;ensure buffer up-to-date on disc L6 SEC ;c=1 read buffer from disc JSR xblock ;read/write sector buffer L6 .vbgetb IF _SQUEEZE LDX seqpl,Y ;get LSB of PTR STX work+$00 ;set LSB of buffer pointer ELSE LDA seqpl,Y ;get LSB of PTR STA work+$00 ;set LSB of buffer pointer ENDIF LDA seqbuf,Y ;get MSB buffer pointer from channel workspace STA work+$01 ;set MSB of buffer pointer LDY #$00 ;set Y=0 for indirect indexed load LDA (work),Y ;get byte from channel buffer at old PTR PHA LDY dcby IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDX work+$00 ;can save 2 bytes (LDX seqpl,Y) ENDIF INX ;increment PTR TXA STA seqpl,Y BNE vbgetx ;if LSB rolls over CLC ;then carry out to 2MSB LDA seqpm,Y ADC #$01 STA seqpm,Y LDA seqph,Y ;and MSB ADC #$00 STA seqph,Y JSR clrcbf ;clear buffer-contains-PTR channel flag .vbgetx CLC ;c=0, not at EOF: PLA ;return byte in A, set N and Z to match RTS .setda ;Set buffer sector address from PTR CLC LDA seqloc,Y ;get LSB start sector of open file ADC seqpm,Y ;add 2MSB of PTR STA lbalo ;store LSB sector address STA seqdal,Y ;store LSB sector address of buffer LDA seqlh,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$03 ;extract MSB start sector ADC seqph,Y ;add MSB of PTR STA wrkcat+$06 ;store MSB sector address STA seqdah,Y ;store MSB sector address of buffer: .setcbf ;Set buffer-contains-PTR channel flag LDA #$80 ;b7=1 buffer contains byte at PTR: .setbit ;Set channel flag bits (A = OR mask) ORA seqflg,Y BNE clrbt3 ;store if >0 else fall through harmlessly: .clrcbf ;Clear buffer-contains-PTR channel flag: LDA #$7F .clrbit ;Clear channel flag bits (A = AND mask) AND seqflg,Y .clrbt3 STA seqflg,Y CLC RTS .bflush ;Ensure buffer up-to-date on disc L6 LDA seqflg,Y ;test b6 of channel flag AND #$40 BEQ bflx ;if buffer not changed then return CLC ;c=0 write buffer to disc: .xblock ;Read/write sector buffer L6 IF _SQUEEZE ELSE PHP ;redundant ENDIF INC seqsem ;set *SPOOL/*EXEC critical flag (now $00) LDY dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in Y LDA seqbuf,Y ;get MSB address of buffer in shared wksp STA lodhi LDA #$FF ;set high word of buffer address = $FFFF STA ldlow+$02 STA ldlow+$03 LDA #$00 STA lodlo ;clear LSB buffer address STA lenlo LDA #$01 ;256 bytes to transfer STA lenhi IF _SQUEEZE ELSE PLP ;redundant ENDIF BCS xblrd ;if C was 1 on entry then read buffer LDA seqdal,Y ;else copy channel's sector buffer address STA lbalo ;to OSFILE control block (big-endian) LDA seqdah,Y STA lbahi JSR blkwr ;write ordinary file L5 LDY dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in Y LDA #$BF ;b6=0 buffer not changed JSR clrbit ;clear channel flag bits BCC xblfin ;clear critical flag and exit .xblrd ;Read channel buffer from disc L6 JSR setda ;set buffer sector address from PTR JSR blkrd ;read ordinary file L5 .xblfin DEC seqsem ;clear *SPOOL/*EXEC critical flag (now $FF) LDY dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in Y .bflx RTS .vbput1 JMP delprt ;raise "Locked" error. .vbput2 ;Raise "Read only" error. JSR estrng EQUB $C1 EQUS "Read only" EQUB $00 .vbput ;Write byte JSR savita ;save AXY JMP wbput1 .wbput ;OSBPUT JSR savita ;save AXY JSR dcrych ;ensure file handle valid and open .wbput1 PHA ;save byte to write LDA seqrdo,Y ;test channel read-only bit BMI vbput2 ;if b7=1 then raise "File read only" error LDA seqlok,Y ;else test file locked bit BMI vbput1 ;if b7=1 then raise "File locked" error JSR setq ;else set current vol/dir from open filename TYA ;a=y = channel workspace pointer CLC ;add 4 to point A to allocated length not EXT ADC #seqem-seqlma JSR pcmp ;compare PTR - allocated length BNE notful ;if within allocation then write JSR vlook3 ;else ensure open file still on current drive LDX seqwb ;get offset of file in catalogue SEC LDA cathig-$01,X ;get LSB start LBA of previous file in cat SBC cathig+$07,X ;subtract LSB start LBA of open file PHA ;save LSB maximum available allocation LDA cathig-$02,X ;get MSB start LBA of previous file in cat SBC cathig+$06,X ;subtract MSB start LBA of open file AND #$03 ;extract b1,b0 CMP seqeh,Y ;compare MSB length of file per workspace BNE vok ;if not equal then extend file PLA ;else restore LSB maximum available allocation CMP seqem,Y ;compare 2MSB length of file per workspace BNE vokspl ;if not equal then extend file IF _SQUEEZE ELSE STY atemp ;redundant (vestigial in DFS 1.20) ENDIF STY dcby ;else save workspace pointer JSR hmtspe ;close *SPOOL/*EXEC file on error JSR estrng ;and raise "Can't extend" error. EQUB $BF EQUS "Can't extend" EQUB $00 .vok ;extend file LDA seqeh,Y ;get MSB length of file per workspace CLC ;round up length to next 64 KiB ADC #$01 STA seqeh,Y ;store MSB file length in workspace IF _SQUEEZE JSR lfour ELSE ASL A ;shift A left 4 places ASL A ;can save 1 byte (JSR lfour) ASL A ASL A ENDIF EOR cathig+$06,X ;XOR with existing top bits AND #$30 ;mask b5,b4; A=..XX.... EOR cathig+$06,X ;XOR old top bits with A; 6 bits old, 2 new STA cathig+$06,X ;set top bits exec/length/load/start sector PLA ;discard LSB maximum available allocation LDA #$00 ;clear 2MSB file length: multiple of 64 KiB .vokspl STA cathig+$05,X ;store 2MSB file length in catalogue STA seqem,Y ;store 2MSB file length in workspace LDA #$00 ;clear LSB file length in catalogue STA cathig+$04,X JSR dirout ;write volume catalogue LDY dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in Y .notful ;write byte to file LDA seqflg,Y ;test channel flags BMI vbputb ;if b7=1 buffer-contains-PTR then write byte JSR bflush ;else ensure buffer up-to-date on disc L6 LDA seqlla,Y ;does EXT equal a whole number of sectors? BNE notend ;if not then read buffer from disc TYA ;else a=y = channel workspace pointer JSR pcmp ;compare PTR - EXT BNE notend ;if not at EOF then read buffer from disc JSR setda ;else set buffer sector address from PTR BNE vbputb ;branch (always) .notend SEC ;c=1 read buffer from disc JSR xblock ;read/write sector buffer L6 .vbputb LDA seqpl,Y ;get LSB of PTR STA work+$00 ;set LSB of buffer pointer LDA seqbuf,Y ;get MSB buffer pointer from channel workspace STA work+$01 ;set MSB of buffer pointer PLA ;restore byte to write LDY #$00 ;set Y=0 for indirect indexed store STA (work),Y ;put byte in channel buffer at old PTR LDY dcby ;put channel workspace pointer in Y LDA #$40 ;b6=1, buffer has changed JSR setbit ;set channel flag bits (A = OR mask) INC work+$00 ;increment PTR LDA work+$00 STA seqpl,Y BNE ncarry ;if LSB rolls over JSR clrcbf ;then clear buffer-contains-PTR channel flag LDA seqpm,Y ;carry out to 2MSB ADC #$01 ;c=0 from clrcbf STA seqpm,Y LDA seqph,Y ;and MSB ADC #$00 STA seqph,Y .ncarry TYA ;a=y = channel workspace pointer JSR pcmp ;compare PTR - EXT BCC vbputx ;if at EOF (i.e. pointer >= EXT) IF _FASTGB .updext ENDIF LDA #$20 ;then b5=1, EXT has changed JSR setbit ;set channel flag bits (A = OR mask) LDX #$02 ;3 bytes to copy: .vbput3 LDA seqpl,Y ;copy EXT = PTR STA seqlla,Y INY DEX BPL vbput3 .vbputx RTS .vstar ;OSARGS A=1, Y>0 set PTR JSR savita ;save AXY ;can save time by entering here from OSARGS JSR dcrych ;ensure file handle valid and open IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDY dcby ;redundant ENDIF .vstara JSR scmp ;compare EXT - requested PTR BCS vstarb ;if EXT >= request then just set PTR LDA seqlla,Y ;else set PTR = EXT STA seqpl,Y LDA seqlma,Y STA seqpm,Y LDA seqlha,Y STA seqph,Y JSR vstarc ;update buffer-contains-PTR channel flag LDA vtemp+$00 ;save copy of P pointer field issued by wbgpb PHA ;(vbput->vlook3->lookw->next0 clobbers LSB and 3MSB) LDA vtemp+$01 PHA LDA vtemp+$02 ;[D]save 2MSB of pointer for completeness (redundant) PHA ;(MSB of pointer not inspected) LDA #$00 ;a = $00 filler byte JSR vbput ;write byte to end of file PLA ;restore copy of pointer for scmp STA vtemp+$02 PLA STA vtemp+$01 PLA STA vtemp+$00 JMP vstara ;loop until last byte is just before new PTR .vstarb LDA $00,X ;copy requested PTR in user's OSARGS block STA seqpl,Y ;to channel pointer: LDA $01,X STA seqpm,Y LDA $02,X STA seqph,Y .vstarc ;Update buffer-contains-PTR channel flag LDA #$6F ;b7=0 PTR not in buffer, b4=0 EOF warning clr JSR clrbit ;clear channel flag bits LDA seqloc,Y ;get LSB start sector of file ADC seqpm,Y ;add 2MSB PTR STA LC2C4 ;store LSB target sector LDA seqlh,Y ;get MSB start sector of file AND #$03 ;extract b1,b0 ADC seqph,Y ;add MSB PTR CMP seqdah,Y ;compare with MSB sector address of buffer BNE vbputx ;if equal LDA LC2C4 ;then compare LSB buffer offset with request CMP seqdal,Y BNE vbputx ;if requested PTR within current buffer JMP setcbf ;then set buffer-contains-PTR channel flag. .pcmp ;Compare PTR - EXT (A=Y), - allocation (A=Y+4) TAX ;return C=1 iff at/past EOF or allocation LDA seqph,Y ;return Z=1 iff at EOF or equal to allocation CMP seqlha,X BNE pcmpx LDA seqpm,Y CMP seqlma,X BNE pcmpx LDA seqpl,Y CMP seqlla,X .pcmpx RTS .scmp ;Compare EXT - OSARGS parameter LDA seqlla,Y ;return C=1 iff EXT >= parameter CMP $00,X LDA seqlma,Y SBC $01,X LDA seqlha,Y SBC $02,X RTS ;Table of boot commands .load EQUS "L.!BOOT",$0D .exec EQUS "E." .run EQUS "!BOOT",$0D .L9ADE ;DFS service call handler IF _NMOS PHA ;save service call number LDA priptr,X ;get private page number CMP #$C0 ;c=0, n=1 if $40 <= A < $C0 BMI nmos0 ;otherwise A < $40 or A >= $C0 SEC ;so set C=1 .nmos0 PLA ;restore service call number BCC L9B0E ;if p.page >=$4000 and <$C000 then exit ELSE BIT priptr,X ;65C02 instruction BPL L9AE6 ;if private page address >=$8000 BVS L9AE8 ;and <$C000 RTS ;then exit .L9AE6 BVS L9B0E ;else if >=$4000 and <$8000 then exit ENDIF .L9AE8 CMP #$12 ;else test service call number in A BEQ inifsy ;if =$12 then initialise FS in Y CMP #$0B ;else if in range $00..$0A BCC L9AFA ;then call handler from jump table IF _BUGFIX CMP #$28 ;else if >=$28 ELSE CMP #$26 ;else if >=$26 ENDIF BCS L9B0E ;then exit CMP #$21 ;else if <$21 BCC L9B0E ;then exit SBC #$16 ;else C=1; handle calls $21..$25 from entries $0B..$10 .L9AFA ASL A ;double word offset to byte offset TAX ;transfer to X for use as index LDA L9B0F+$01,X ;get high byte of action address - 1 PHA ;push on stack LDA L9B0F+$00,X ;get low byte of action address - 1 PHA ;push on stack TXA ;transfer jump table offset to A LDX romid ;put our ROM slot number in A for return LSR A ;halve offset CMP #$0B ;if more than 10 BCC L9B0E ADC #$15 ;then C=1; add 22, restore call number .L9B0E RTS ;jump to action address and execute call handler ;Table of action addresses for paged ROM service calls $00..$0A, $21..$25 .L9B0F EQUW return-$01 ;Svc $00 = no operation $8626 EQUW return-$01 ;Svc $01 = reserve abs wkspace $8626 EQUW savpri-$01 ;Svc $02 = reserve private wksp $9C5B EQUW pmsg -$01 ;Svc $03 = boot filing system $9B37 EQUW chkcom-$01 ;Svc $04 = unrecognised OSCLI $9C97 EQUW return-$01 ;Svc $05 = unrecog. interrupt $8626 EQUW return-$01 ;Svc $06 = break $8626 EQUW return-$01 ;Svc $07 = unrecognised OSBYTE $8626 EQUW unkwrd-$01 ;Svc $08 = unrecognised OSWORD $9CCE EQUW dohelp-$01 ;Svc $09 = *HELP $9C9F EQUW relmem-$01 ;Svc $0A = absolute wksp claim $9CB2 EQUW L9D18 -$01 ;Svc $21 = resv abs wksp HAZEL $9D18 EQUW L9D1F -$01 ;Svc $22 = resv priv wksp HAZEL $9D1F EQUW return-$01 ;Svc $23 = report top priv wksp $8626 EQUW L9D28 -$01 ;Svc $24 = abs wksp HAZEL count $9D28 EQUW L9D2B -$01 ;Svc $25 = retn filing sys info $9D2B IF _BUGFIX EQUW shut -$01 ;Svc $26 = *SHUT EQUW reset -$01 ;Svc $27 = reset occurred ENDIF .inifsy ;Service call $12 = initialise FS JSR savita CPY #$04 ;if number of FS to initialise = 4 BEQ init ;then initialise DFS RTS ;else exit .pmsg ;Service call $03 = boot filing system JSR savita STY itemp ;save boot flag in scratch space LDA #$7A ;call OSBYTE $7A = scan keyboard from $10+ JSR osbyte TXA ;test returned key code BMI L9B54 ;if N=1 no key is pressed, so init and boot CMP #$32 ;else if key pressed is D BEQ L9B4F ;then register keypress, init and boot CMP #$61 ;else if key pressed is not Z BNE L9B0E ;then exit JSR LA9FB ;else set up i8271/MOS 1.20 emulation: .L9B4F LDA #$78 ;OSBYTE $78 = write keys pressed information JSR osbyte .L9B54 LDA itemp ;a=boot flag passed to service call JSR vstrng EQUS "Acorn 1770 DFS" EQUB $0D EQUB $0D ;iff A=0 then force cold start, enable boot IF _NMOS BCC sinit0 ;branch always ELSE BRA sinit0 ;65C02 instruction ENDIF .init LDA #$FF ;$FF = allow warm start, disable boot .sinit0 JSR wopa ;have A=0 returned on exit .L9B70 PHA ;save cold start flag LDA #$06 ;FSC 6 = new filing system starting up JSR osfscm ;issue Filing System call LDA fdcdat LDX #$0D ;7 vectors to replace: .init0 LDA vtabb,X ;copy addresses of extended vector handlers STA vtab2,X ;to FILEV,ARGSV,BGETV,BPUTV,GBPBV,FINDV,FSCV DEX ;loop until 7 vectors transferred BPL init0 LDA #$A8 ;call OSBYTE $A8 = get ext. vector table addr JSR readby STX temp+$00 ;set up pointer to vector table STY temp+$01 LDX #$07 ;7 vectors to transfer LDY #$1B ;y = $1B = offset of FILEV in extended vector table: .init1 LDA vtabf-$1B,Y ;get LSB action address from table STA (temp),Y ;store in extended vector table INY LDA vtabf-$1B,Y ;get MSB action address from table STA (temp),Y ;store in extended vector table INY LDA romid ;get our ROM slot number STA (temp),Y ;store in extended vector table INY DEX ;loop until 7 vectors transferred BNE init1 STY catdrv ;no catalogue in workspace STY olddrv ;redundant STX fdrive ;[D]current drive = 0 LDA #$FF STA LC287 ;both drives uncalibrated LDY #$03 .L9BB4 STA LC28B,Y ;clear bad tracks, $FF = rogue value DEY BPL L9BB4 LDX #$0F ;service call $0F = vectors claimed JSR doswcl ;call OSBYTE $8F = issue service call JSR suspri ;set up pointer to private page LDY #colds-mainws ;test cold start flag in private page LDA (temp),Y BPL initcl ;if b7=0 then force a cold start PLA ;else test cold start flag passed to us PHA BEQ initcl ;if =$00 then force a cold start LDY #memflg ;else test shared workspace possession flag LDA (temp),Y BMI bootit ;if b7=1 then we have the workspace, proceed to boot JSR getmem ;else issue service call $0A to claim the workspace LDY #$00 ;offset into private page = $00: .init2 LDA (temp),Y ;get byte of private page CPY #prsist-mainws ;if offset = $C0 or above BCC init3 STA mainws,Y ;then store in persistent main workspace BCS init4 ;and branch (always) .init3 STA seqmap,Y ;else store in channel workspace .init4 DEY ;loop until entire private page restored BNE init2 LDA #$A0 ;start at offset $A0, workspace for channel $15: .init6 TAY ;transfer offset to Y PHA ;save offset on stack LDA #$3F ;clear CBF=buffer contains PTR, CBU=buffer changed JSR clrbit ;formerly (<v1.20) left set while stowing PLA STA seqdah,Y ;set buffer LBA out of range to force re-reading SBC #$1F ;c=0 from clrbit; subtract $20 from offset BNE init6 ;loop until channels $11..$15 reset BEQ bootit ;then proceed to boot (always) .initcl ;Initialise DFS from cold JSR getmem ;issue service call $0A to claim shared workspace LDA #$24 STA defqua ;set default directory = "$" STA libqua ;set library directory = "$" LDY #$00 STY defdsk ;set default drive = 0 STY libdsk ;set library drive = 0 LDY #$00 STY dcbmap ;no channels open LDX #$03 ;[D] TYA .L9C16 STA LC2DE,X ;clear 40-track flags for drives 3..1 DEX BNE L9C16 DEY ;y=$FF STY enaflg ;*commands are not *ENABLEd STY monflg ;*OPT 1,0 quiet operation STY seqsem ;*SPOOL and *EXEC files are non-critical .bootit JSR L8EF4 ;[D]set Tube presence flag PLA ;restore cold start/boot flag BNE noauto ;if >0 then exit LDA #$04 ;else enable inverting bad track reg. on read error ORA LC2DE STA LC2DE JSR L93A9 ;load catalogue with execute privilege LDA #$FB ;disable inverting bad track reg. on read error AND LC2DE STA LC2DE LDA option ;get boot option/top bits volume size JSR sfour ;shift A right 4 places BNE aboot2 ;if boot option = 0 .noauto RTS ;then exit .aboot2 LDY #>load ;point XY to command "L.!BOOT" LDX #<load CMP #$02 ;if boot option = 1 then execute this command BCC aboot3 BEQ arun ;if boot option = 2 then execute "!BOOT" LDX #<exec BNE aboot3 ;branch (always) .arun LDX #<run ;else option >= 3; execute "E.!BOOT" .aboot3 JMP oscli ;call OSCLI and exit. .savpri ;Service call $02 = reserve private workspace LDA priptr,X ;space ends at $DC00, highest valid alloc = $DA CMP #$DB ;if we got our two pages in HAZEL BCC L9C66 ;during call $21, then initialise TYA ;else put private page in main memory instead STA priptr,X ;replace private page pointer .L9C66 IF _NMOS STA temp+$01 ;set up pointer to private page TYA PHA ELSE PHY ;65C02 instruction STA temp+$01 ;set up pointer to private page ENDIF LDA #$00 STA temp+$00 LDA #$FD ;OSBYTE $FD = read/write last reset type JSR readby ;call OSBYTE with X=$00, Y=$FF DEX ;now X=$FF soft break, $00 power on, $01 hard break TXA LDY #colds-mainws AND (temp),Y ;and modified reset type with cold start flag STA (temp),Y ;b7=0 force cold start after power on/CTRL BREAK PHP INY ;y=memflg PLP BPL notgot ;if okay for warm start LDA (temp),Y ;then private page contents valid BPL notgot ;if we have the shared workspace JSR savmem ;then copy it to the private page .notgot LDA #$00 ;b7=0 we don't own the shared workspace STA (temp),Y ;write to memflg offset of private page IF _NMOS PLA TAY LDX romid ;get paged ROM slot number as offset into table LDA priptr,X BMI nmos1 ;if private page in main memory INY ;then claim two pages of main memory INY .nmos1 LDA #$02 ;a=$02, restore service call number ELSE LDA #$02 ;a=$02, restore service call number LDX romid ;get paged ROM slot number as offset into table PLY ;65C02 instruction BIT priptr,X ;65C02 instruction BMI L9C96 ;if private page in main memory INY ;then claim two pages of main memory INY .L9C96 ENDIF RTS .chkcom ;Service call $04 = unrecognised *command JSR savita ;save AXY LDX #<(initbl-comtab-$03) ;point to utility section of command table .L9C9C JMP wname0 ;execute matching command. .dohelp ;Service call $09 = *HELP JSR savita LDA (linptr),Y ;y points to non-space character LDX #<(hlptab-comtab-$03) ;point to *HELP keyword section of command table CMP #$0D ;if keyword specified BNE L9C9C ;then display help on matching keyword TYA ;else put command line offset in A for saving INX ;x = <(hlptab-comtab-$01) INX LDY #$01 ;1 entry to print JMP help1 ;print list of *HELP keywords. ;[BUG] service call $0A overwrites private page with garbage ;if DFS does not own absolute workspace .relmem ;Service call $0A = absolute workspace claimed JSR suspri ;set up pointer to private page LDY #$00 ;y=$00 ensure all files up-to-date on disc JSR nsrnow ;ensure a file/all files JSR savmem ;copy shared workspace to private page JSR suspri ;set up pointer again (clobbered during ensure) LDY #memflg LDA #$00 ;always claim call since past gatekeeping STA (temp),Y ;b7=0 we don't own the shared workspace RTS IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code LDA #$0A ENDIF .unkswz ;Have current value of A returned on exit TSX STA stack+$05,X RTS .unkwrd ;Service call $08 = unrecognised OSWORD JSR savita ;save AXY JSR wopa ;have A=0 returned on exit LDY worda ;get OSWORD reason code in Y BMI unkswz ;if >=$80 then put call number back, pass call on CPY #$7D ;else if less than $7D BCC unkswz ;then pass call on to lower ROMs IF _SQUEEZE LDX wordy ;else save pointer to user's control block STX userpt+$01 ;(as inner OSWORD/OSBYTE calls will destroy) LDX wordx STX userpt+$00 ELSE LDX wordx ;can save 2 bytes (swap) STX userpt+$00 ;else save pointer to user's control block LDX wordy ;(as inner OSWORD/OSBYTE calls will destroy) STX userpt+$01 ENDIF INY ;if Y doesn't turn negative then it's $7D or $7E BPL gtdsks ;so handle disc queries separately IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDX userpt+$00 ENDIF LDY userpt+$01 ;else OSWORD $7F. point XY to user's control block JMP L9163 ;and jump to OSWORD $7F handler. .gtdsks ;OSWORD $7D/$7E JSR setdef ;set current drive and directory = default JSR getdir ;load volume catalogue L4 INY ;if Y turns negative BMI getdsz ;then it was $7E; branch IF _SQUEEZE LDA cycno ;else point to first byte of user's control block LDY #$00 ;get cycle number of catalogue and return to user BEQ L9D15 ELSE LDY #$00 ;else point to first byte of user's control block LDA cycno ;get cycle number of catalogue and return to user STA (userpt),Y ;can save 1 byte (BEQ $9D15) RTS ENDIF .getdsz ;OSWORD $7E return size of current volume LDA #$00 ;LSB of volume size = $00 TAY ;point to first byte of user's control block STA (userpt),Y ;write LSB volume size INY ;y=$01 LDA dirhig+$07 ;get LSB volume size in sectors from catalogue STA (userpt),Y ;write 3MSB volume size INY ;y=$02 LDA dirhig+$06 ;get boot option/top bits volume size AND #$03 ;extract volume size in b1,b0 STA (userpt),Y ;write 2MSB volume size INY ;y=$03 LDA #$00 ;DFS volumes < 16 MiB IF _SQUEEZE .L9D15 ENDIF STA (userpt),Y ;clear MSB volume size RTS .L9D18 ;Service call $21 = reserve abs wksp in HAZEL CPY #(>slots)+$05+$01 ;need 10 pages [BUG] ninth page unused BCS L9D1E ;if high water mark is less LDY #(>slots)+$05+$01 ;then set it to HAZEL + 10 pages .L9D1E RTS .L9D1F ;Service call $22 = reserve priv wksp in HAZEL TYA ;[BUG]Y may be too high OR too low at this point STA priptr,X ;set private page pointer to Y anyway LDA #$22 ;restore call number INY ;claim two pages of HAZEL INY ;and clean up during service call $02. RTS .L9D28 ;Service call $24 = abs wkspace in HAZEL count DEY ;bid for two pages in HAZEL [BUG] should be one DEY ;leftovers from abs+private offered in call $23 RTS .L9D2B ;Service call $25 = return FS information LDX #L9D51-L9D3B-$01 ;22 bytes to write: .L9D2D LDA L9D3B,X ;get byte of reversed table STA (linptr),Y ;store forwards in MOS reserved area INY ;increment MOS pointer DEX ;decrement table pointer BPL L9D2D ;loop until 22 bytes copied LDA #$25 ;restore service call number LDX romid ;restore paged ROM slot number in X RTS ;pass updated Y to next ROM ;Filing system information block, in reverse .L9D3B EQUB $04,$15,$11 ;FS number, highest, lowest file handles EQUS " CSID" ;FS name EQUB $04,$15,$11 ;FS number, highest, lowest file handles EQUS " KSID" ;FS name .L9D51 IF _BUGFIX .shut ;Service call $26 = *SHUT command issued TYA ;ported from DFS 2.29 PHA ;save parameter JSR suspri ;set up pointer to private page LDY #memflg ;test shared workspace possession flag LDA (temp),Y ;if b7=1 then we have the workspace, proceed BMI shut1 LDY #dcbmap-mainws ;else test channel open flags in private page LDA (temp),Y AND #$F8 ;if no files were open when stowed BEQ shut2 ;then return LDA #$FF ;else $FF = allow warm start, disable boot JSR L9B70 ;initialise DFS: .shut1 LDY #$00 ;y=$00 close all files JSR wshut ;close a file/all files .shut2 PLA ;restore service call parameter TAY LDX romid ;restore ROM slot number to X LDA #$26 ;restore service call number RTS ;and pass service call on. .reset ;Service call $27 = reset occurred JSR savita ;save AXY JSR suspri ;set up pointer to private page LDY #memflg ;test shared workspace possession flag LDA (temp),Y BPL resolu ;if b7=0 then we don't have it, return STA catdrv ;else b7=1; forget catalogue in workspace .resolu RTS ELIF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;On receiving service call $26, DFS is already deselected and its ;files ensured to disc: the Terminal ROM has called OSBYTE $8D (*ROM) ;which issued FSC $06. This handler as written would close all files ;if the cold start flag were set, but otherwise achieve nothing; ;although its clearing of CBF and CBU at this point would be harmless. ;Even so, this routine has no entry in the jump table and therefore ;*SHUT does not close files on DFS volumes. ;unreachable code ;service call $26 = *SHUT command issued IF _NMOS TYA PHA LDA #$FF ;$FF = allow warm start, disable boot JSR L9B70 ;initialise DFS PLA TAY ELSE PHY ;65C02 instruction LDA #$FF ;$FF = allow warm start, disable boot JSR L9B70 ;initialise DFS PLY ;65C02 instruction ENDIF LDX romid LDA #$26 RTS ENDIF .wfile ;OSFILE JSR savit ;save XY PHA ;push A JSR clrwld ;disallow wildcard characters in filename STX temp+$00 ;set up pointer from XY STX fcbadr+$00 STY temp+$01 STY fcbadr+$01 LDX #$00 ;destination offset = 0 LDY #$00 ;source offset = 0 JSR shfttw ;copy filename pointer word to work; X=Y=2 .wfile4 JSR shftbo ;copy one word to work, one word to hiwork CPY #$12 ;loop until 16 bytes copied, 18 total BNE wfile4 PLA ;transfer call number to X TAX INX ;increment for use as index CPX #filjph-filjpl ;was call number $FF or 0..7? BCS wfile3 ;if not then exit LDA filjph,X ;else get action address high byte PHA ;save on stack LDA filjpl,X ;get action address low byte PHA ;save on stack .wfile3 LDA #$00 ;a=0 on entry to routine RTS ;jump to action address .wfscm ;FSC CMP #fschtb-fscltb ;if call outside range 0..11 BCS wfile3 ;then exit STX ytemp ;else save X TAX ;transfer call number to X as index LDA fschtb,X ;get action address high byte PHA ;save on stack LDA fscltb,X ;get action address low byte PHA ;save on stack TXA ;restore call number to A LDX ytemp ;restore X on entry .wbgpbr RTS ;jump to action address .wbgpb ;OSGBPB CMP #wgptbh-wgptbl BCS wbgpbr ;if call number >=9 then return JSR savita ;else save AXY JSR wopa ;have A=0 returned on exit STX btemp+$00 ;save OSGBPB block pointer in workspace STY btemp+$01 TAY ;transfer call number to Y for use as index IF _FASTGB JMP fastgb .upgbpb ENDIF JSR wbrest ;execute OSGBPB call PHP BIT tumflg ;[D]if Tube present BPL L9DBE JSR L8F2F ;then release Tube .L9DBE PLP RTS .wbrest LDA wgptbl,Y ;get low byte of action address from table STA qtemp+$00 LDA wgptbh,Y ;get high byte of action address from table STA qtemp+$01 LDA wbrwtb,Y ;get microcode byte from table LSR A ;push bit 0 as C PHP LSR A ;push bit 1 as C PHP STA ctemp ;store Tube service call number as bits 0..5 IF _FASTGB ELSE JSR makatp ;set up pointer to user's OSGBPB block ENDIF LDY #$0C ;13 bytes to copy, $0C..$00: .wbgpb0 LDA (atemp),Y ;copy user's OSGBPB block STA dosram,Y ;to workspace DEY ;loop until 13 bytes copied BPL wbgpb0 LDA dosram+$03 ;and high bytes of address AND dosram+$04 ;a=$FF if address is in the host ORA notube ;a=$FF if Tube absent ($10D6=NOT MOS flag!) CLC ADC #$01 ;set A=0, C=1 if transferring to/from host BEQ wbgpba ;if A>0 JSR clatub ;then claim Tube CLC LDA #$FF ;and set A=$FF, C=0, transferring to/from Tube .wbgpba STA tumflg ;set Tube transfer flag LDA ctemp ;set A=0 if writing user mem, A=1 if reading BCS wbgpb9 ;if transferring to/from Tube LDX #<(dosram+$01) ;then point XY to OSGBPB data address LDY #>(dosram+$01) JSR taddrl ;call Tube service to open Tube data channel .wbgpb9 PLP ;set C=microcode b1 BCS wbgpbb ;if reading/writing data then transfer it PLP ;else C=microcode b0 (=0), pop off stack .qjmi JMP (qtemp) ;and jump to action address. .wbgpbb LDX #$03 ;4 bytes to copy, 3..0: .wbgpb8 LDA dosram+$09,X ;copy OSGBPB pointer field STA vtemp,X ;to zero page DEX BPL wbgpb8 LDX #vtemp ;point X to pointer in zero page LDY dosram+$00 ;set Y=channel number LDA #$00 ;set A=0, read PTR not EXT PLP ;set C=microcode b0 BCS wbgpb1 ;if C=0 JSR vstar ;then call OSARGS 1,Y set PTR. .wbgpb1 JSR vradr ;call OSARGS 0,Y return PTR LDX #$03 ;4 bytes to copy, 3..0: .wbgpb7 LDA vtemp,X ;copy pointer in zero page STA dosram+$09,X ;to OSGBPB pointer field DEX BPL wbgpb7 .wcbat0 JSR comwrk ;invert OSGBPB length field BMI wbgpb4 ;and branch into loop (always) .wbgpb3 LDY dosram+$00 ;set Y = channel number JSR qjmi ;transfer byte / element BCS wbgpb6 ;if attempted read past EOF then finish LDX #$09 ;else set X = $09, point to OSGBPB pointer JSR zerinc ;increment pointer .wbgpb4 LDX #$05 ;set X = $05, point to OSGBPB length field JSR zerinc ;increment OSGBPB length field (inverted) BNE wbgpb3 ;if not overflowed to zero then loop CLC ;else set C = 0, no read past EOF: .wbgpb6 PHP JSR comwrk ;invert OSGBPB length field LDX #$05 ;add one to get two's complement (0 -> 0) JSR zerinc ;thus, number of elements not transferred IF _BUGFIX LDY qtemp+$00 ;get LSB of OSGBPB action address CPY #<wcbatr ;does it match 'return one filename'? BEQ wbgpbc ;if not LDY dosram+$00 ;set Y = file handle from OSGBPB block JSR dcrypt ;convert to workspace offset JSR args3x ;clear EOF warning flag .wbgpbc ENDIF LDY #$0C ;13 bytes to copy, offsets 0..$C: JSR makatp ;set up pointer to user's OSGBPB block .wbgpb5 LDA dosram,Y ;copy OSGBPB block back to user memory STA (atemp),Y DEY BPL wbgpb5 PLP RTS .wcbat ;OSGBPB 8 = read filenames in default dir JSR setdef ;set current vol/dir = default, set up drive JSR L93B1 ;ensure current volume catalogue loaded LDA #<wcbatr ;replace action address with wcbatr STA qtemp+$00 ;= return one filename LDA #>wcbatr STA qtemp+$01 BNE wcbat0 ;and return requested number of filenames. .wcbatr ;Return one filename (called during OSGBPB 8) LDY dosram+$09 ;set Y = catalogue pointer (0 on first call) .wcbat4 CPY dirlen ;compare with no. files in catalogue BCS wcbat2 ;if out of files return C=1, read past EOF LDA modify,Y ;else get directory character of cat entry JSR caps ;set C=0 iff character in A is a letter EOR qualif ;compare with current directory character BCS wcbat5 ;if directory character is a letter AND #$DF ;then ignore case. .wcbat5 AND #$7F ;mask off attribute bit b7 BEQ wcbat3 ;if catalogue entry not in current directory JSR step ;then add 8 to Y BNE wcbat4 ;and loop (always) .wcbat3 LDA #$07 ;else write 7 to user memory JSR wbwrit ;= length of filename STA temp ;set counter to 7 .wcbat1 LDA catlow,Y ;get character of leaf name JSR wbwrit ;write byte to user memory INY ;increment catalogue pointer DEC temp ;loop until 7 characters transferred BNE wcbat1 ;(Y is 7 up, inc at wbgpb3 puts pointer 8 up) CLC ;c=0, did not run out of filenames: .wcbat2 STY dosram+$09 ;put updated cat ptr in OSGBPB pointer field LDA cycno ;return catalogue cycle no. in channel field STA dosram+$00 RTS .rdtco ;OSGBPB 5 = read title, boot option and drive JSR setdef ;set current vol/dir = default, set up drive JSR L93B1 ;ensure current volume catalogue loaded LDA #$0C ;write 12 to user memory JSR wbwrit ;= length of title LDY #$00 ;set offset to 0 .rdtc0 CPY #$08 ;if writing characters 8..11 BCS rdtc1 ;then fetch from second catalogue sector LDA dirlow,Y ;else get characters 0..7 from first sector BCC rdtc2 ;and write to user memory (always) .rdtc1 LDA dirhig-$08,Y ;get characters 8..11 from offsets 0..3 .rdtc2 JSR wbwrit ;write to user memory INY CPY #$0C ;loop until 12 characters written BNE rdtc0 LDA option ;get boot option/top bits volume size JSR sfour ;shift A right 4 places JSR wbwrit ;write boot option to user memory LDA fdrive ;get current drive JMP wbwrit ;write to user memory and exit .rdbir ;OSGBPB 6 = read default (CSD) drive and dir JSR wowrit ;write binary 1 to user memory LDA defdsk ;get default drive ORA #$30 ;convert to ASCII digit JSR wbwrit ;write drive identifier to user memory JSR wowrit ;write binary 1 to user memory LDA defqua ;get default directory character BNE wbwrit ;write it to user memory and exit .rlbir ;OSGBPB 7 = read library drive and directory JSR wowrit ;write binary 1 to user memory LDA libdsk ;get library drive ORA #$30 ;convert to ASCII digit JSR wbwrit ;write drive identifier to user memory JSR wowrit ;write binary 1 to user memory LDA libqua ;get library directory character BNE wbwrit ;write it to user memory and exit .adrld ;Set up pointer to user I/O memory IF _SQUEEZE LDX dosram+$01 STX ztemp+$00 LDX dosram+$02 STX ztemp+$01 LDX #$00 ;offset = 0 for indexed indirect load/store RTS .wbwri0 JSR adrld ;set up pointer to user I/O memory STA (ztemp,X) ;store byte at pointer and increment address: ELSE PHA ;can save 2 bytes LDA dosram+$01 STA ztemp+$00 LDA dosram+$02 STA ztemp+$01 LDX #$00 ;offset = 0 for indexed indirect load/store PLA RTS ENDIF .adrinc ;Increment OSGBPB address field JSR savita ;save AXY LDX #$01 ;set X = $01, point to OSGBPB data address: .zerinc ;Increment OSGBPB field LDY #$04 .zerin0 INC dosram,X BNE zerin1 INX DEY BNE zerin0 .zerin1 RTS ;return Z=1 iff field overflows .comwrk ;Invert OSGBPB length field LDX #$03 .wbgpb2 LDA #$FF EOR dosram+$05,X STA dosram+$05,X DEX BPL wbgpb2 RTS .makatp ;Set up pointer to user's OSGBPB block LDA btemp+$00 STA atemp+$00 LDA btemp+$01 STA atemp+$01 .wbgtr0 RTS .wowrit ;Write binary 1 to user memory LDA #$01 BNE wbwrit ;OSGBPB 3 = set pointer and read data ;OSGBPB 4 = read data .wbgtr JSR wbget ;call OSBGET; read byte from file BCS wbgtr0 ;if end-of-file reached return C=1, else: .wbwrit ;Write data byte to user memory BIT tumflg ;test Tube flag BPL wbwri0 ;if Tube not in use then write to I/O memory STA reg3 ;else put byte in R3DATA BMI adrinc ;and increment OSGBPB address field (always) IF _SQUEEZE ELSE .wbwri0 JSR adrld ;set up pointer to user I/O memory STA (ztemp,X) ;store byte at pointer and increment address JMP adrinc ;can save 3 bytes (join) ENDIF ;OSGBPB 1 = set pointer and write data ;OSGBPB 2 = write data .wbptr JSR wbread ;get byte from user memory JSR wbput ;call OSBPUT; write byte to file CLC ;return C=0 no end-of-file condition RTS .wbread ;Read data byte from user memory BIT tumflg ;test Tube transfer flag BPL wbrea0 ;if b7=0 then read from I/O memory LDA reg3 ;else read from R3DATA JMP adrinc ;increment OSGBPB address field .wbrea0 JSR adrld ;set up pointer to user I/O memory LDA (ztemp,X) ;read byte from user I/O memory JMP adrinc ;increment OSGBPB address field .wstus ;FSC 8 = *command has been entered BIT enaflg ;if *ENABLEd flag b7=0 (i.e. byte = 0 or 1) BMI clrwld DEC enaflg ;then enable this command, not the ones after: .clrwld ;Disallow wildcard characters in filename LDA #$FF STA dashop .setwl0 STA wildch RTS .setwld ;Allow wildcard characters in filename LDA #$2A STA dashop LDA #$23 BNE setwl0 .frdcat ;OSFILE 5 = read catalogue information JSR tryfil ;ensure file exists JSR chukbk ;return catalogue information to OSFILE block LDA #$01 ;return A=1, file found RTS .fdefil ;OSFILE 6 = delete file JSR tryflc ;ensure unlocked file exists JSR chukbk ;return catalogue information to OSFILE block JSR delfil ;delete catalogue entry BCC dort1a ;write volume catalogue, return A=1 .fwrcat ;OSFILE 1 = write catalogue information ;[BUG] can set attributes on open file JSR tryfil ;ensure unlocked file exists JSR mvilod ;set load address from OSFILE block JSR mviexe ;set exec address from OSFILE block BVC dort1b ;branch to set attributes and write (always) ;[D]swapped vs DFS 1.20 .fwrexe ;OSFILE 3 = write execution address JSR tryfil ;ensure unlocked file exists JSR mviexe ;set exec address from OSFILE block BVC dort1a ;branch to write catalogue (always) .fwrlod ;OSFILE 2 = write load address JSR tryfil ;ensure unlocked file exists JSR mvilod ;set load address from OSFILE block BVC dort1a ;branch to write catalogue (always) .fwratt ;OSFILE 4 = write file attributes JSR tryfil ;ensure file exists JSR chkopn ;ensure file not open (mutex) .dort1b JSR mviatt ;set file attributes from OSFILE block .dort1a JSR titend ;write volume catalogue (=JMP dirout) LDA #$01 ;return A=1, file found RTS .mvilod ;Set load address from OSFILE block JSR savita ;save AXY LDY #$02 ;set offset = 2 LDA (temp),Y ;get LSB load address from OSFILE block STA cathig+$00,X ;store in catalogue entry INY ;increment offset; Y=3 LDA (temp),Y ;get 3MSB load address STA cathig+$01,X ;store in catalogue entry INY ;increment offset; Y=4 LDA (temp),Y ;get 2MSB load address ASL A ;extract b17,b16, place in b3,b2 ASL A EOR cathig+$06,X ;XOR with existing top bits AND #$0C ;mask b3,b2; A=....XX.. BPL mviin0 ;branch to update top bits (always) .mviexe ;Set exec address from OSFILE block JSR savita ;save AXY LDY #$06 ;set offset = 6 LDA (temp),Y ;get LSB exec address from OSFILE block STA cathig+$02,X ;store in catalogue entry INY ;increment offset; Y=7 LDA (temp),Y ;get 3MSB exec address STA cathig+$03,X ;store in catalogue entry INY ;increment offset; Y=8 LDA (temp),Y ;get 2MSB load address ROR A ;extract b17,b16, place in b7,b6 ROR A ROR A EOR cathig+$06,X ;XOR with existing top bits AND #$C0 ;mask b7,b6; A=XX...... .mviin0 EOR cathig+$06,X ;XOR old top bits with A; 6 bits old, 2 new STA cathig+$06,X ;set top bits exec/length/load/start sector CLV ;return V=0 RTS .mviatt ;Set file attributes from OSFILE block JSR savita ;save AXY LDY #$0E ;set Y=14, offset of file attributes LDA (temp),Y ;get LSB of file attributes AND #$0A ;test b3=file locked, b1=writing denied ;NB b2..b0 are in opposite sense to RISC OS ;where they enable execute, write, read resp. ;this is well-documented in DFS and RISC OS BEQ mviat0 ;if either is set LDA #$80 ;then b7=1 file locked .mviat0 EOR modify,X ;else b7=0 file unlocked. get directory char AND #$80 ;from catalogue entry EOR modify,X ;preserve b6..0, replace b7 from A STA modify,X ;save directory char with new lock attribute RTS .tryflc ;Ensure unlocked file exists JSR tryfl1 ;test if file exists BCC tryfl2 ;if not then return A=0 from caller, else: .chklok ;Ensure file not locked LDA modify,Y ;if directory character b7=1 BPL chkopr .delprt JSR estrng ;then raise "File locked" error. EQUB $C3 EQUS "Locked" EQUB $00 .chkopl ;Ensure file not locked or open (mutex) JSR chklok ;ensure file not locked .chkopn ;Ensure file not open (mutex) JSR savita ;save AXY JSR cmpfil ;find free channel and check for clashes BCC tryfl3 ;if file not open then return JMP filopn ;else raise "Locked" error. .tryfil ;Ensure file exists JSR tryfl1 ;test if file exists BCS tryfl3 ;if present then return, else: .tryfl2 ;Return A=0 from caller PLA ;discard return address on stack (ew!) PLA LDA #$00 ;return A=0 as if from caller. .chkopr RTS .tryfl1 ;Test if file exists JSR frmnam ;set current file from argument pointer JSR lookup ;search for file in catalogue BCC tryfl3 ;if file not found then exit C=0 TYA ;else transfer catalogue pointer to X: TAX .tryfl0 ;Set up pointer to user's OSFILE block LDA fcbadr+$00 STA temp+$00 LDA fcbadr+$01 STA temp+$01 .tryfl3 RTS .getlsz ;Get start and size of user memory LDA #$83 ;call OSBYTE $83 = read OSHWM JSR osbyte STY frpage ;save MSB LDA #$84 ;call OSBYTE $84 = read HIMEM JSR osbyte TYA SEC ;save MSB SBC frpage STA frsize ;subtract MSB of OSHWM RTS ;save result = no. pages of user memory. .getmem ;Claim shared workspace JSR suspri ;[D]not sending service call $0A LDY #colds-mainws ;set up pointer to private page LDA #$FF ;b7=1 to allow a warm start STA (temp),Y ;save in private page STA colds ;and main workspace INY ;y=memflg STA (temp),Y ;b7=1 iff we own the shared workspace RTS .suspri ;Set up pointer to private page PHA LDA #$00 ;clear LSB, always start on page boundary STA temp+$00 LDX romid LDA priptr,X ;get private page number from table STA temp+$01 ;store MSB of pointer PLA RTS .clrkey ;Call *FX 15,1 = clear input buffer JSR savita ;save AXY LDA #$0F LDX #$01 LDY #$00 BEQ bytjmp .wriwde ;Call OSBYTE $03 = specify output stream in A TAX .wriwdx ;Call OSBYTE $03 = specify output stream LDA #$03 BNE bytjmp .ackesc ;Call OSBYTE $7E = acknowledge ESCAPE condition JSR savita ;save AXY LDA #$7E BNE bytjmp .doswcl ;Call OSBYTE $8F = issue service call LDA #$8F BNE bytjmp IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code ;Call OSBYTE $FF = read/write startup options LDA #$FF ENDIF .readby LDX #$00 LDY #$FF .bytjmp JMP osbyte ;Table of addresses of extended vector handlers .vtabb EQUW $FF1B ;FILEV, $0212 = $FF1B EQUW $FF1E ;ARGSV, $0214 = $FF1E EQUW $FF21 ;BGETV, $0216 = $FF21 EQUW $FF24 ;BPUTV, $0218 = $FF24 EQUW $FF27 ;GBPBV, $021A = $FF27 EQUW $FF2A ;FINDV, $021C = $FF2A EQUW $FF2D ;FSCV, $021E = $FF2D ;Table of action addresses for extended vector table .vtabf EQUW wfile ;E FILEV, evt + $1B = $9D5D EQUB $00 EQUW wargs ;E ARGSV, evt + $1E = $974C EQUB $00 EQUW wbget ;E BGETV, evt + $21 = $985C EQUB $00 EQUW wbput ;E BPUTV, evt + $24 = $994A EQUB $00 EQUW wbgpb ;E GBPBV, evt + $27 = $9DA1 EQUB $00 EQUW wfind ;E FINDV, evt + $2A = $95BD EQUB $00 EQUW wfscm ;E FSCV, evt + $2D = $9D8E EQUB $00 ;Table of action addresses for FSC calls 0..11, low bytes .fscltb EQUB <(wfopt -$01) ;FSC 0 = *OPT $89F8 EQUB <(wfeof -$01) ;FSC 1 = read EOF state $9825 EQUB <(wnota -$01) ;FSC 2 = */ $8832 EQUB <(wname -$01) ;FSC 3 = unrecognised *cmd $86C0 EQUB <(wnota -$01) ;FSC 4 = *RUN $8832 EQUB <(wdcat -$01) ;FSC 5 = *CAT $848E EQUB <(wfdie -$01) ;FSC 6 = new FS starting up $94FF EQUB <(whlim -$01) ;FSC 7 = valid file handles $94FA EQUB <(wstus -$01) ;FSC 8 = *command entered $9F73 EQUB <(ex -$01) ;FSC 9 = *EX $8238 EQUB <(info -$01) ;FSC 10 = *INFO $8257 EQUB <(wnota -$01) ;FSC 11 = *RUN from library $8832 ;Table of action addresses for FSC calls 0..11, high bytes .fschtb EQUB >(wfopt -$01) EQUB >(wfeof -$01) EQUB >(wnota -$01) EQUB >(wname -$01) EQUB >(wnota -$01) EQUB >(wdcat -$01) EQUB >(wfdie -$01) EQUB >(whlim -$01) EQUB >(wstus -$01) EQUB >(ex -$01) EQUB >(info -$01) EQUB >(wnota -$01) ;Table of action addresses for OSFILE calls $FF,0..7, low bytes .filjpl EQUB <(loader-$01) ;OSFILE $FF = load file $87DD EQUB <(saver -$01) ;OSFILE 0 = save file $881B EQUB <(fwrcat-$01) ;OSFILE 1 = wr. catalog info $9FA1 EQUB <(fwrlod-$01) ;OSFILE 2 = wr. load address $9FB4 EQUB <(fwrexe-$01) ;OSFILE 3 = wr. exec address $9FAC EQUB <(fwratt-$01) ;OSFILE 4 = wr. attributes $9FBC EQUB <(frdcat-$01) ;OSFILE 5 = read catalog info $9F8D EQUB <(fdefil-$01) ;OSFILE 6 = delete file $9F96 EQUB <(dirdo -$01) ;OSFILE 7 = create file $8A3D IF _BUGFIX EQUB <(return-$01) ;OSFILE 8 = create directory EQUB <(fwrlod-$01) ;OSFILE 9 = wr. timestamp EQUB <(saver -$01) ;OSFILE $0A = save w/timestamp EQUB <(dirdo -$01) ;OSFILE $0B = creat.w/timestamp ENDIF ;Table of action addresses for OSFILE calls $FF,0..7, high bytes .filjph EQUB >(loader-$01) EQUB >(saver -$01) EQUB >(fwrcat-$01) EQUB >(fwrlod-$01) EQUB >(fwrexe-$01) EQUB >(fwratt-$01) EQUB >(frdcat-$01) EQUB >(fdefil-$01) EQUB >(dirdo -$01) IF _BUGFIX EQUB >(return-$01) EQUB >(fwrlod-$01) EQUB >(saver -$01) EQUB >(dirdo -$01) ENDIF ;Table of action addresses for OSGBPB calls 0..8, low bytes .wgptbl EQUB <return ;OSGBPB 0 = no operation $8626 EQUB <wbptr ;OSGBPB 1 = set PTR and write $9F58 EQUB <wbptr ;OSGBPB 2 = write data $9F58 EQUB <wbgtr ;OSGBPB 3 = set PTR and read $9F41 EQUB <wbgtr ;OSGBPB 4 = read data $9F41 EQUB <rdtco ;OSGBPB 5 = read title/opt/drv $9EAF EQUB <rdbir ;OSGBPB 6 = read CSD drv/dir $9EDE EQUB <rlbir ;OSGBPB 7 = read lib'y drv/dir $9EF1 EQUB <wcbat ;OSGBPB 8 = read CSD filenames $9E63 ;Table of action addresses for OSGBPB calls 0..8, high bytes .wgptbh EQUB >return EQUB >wbptr EQUB >wbptr EQUB >wbgtr EQUB >wbgtr EQUB >rdtco EQUB >rdbir EQUB >rlbir EQUB >wcbat ;Table of microcode bytes for OSGBPB calls 0..8 .wbrwtb EQUB $04 ;%000001 0 . to memory, special handler EQUB $02 ;%000000 1 0 from memory, xfer data, set PTR EQUB $03 ;%000000 1 1 from memory, xfer data, leave PTR EQUB $06 ;%000001 1 0 to memory, xfer data, set PTR EQUB $07 ;%000001 1 1 to memory, xfer data, leave PTR EQUB $04 ;%000001 0 . to memory, special handler EQUB $04 ;%000001 0 . to memory, special handler EQUB $04 ;%000001 0 . to memory, special handler EQUB $04 ;%000001 0 . to memory, special handler .help ;*HELP DFS TYA ;save command line offset LDX #<(comtab-comtab-$01);point to DFS command table LDY #$10 ;16 entries to print .help1 PHA ;save command line offset JSR vstrng ;print DFS banner EQUB $0D EQUS "DFS 2.24" EQUB $0D STX comtxt ;save command table offset STY vtemp+$01 ;[D]using counter in zp .help0 LDA #$00 STA etemp ;no error message being built print to screen LDY #$02 ;y=2 print two spaces JSR LA1E5 ;print number of spaces in Y JSR psyntx ;print command name and syntax JSR pcrlf ;print newline DEC vtemp+$01 ;decrement count of entries BNE help0 ;loop until none remain PLA ;restore command line offset to Y TAY .help2 LDX #<(hlptab-comtab-$03);point to *HELP keyword table JMP wname0 ;scan next argument for *HELP keywords IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code ;was *HELP UTILS TYA LDX #<(initbl-comtab-$01);point to utility command table LDY #$01 ;1 entry to print BNE help1 ENDIF .nohelp ;Unrecognised *HELP keyword JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 BEQ psynt4 ;if no argument present then return .nohlp1 JSR rdchr ;call GSREAD BCC nohlp1 ;until end of argument (discarding it) BCS help2 ;then scan next argument (always) .chksyn ;Call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 BNE psynt4 ;if argument present then return, else: .synerr ;Raise "Syntax: " error JSR fstrng EQUB $DC EQUS "Syntax: " STX etemp ;x>0, printing to error message, suppress TAB JSR psyntx ;print command name and syntax LDA #$00 ;$00 = error message terminator byte JSR phelpc ;append NUL to error message JMP errbuf ;jump to BRK to raise error .psyntx ;Print command name and syntax LDX comtxt ;get command table offset LDA #$09 ;[D]9 characters in command name column STA ztemp .syner1 INX ;increment offset LDA comtab,X ;get byte of command name BMI syner0 ;if terminator reached then print syntax JSR phelpc ;else print character in A (OSASCI) JMP syner1 ;and loop .syner0 LDY ztemp ;[D] CPY #$0C ;if number of spaces remaining <> 12 BEQ LA1A2 JSR LA1E5 ;then print number of spaces in Y .LA1A2 INX ;skip action address INX STX comtxt ;update command table offset LDA comtab,X ;get syntax byte JSR psynt5 ;print syntax element JSR sfour ;shift A right 4 places: .psynt5 ;Print syntax element JSR savita ;save AXY AND #$0F ;mask b3..0 current syntax element BEQ psynt4 ;if null element then return TAY ;else transfer to Y for use as counter LDA #$20 ;print a space JSR phelpc ;print character in A (OSASCI) LDX #$FF ;set offset=$FF going to 0: .psynt2 INX ;increment offset LDA argtbl,X ;get character of syntax element table BPL psynt2 ;loop until b7=1 DEY ;decrement number of elements(+1) to skip BNE psynt2 ;when Y=0 we've reached correct element: AND #$7F ;mask off start-of-element marker in b7 .psynt3 JSR phelpc ;print character in A (OSASCI) INX ;increment offset LDA argtbl,X ;get character of syntax element table BPL psynt3 ;loop until start of next element reached RTS ;then exit .phelpc ;Print character to screen or error message JSR savita ;save AXY LDX etemp ;get pointer to end of error message BEQ phlpc0 ;if zero then print to screen INC etemp ;else increment pointer STA errbuf,X ;and store character at old pointer .psynt4 RTS .phlpc0 DEC ztemp ;[D]else decrement no. spaces to next TAB JMP pchr ;and print character in A (OSASCI) .LA1E5 ;Print number of spaces in Y LDA etemp ;if error message being built BNE LA1F1 ;then return LDA #$20 ;else print a space .LA1EB JSR phelpc ;print character to screen or error message DEY ;loop until Y = 0 BNE LA1EB .LA1F1 RTS .argtbl ;Table of syntax elements EQUS $BC,"fsp>" EQUS $BC,"afsp>" EQUS $A8,"L)" EQUS $BC,"source> <dest.>" EQUS $BC,"old fsp> <new fsp>" EQUS $A8,"<dir>)" EQUS $A8,"<drive>)" EQUS $BC,"title>" EQUS $BC,"drive> (40)(80)" ;[D] EQUS $B4,"0/80" ;[D] EQUS $A8,"<drive>)..." ;[D] EQUS $A8,"<rom>)" ;[D] EQUS $FF .compct ;*COMPACT JSR readrv ;select specified or default volume JSR vstrng ;print "Compacting :" EQUS "Compacting :" STA fdriv ;set as source drive STA tdriv ;set as destination drive JSR digout ;print hex nibble JSR pcrlf ;print newline LDY #$00 ;point Y to workspace of invalid channel $10 IF _BUGFIX JSR wshut ;close all files ELSE JSR vshut ;close file [BUG] does nothing; should be wshut ENDIF JSR getlsz ;get start and size of user memory JSR getdir ;load volume catalogue L4 LDY dirlen ;get number of files in catalogue STY cpycat ;set as catalogue pointer LDA #$02 ;data area starts at LBA $0002 STA dstlo LDA #$00 STA dsthi .loopx LDY cpycat ;set Y to catalogue pointer JSR unstep ;subtract 8 from Y CPY #$F8 ;if we've reached end of catalogue BNE notdun LDA dirhig+$07 ;then get LSB volume size SEC ;subtract LSB destination LBA SBC dstlo ;i.e. start of free space PHA ;=LSB number of free sectors LDA dirhig+$06 ;get boot option/top bits volume size AND #$03 ;extract volume size in b1,b0 SBC dsthi ;subtract MSB start of free space JSR digout ;print hex nibble PLA ;restore LSB number of free sectors JSR bytout ;print hex byte JSR vstrng ;print " free sectors" + newline EQUS " free sectors" EQUB $0D NOP RTS ;exit. .notdun STY cpycat ;else set new catalogue pointer JSR inform ;print *INFO line if verbose LDY cpycat LDA cathig+$04,Y CMP #$01 LDA #$00 STA lodlo ;set LSB load address = 0 STA lenlo ;set LSB transfer size = 0 ADC cathig+$05,Y ;add C to 2MSB length, rounding up STA todolo ;store LSB length of file in sectors LDA cathig+$06,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector PHP ;save carry flag from addition JSR isolen ;extract length from b5,4 to b1,0 PLP ;restore carry flag ADC #$00 ;add C to MSB length, rounding up STA todohi ;store length in sectors in zero page LDA cathig+$07,Y ;get LSB start sector STA srclo ;set LSB source LBA LDA cathig+$06,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$03 ;extract b1,b0 of A STA srchi ;set MSB source LBA CMP dsthi ;compare with destination LBA BNE cmpct2 ;if unequal then compact file LDA srclo ;else compare LSBs source - destination LBA CMP dstlo BNE cmpct2 ;if unequal then compact file CLC ;else add file length to destination LBA ADC todolo STA dstlo ;store updated LSB destination LBA LDA dsthi ;= srchi ADC todohi ;carry out to MSB destination LBA STA dsthi JMP cmpct4 ;and loop for next file .cmpct2 ;Compact file LDA dstlo ;set LSB start sector = destination LBA STA cathig+$07,Y LDA cathig+$06,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$FC ;clear b1,b0 MSB start sector ORA dsthi ;replace with MSB destination LBA STA cathig+$06,Y ;set top bits exec/length/load/start sector LDA #$00 STA linno ;no catalogue entry waiting to be created STA L00A9 ;$00 = source and dest. are different drives ;(no swapping) JSR mvdkda ;copy source drive/file to destination JSR dirout ;write volume catalogue L4 .cmpct4 LDY cpycat JSR prtinf ;print *INFO line JMP loopx ;loop for next file .chkena ;Ensure *ENABLE active BIT enaflg ;test *ENABLE flag BPL chken0 ;if b7=0 then current command is enabled JSR sure ;else print "Go?" and ask user yes or no BEQ chkna1 ;if yes then print newline and return PLA ;else pop return address (ew!) PLA ;to return to caller's superroutine .chkna1 JMP pcrlf ;print newline and exit. .get2dr ;Parse and print source and dest. volumes JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and reject empty arg JSR getdrv ;parse volume spec STA fdriv ;store source volume JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and reject empty arg JSR getdrv ;parse volume spec STA tdriv ;store destination volume TYA ;save GSINIT offset in Y PHA LDA #$00 STA L00A9 ;$00 = source and dest. are different drives LDA tdriv ;get destination drive CMP fdriv ;compare with source drive BNE copyns ;if equal LDA #$FF ;then A=$FF STA L00A9 ;b7=1 source and dest. share drive (swapping) STA utemp ;b7=1 dest. disc in drive (ask for source) .copyns JSR getlsz ;get start and size of user memory JSR vstrng ;print "Copying from :" EQUS "Copying from :" LDA fdriv ;get source volume JSR digout ;print hex nibble JSR vstrng ;print " to :" EQUS " to :" LDA tdriv ;get destination volume JSR digout ;print hex nibble JSR pcrlf ;print newline PLA ;restore GSINIT offset to Y TAY CLC .chken0 RTS IF _SQUEEZE .chkdsf ;Select source volume JSR savita ;save AXY BIT L00A9 ;if source and dest. are different drives BPL chken0 ;then return LDA #$00 ;else A=$00 = we want source disc BEQ chkds0 ;branch (always) .chkdst ;Select destination volume JSR savita ;save AXY BIT L00A9 ;if source and dest. are different drives BPL chken0 ;then return .chkds2 LDA #$80 ;else A=$80 = we want destination disc .chkds0 CMP utemp ;compare wanted disc with disc in drive BEQ chken0 ;if the same then do not prompt ELSE .chkdsf ;Select source volume JSR savita ;save AXY BIT L00A9 ;if source and dest. are different drives BPL chkds1 ;then return LDA #$00 ;else A=$00 = we want source disc BEQ chkds0 ;branch (always) .chkdst ;Select destination volume JSR savita ;save AXY BIT L00A9 ;if source and dest. are different drives BMI chkds2 ;can save 1 byte (BPL chken0) .chkds1 RTS ;then return .chkds2 LDA #$80 ;else A=$80 = we want destination disc .chkds0 CMP utemp ;compare wanted disc with disc in drive BEQ chkds1 ;if the same then do not prompt ENDIF STA utemp ;else wanted disc is going into drive JSR vstrng ;print "Insert " EQUS "Insert " NOP BIT utemp ;if b7=1 BMI chkds3 ;then print "destination" JSR vstrng ;else print "source" EQUS "source" BCC chkds4 ;and branch (always) .chkds3 JSR vstrng ;print " destination" EQUS "destination" NOP .chkds4 JSR vstrng ;print " disk and hit a key" EQUS " disc and hit a key" NOP JSR clrkey ;call *FX 15,1 = clear input buffer JSR osrdch ;call OSRDCH, wait for input character BCS abort ;if ESCAPE was pressed then raise error, else: .pcrlf ;Print newline PHA LDA #$0D JSR pchr PLA RTS .LA403 ;Print " : " and ask user yes or no JSR vstrng EQUS " : " BCC getyn .sure ;Print "Go?" and ask user yes or no JSR vstrng EQUS "Go (Y/N) ? " NOP .getyn JSR clrkey ;call *FX 15,1 = clear input buffer JSR osrdch ;call OSRDCH, wait for input character BCS abort ;if ESCAPE was pressed then raise error AND #$5F ;else clear bit 7, make uppercase CMP #$59 ;is it "Y"? PHP ;save the answer BEQ getyn0 ;if so then print "Y" LDA #$4E ;else print "N" .getyn0 JSR pchr ;print character in A (OSASCI) PLP ;return Z=1 if "Y" or "y" pressed RTS .abort JMP escape ;acknowledge escape condition and raise error .nocop JMP noroom ;raise "Disc full" error .cpydsk ;*BACKUP JSR get2dr ;parse and print source and dest. volumes JSR chkena ;ensure *ENABLE active LDA #$00 STA srchi ;set source volume LBA = 0 STA dsthi STA dstlo ;set destination volume LBA = 0 STA srclo STA linno ;no catalogue entry waiting to be created JSR chkdsf ;select source volume LDA fdriv ;get source drive STA fdrive ;set as current drive JSR L93C0 ;load volume catalogue LDA dirhig+$07 ;get LSB source volume size STA todolo ;store LSB no. sectors to transfer LDA dirhig+$06 ;get boot option/top bits volume size AND #$03 ;extract volume size in b1,b0 STA todohi ;store MSB no. sectors to transfer JSR chkdst ;select destination volume LDA tdriv ;get destination drive STA fdrive ;set as current drive JSR L93C0 ;load volume catalogue LDA dirhig+$06 ;get boot option/top bits volume size AND #$03 ;extract volume size in b1,b0 CMP todohi ;compare MSBs dest volume size - source BCC nocop ;if dest < source then raise error BNE cpydk4 ;if dest > source then proceed LDA dirhig+$07 ;else compare LSBs dest - source CMP todolo BCC nocop ;if dest < source then raise error .cpydk4 JSR mvdkda ;copy source drive/file to destination JMP L93C0 ;load destination volume catalogue .cpyfil ;*COPY JSR setwld ;allow wildcard characters in filename JSR get2dr ;parse and print source and dest. volumes JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR getnam ;set current file from file spec JSR chkdsf ;select source volume LDA fdriv ;get source drive JSR dodriv ;select drive in A JSR errlok ;ensure matching file in catalogue .cpyfl3 LDA qualif ;save directory spec given to *COPY PHA LDA vtemp+$00 STA ltemp ;save cat. offset of found file in zero page JSR prtinf ;print *INFO line LDX #$00 .copyl LDA catlow,Y ;copy matching filename+dir to current file STA wrknam,X STA namtra,X ;and to workspace LDA cathig,Y ;copy matching file's catalogue information STA wrkcat-$01,X ;to OSFILE block (aligned lower than usual) STA tmpcat,X ;and to workspace INX INY CPX #$08 ;loop until 8 bytes of each field copied BNE copyl LDA wrkcat-$01+$06 ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector JSR isolen ;extract b5,b4 of A STA lenhl-$01 ;set MSB length (really a new temp used like lenhl) LDA wrkcat-$01+$04 ;get LSB length IF _SQUEEZE CMP #$01 ;set C=1 iff file includes partial sector ELSE CLC ;can save 1 byte, CMP #$01 ADC #$FF ;set C=1 iff file includes partial sector ENDIF LDA wrkcat-$01+$05 ;get 2MSB length ADC #$00 ;round up to get LSB length in sectors STA todolo LDA lenhl-$01 ;get extracted MSB length ADC #$00 ;carry out to get MSB length in sectors STA todohi LDA tmpcat+$07 ;get LSB start LBA (also at wrkcat-$01+$07) STA srclo ;can save 1 byte (zp address above) LDA tmpcat+$06 ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$03 ;extract b1,b0 of A STA srchi ;store MSB start LBA LDA #$FF STA linno ;catalogue entry is waiting to be created JSR mvdkda ;copy source drive/file to destination JSR chkdsf ;select source volume LDA fdriv ;get source drive JSR dodriv ;select drive in A JSR getdir ;load volume catalogue LDA ltemp ;restore cat. offset of found file STA vtemp+$00 ;to workspace PLA ;restore directory spec given to *COPY STA qualif JSR next ;find next matching file BCS cpyfl3 ;loop while match found, else exit RTS .regen ;Create destination catalogue entry JSR swpfcb ;swap work with tmpcin JSR chkdst ;select destination volume LDA tdriv STA fdrive LDA qualif ;save current directory PHA JSR getdir ;load volume catalogue L4 JSR lookw ;search for wrknam in catalogue BCC copyfe ;if found JSR delfil ;then delete catalogue entry .copyfe PLA ;restore current directory STA qualif ;set as current directory (redundant) JSR decodl ;expand 18-bit load address to 32-bit JSR decode ;expand 18-bit exec address to 32-bit LDA wrkcat+$06 ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector JSR isolen ;extract b5,b4 of A STA lenhl ;store MSB length JSR genfil ;create catalogue entry LDA wrkcat+$06 ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$03 ;extract b1,b0 of A PHA ;save MSB start sector LDA wrkcat+$07 ;get LSB start sector PHA ;save LSB start sector JSR swpfcb ;swap work with tmpcin PLA STA dstlo ;store LSB start sector PLA STA dsthi ;store MSB start sector RTS .swpfcb ;Swap work with tmpcin LDX #$11 .swpfc0 IF _SQUEEZE LDY tmpcin,X LDA work,X STY work,X STA tmpcin,X ELSE LDA tmpcin,X LDY work,X STA work,X TYA ;can save 1 byte (STY work,X) STA tmpcin,X ENDIF DEX BPL swpfc0 RTS .mvdkda ;Copy source drive/file to destination LDA #$00 STA lodlo ;set LSB load address = 0 STA lenlo ;set LSB transfer size = 0 IF _BUGFIX LDA todolo ;test if file size is zero ORA todohi BNE cpyfl5 ;if not then can transfer data BIT linno ;else handle empty files specially BPL cpyfl4 ;if catalogue entry waiting to be created JMP regen ;then create entry while control block pristine ELSE BEQ cpyfl8 ;branch to avoid transferring nothing ENDIF .cpyfl5 IF _SQUEEZE LDY todolo ;compare remaining file size CPY frsize ;- available memory ELSE LDA todolo ;compare remaining file size TAY ;- available memory CMP frsize ENDIF LDA todohi SBC #$00 BCC sizet ;if remainder fits then Y=file size in pages LDY frsize ;else Y=size of available memory in pages .sizet STY lenhi ;set MSB transfer size = no. pages in Y LDA srclo ;set LBA = source volume LBA STA lbalo LDA srchi STA lbahi LDA frpage ;set MSB load address = start of user memory STA lodhi LDA fdriv ;get source drive STA fdrive ;set as current drive JSR chkdsf ;select source volume JSR LA5D1 ;set high word of OSFILE load address = $FFFF JSR blkrd ;read extended file L5 LDA tdriv ;get destination drive STA fdrive ;set as current drive BIT linno ;if catalogue entry is waiting to be created BPL cpyfl9 JSR regen ;then create destination catalogue entry LDA #$00 ;[BUG] empty files are not copied STA linno ;no catalogue entry waiting to be created .cpyfl9 LDA dstlo ;set LBA = destination volume LBA STA lbalo LDA dsthi STA lbahi LDA frpage ;set MSB save address = start of user memory STA lodhi JSR chkdst ;select destination volume JSR LA5D1 ;set high word of OSFILE load address = $FFFF JSR blkwr ;write extended file L5 LDA lenhi ;add transfer size to destination volume LBA CLC ADC dstlo STA dstlo BCC cpyfl6 ;carry out to high byte INC dsthi .cpyfl6 LDA lenhi ;add transfer size to source volume LBA CLC ADC srclo STA srclo BCC cpyfl7 ;carry out to high byte INC srchi .cpyfl7 SEC LDA todolo ;get LSB remaining size of file in sectors SBC lenhi ;subtract number of pages transferred STA todolo ;update LSB remaining size BCS cpyfl8 DEC todohi ;borrow in from MSB remaining size if req'd .cpyfl8 LDA todolo ORA todohi ;or MSB with LSB, Z=0 if pages remain BNE cpyfl5 ;if file transfer is incomplete then loop IF _BUGFIX .cpyfl4 ENDIF RTS IF _SQUEEZE ELSE .LA5D1 ;Set high word of OSFILE load address = $FFFF LDA #$FF ;redundant to $8B21, decodl STA ldlow+$02 STA ldlow+$03 RTS ENDIF .verify ;*VERIFY LDA #$00 ;clear formatting flag BEQ LA5E3 ;branch (always) .form ;*FORM LDA #$FF STA catdrv ;forget catalogue in workspace .LA5E3 STA L00C9 ;set formatting flag STA LC290+$00 ;drive no.=0 if verifying, =$FF if formatting BPL LA604 ;if formatting JSR chksyn ;call GSINIT with C=0 and require argument JSR L8461 ;input number up to 3 digits STA LC29F ;store number of tracks to format BCS LA601 ;if number invalid then raise "Syntax: " error CMP #$23 ;else if 35 tracks requested BEQ LA604 ;then accept number of tracks CMP #$28 ;else if 40 tracks requested BEQ LA604 ;then accept number of tracks CMP #$50 ;else if 80 tracks requested BEQ LA604 ;then accept number of tracks .LA601 JMP synerr ;else raise "Syntax: " error .LA604 JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 STY L00CA ;store pointer to start of argument BNE LA656 ;if no argument present BIT L00C9 ;then select prompt BMI LA61A ;if formatting then ask "Format which drive ? " JSR vstrng ;else ask "Verify which drive ? " EQUS "Verify" BCC LA624 ;branch (always) .LA61A ;print "Format" JSR vstrng EQUS "Format" NOP .LA624 JSR vstrng ;print " which drive ? " EQUS " which drive ? " NOP JSR osrdch ;get character from console BCS LA67C ;if Escape pressed then raise "Escape" error CMP #$20 ;if control character input BCC LA67F ;then raise "Bad drive" error JSR pchr ;else echo character to console SEC ;convert ASCII digit to binary SBC #$30 IF _SQUEEZE ELSE BCC LA67F ;redundant ENDIF CMP #$04 ;if not in range 0..3 BCS LA67F ;then raise "Bad drive" error STA fdrive ;else set current drive JSR pcrlf ;print newline LDY L00CA ;restore pointer to end of command line JMP LA659 .LA656 JSR getdrv ;argument present, select specified drive .LA659 STY L00CA ;store pointer to next argument BIT L00C9 ;if formatting BPL LA666 LDX fdrive ;then X=current drive LDA #$00 STA LC2DE,X ;clear 40-track flag for drive X .LA666 IF _SQUEEZE BIT L00C9 ELSE BIT LC290+$00 ;can save 1 byte (BIT L00C9) ENDIF BPL LA671 ;if formatting JSR chkena ;then ensure *ENABLE active JSR getlsz ;get start and size of user memory .LA671 JSR LA682 ;format or verify current drive LDY L00CA ;restore pointer to next argument JSR setupr ;call GSINIT with C=0 BNE LA656 ;if argument present then format another drive RTS ;else exit .LA67C JMP escape ;raise "Escape" error .LA67F JMP drverr ;raise "Bad drive" error .LA682 BIT L00C9 ;if verifying BMI LA694 JSR vstrng ;then print "Verifying" EQUS "Verifying" BCC LA6A9 ;branch (always) .LA694 JSR LA78B ;else clear volume catalogue JSR vstrng ;print "Formatting" EQUS "Formatting" LDX fdrive ;get current drive STX LC290+$00 ;set drive parameter in high OSWORD $7F block .LA6A9 JSR vstrng ;print " drive " EQUS " drive " LDA fdrive ;get current drive JSR digout ;print hex nibble JSR vstrng ;print " track " EQUS " track " NOP BIT L00C9 ;if verifying BMI LA6D5 JSR LA7ED ;calculate number of tracks on current drive TXA ;test number of tracks containing data BNE LA6D2 ;if zero then nothing to do JMP pcrlf ;so print newline and skip to next drive .LA6D2 STA LC29F ;else store number of tracks to verify .LA6D5 LDA #$00 ;start at track 0 STA LC290+$07 ;1st parm, track number .LA6DA LDA #$08 ;print two backspaces JSR pchr ;to position cursor after "track " JSR pchr LDA LC290+$07 ;1st parm, track number JSR bytout ;print hex byte LDA #$06 ;5 attempts STA LC29D ;set attempt counter .LA6ED JSR LA75C ;set up OSWORD $7F control block for formatting BIT L00C9 ;if verifying BPL LA701 ;then verify only JSR LA7A7 ;else create ID table LDX #<LC290 ;point XY to high OSWORD $7F control block LDY #>LC290 JSR L9163 ;call OSWORD $7F TAX ;test result code (redundant) BNE LA729 ;if command failed then hard error, report .LA701 LDA #$00 STA LC290+$08 ;2nd parm, starting sector LDA LC290+$09 ;3rd parm, sector size+count AND #$1F ;mask off sector size code STA LC290+$09 LDA #$03 ;3 parameters STA LC290+$05 LDA #$5F ;$5F = verify data STA LC290+$06 JSR L93E6 ;check for escape condition LDX #<LC290 ;point XY to high OSWORD $7F control block LDY #>LC290 JSR L9163 ;call OSWORD $7F BEQ LA731 ;if succeeded then finish track DEC LC29D ;else decrement attempt counter BNE LA6ED ;if attempts remaining then loop .LA729 ;else hard error JSR vstrng ;print "?" EQUS "?" NOP JMP dknern ;translate result code to error .LA731 LDA LC29D ;get attempt counter CMP #$06 ;if done in one try then show clean track BEQ LA740 JSR vstrng ;else print "? " EQUS "? " NOP .LA740 BIT L00C9 ;if formatting BPL LA747 JSR LA798 ;then add 10 sectors to volume size .LA747 INC LC290+$07 ;increment track number LDA LC290+$07 ;get new track number CMP LC29F ;compare with number of tracks to process BNE LA6DA ;if less then process next track BIT L00C9 ;else test command type BPL LA759 ;if formatting JSR L93A5 ;then write volume catalogue as-is .LA759 JMP pcrlf ;print newline to finish. .LA75C ;Set up OSWORD $7F control block for formatting LDX #$00 STX LC290+$01 ;LSB data address = 0 STX LC290+$0A ;4th parm, gap5 = 0 DEX STX LC290+$03 ;high bytes of address = $FF STX LC290+$04 LDA frpage ;3MSB data address= OSHWM STA LC290+$02 LDA #$05 ;5 parameters STA LC290+$05 LDA #$63 ;$63 = format track STA LC290+$06 LDA #$2A STA LC290+$09 ;3rd parm, 10 * 256-byte sectors LDX #$10 LDY #$13 STX LC290+$0B ;5th parm, gap1 STY LC290+$08 ;2nd parm, gap3 RTS .LA78B ;Clear volume catalogue LDA #$00 TAY .LA78E STA dirlow,Y STA dirhig,Y INY BNE LA78E RTS .LA798 ;Add 10 sectors to volume size LDA #$0A ;10 sectors per track CLC ADC dirhig+$07 ;add to LSB volume size STA dirhig+$07 ;update LSB BCC LA7A6 ;carry out to MSB in bits 1,0 INC dirhig+$06 ;(previously cleared) .LA7A6 RTS .LA7A7 ;Create ID table LDA #$00 ;set up pointer to start of user memory STA temp+$00 ;clear LSB, start on page boundary LDA frpage ;get OSHWM STA temp+$01 ;store MSB of pointer LDA #$0A ;10 CHRN records to compose STA xtemp LDA LC290+$07 ;1st parm, track number BEQ LA7C3 ;if formatting track 0 then first sector = 0 LDY #$02 ;else get R parameter of first sector LDA (temp),Y CLC ;add track skew = 10 - 7 = 3 ADC #$07 ;same R occurs 3 sectors later JSR LA7E4 ;a := a mod 10 .LA7C3 TAX ;first sector of track to X LDY #$00 ;point to C field of first sector .LA7C6 LDA LC290+$07 ;1st parm, track number STA (temp),Y ;store cylinder number C INY LDA #$00 ;head number = 0 STA (temp),Y ;store head humber H INY TXA ;transfer sector number to A STA (temp),Y ;store record number R INY LDA #$01 ;size code = 1, 256-byte sector STA (temp),Y ;store size code N INY INX ;increment sector number JSR LA7E3 ;x := x mod 10 DEC xtemp ;loop until all CHRN records composed BNE LA7C6 RTS .LA7E3 ;x := x mod 10 TXA .LA7E4 ;a := a mod 10 SEC ;set carry flag for subtraction .LA7E5 SBC #$0A ;subtract 10 BCS LA7E5 ;until A underflows ADC #$0A ;c=0; undo last subtraction TAX ;leave positive remainder in A and X RTS IF _SQUEEZE .LA7ED ;Calculate number of tracks on current drive JSR L93A9 ;load catalogue with execute privilege LDA dirhig+$06 ;get boot option/top bits volume size AND #$03 ;extract volume size in b1,b0 TAY ;save MSB volume size in Y LDA dirhig+$07 ;get LSB volume size LDX #$FF ;track number = $FF going to 0: .LA7FF SEC ;set carry flag for subtract .LA800 INX ;increment track number SBC #$0A ;subtract 10 sectors for each track BCS LA800 ;loop until LSB underflows DEY ;borrow from MSB BPL LA7FF ;loop until MSB underflows ADC #$0A ;c=0, add number of sectors per track BEQ LA811 ;if starting sector or remainder >0 INX ;then increment no. tracks containing data .LA811 RTS ELSE .LA7ED ;Calculate number of tracks on current drive JSR L93A9 ;load catalogue with execute privilege LDA dirhig+$06 ;get boot option/top bits volume size AND #$03 ;extract volume size in b1,b0 TAX ;save MSB volume size in X LDA dirhig+$07 ;get LSB volume size LDY #$0A ;10 sectors per track STY temp ;can save 4 bytes LDY #$FF ;track number = $FF going to 0: .LA7FF SEC ;set carry flag for subtract .LA800 INY ;increment track number SBC temp ;SBC #$0A faster since temp=$0A BCS LA800 ;loop until LSB underflows DEX ;borrow from MSB BPL LA7FF ;loop until MSB underflows ADC temp ;c=0, add number of sectors per track PHA ;=starting sector or remainder, save TYA ;copy track number to X TAX ;can save 4 bytes (accumulate directly into X) PLA ;restore remainder BEQ LA811 ;if >0 INX ;then increment no. tracks containing data .LA811 RTS ENDIF .free ;*FREE SEC ;no map display required BCS LA816 ;branch (always) .map ;*MAP CLC ;display disc usage map .LA816 ROR L00C6 ;store *FREE flag JSR readrv ;select specified or default drive JSR getdir ;load volume catalogue BIT L00C6 ;if *MAP called BMI LA837 JSR ustrng ;then print "Address : Length" +CR EQUS "Address : Length" EQUB $0D .LA837 LDA dirhig+$06 ;get boot option/top bits volume size AND #$03 ;extract volume size in b1,b0 STA todohi ;store MSB volume size STA headhi ;store MSB data area size LDA dirhig+$07 ;get LSB volume size STA todolo ;store LSB volume size SEC ;subtract 2 sectors for volume catalogue SBC #$02 STA headlo ;store LSB data area size BCS LA84E ;borrow in from MSB DEC headhi .LA84E LDA #$02 ;set LSB start of data area = $02 STA baselo ;after volume catalogue LDA #$00 ;set MSB start of data area = $00 STA basehi STA freelo ;clear amount of free space found STA freehi LDA dirlen ;get pointer to last catalogue entry AND #$F8 ;mask off b2..b0 TAY ;to Y as offset BEQ LA88A ;if no files then print free space/summary BNE LA875 .LA864 JSR LA901 ;calculate end LBA of next file JSR unstep ;subtract 8 from Y LDA todolo ;get LSB volume size SEC ;subtract LSB end LBA SBC baselo ;and discard result LDA todohi ;get MSB volume size SBC basehi ;subtract MSB end LBA BCC LA88A ;if file beyond end of volume then print summary .LA875 LDA cathig-$01,Y ;get LSB start LBA of next file SEC ;subtract LSB end LBA of current file SBC baselo STA headlo ;store LSB headroom/amount of free space IF _SQUEEZE ELSE PHP ;redundant ENDIF LDA cathig-$02,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector AND #$03 ;extract MSB start LBA of next file IF _SQUEEZE ELSE PLP ;redundant ENDIF SBC basehi ;subtract MSB end LBA of current file STA headhi ;store MSB headroom/amount of free space BCC LA864 ;if negative then overlaps next file, skip file! .LA88A STY frecat ;save current catalogue pointer BIT L00C6 ;if *MAP called BMI LA899 LDA headlo ;then test headroom/amount of free space ORA headhi BEQ LA899 ;if headroom before next file JSR LA8DD ;then print free space range. .LA899 LDA headlo ;add LSB headroom CLC ;to LSB total free space ADC freelo STA freelo ;update LSB total free space LDA headhi ;carry out and add MSB headroom ADC freehi ;to MSB total free space STA freehi ;update MSB total free space LDY frecat ;get number of catalogue entries to examine BNE LA864 ;loop until all entries processed BIT L00C6 ;if *FREE called BPL LA8DC TAY ;then XY = number of sectors free LDX freelo LDA #$F8 ;set A=size of full catalogue = 31 files * 8 SEC ;subtract number of used catalogue entries SBC dirlen ;leave A=8 * number of free catalogue entries JSR LA92C ;print summary line JSR ustrng ;print "Free" +newline EQUS "Free" EQUB $0D LDA todolo ;get LSB volume size SEC ;subtract LSB total free space SBC freelo TAX ;put result in X LDA todohi ;get MSB volume size SBC freehi ;subtract MSB total free space TAY ;put used space in XY LDA dirlen ;put number of used catalogue entries in A JSR LA92C ;print summary line JSR ustrng ;print "Used" +newline and exit. EQUS "Used" EQUB $0D NOP .LA8DC RTS .LA8DD ;Print free space range LDA basehi ;get MSB end of file/start of free space JSR LA9E9 ;print hex nibble LDA baselo ;get LSB end of file/start of free space JSR LA9E1 ;print hex byte JSR ustrng ;print " : " EQUS " : " LDA headhi ;get MSB headroom/size of free space JSR LA9E9 ;print hex nibble LDA headlo ;get LSB headroom/sise of free space JSR LA9E1 ;print hex byte LDA #$0D ;print newline: JSR osasci .LA901 ;Calculate end LBA of next file LDA cathig-$02,Y ;get top bits exec/length/load/start sector PHA ;save them JSR isolen ;extract b5,b4 STA basehi ;hold MSB file length PLA ;restore top bits AND #$03 ;extract MSB start sector in b1,b0 CLC ;add MSB file length ADC basehi STA basehi ;store MSB end sector (uncorrected) LDA cathig-$04,Y ;get LSB file length IF _SQUEEZE CMP #$01 ;c=0 if whole sectors or C=1 if partial sector LDA #$00 ELSE BEQ LA919 ;can save 1 byte (CMP#1;LDA#0) LDA #$01 ;a=0 if whole sectors or A=1 if partial sector .LA919 CLC ENDIF ADC cathig-$03,Y ;add to 2MSB file length = LSB length in sectors BCC LA921 ;on overflow A=0, increment MSB end sector INC basehi ;if this INC, then not the other .LA921 CLC ADC cathig-$01,Y ;add LSB length in sectors to LSB start LBA STA baselo ;store LSB end LBA BCC LA92B ;carry out to MSB end LBA INC basehi .LA92B RTS .LA92C ;Print summary line JSR sthree ;divide catalogue index by 8 = number of files JSR LA9DE ;print decimal byte JSR ustrng ;print " Files " EQUS " Files " STX intwa+$01 ;store 3MSB number of bytes STY intwa+$02 ;store 2MSB number of bytes TYA ;put MSB number of sectors in A JSR LA9E9 ;print hex nibble TXA ;put LSB number of sectors in A JSR LA9E1 ;print hex byte JSR ustrng ;print " Sectors " EQUS " Sectors " LDA #$00 STA intwa+$00 ;clear LSB number of bytes STA intwa+$03 ;clear MSB number of bytes LDX #$1F ;32 bits to shift STX bitcnt ;10 characters to print LDX #$09 ;[BUG]should be 5 for efficiency .LA960 STA buffer,X ;clear 10 digit counters DEX BPL LA960 .LA966 ASL intwa+$00 ;double the integer ROL intwa+$01 ;and shift one bit out of the top byte ROL intwa+$02 ROL intwa+$03 ;into C LDX #$00 ;start at units digit LDY #$09 ;[BUG]should be 5 .LA972 LDA buffer,X ;double digit and add C ROL A CMP #$0A ;if less than 10 then C=0 BCC LA97C SBC #$0A ;else subtract 10, C=1 in and out .LA97C STA buffer,X ;store updated digit INX ;move to next digit up DEY ;decrement digit count BPL LA972 ;loop until 10 digits updated DEC bitcnt ;decrement bit shift count BPL LA966 ;loop until 32 bits shifted into digits LDY #$20 ;padding character = space LDX #$05 ;6 digits to print, branch always .LA98B BNE LA98F ;if printing last (units) digit LDY #$2C ;then Y=comma, force printing as a digit .LA98F LDA buffer,X ;test digit BNE LA99C ;if non-zero then print it and all the rest CPY #$2C ;else zero, test separator BEQ LA99C ;if a comma then print "0" IF _SQUEEZE TYA ;else a leading zero ELSE LDA #$20 ;else a leading zero (can save 1 byte: TYA) ENDIF BNE LA9A1 ;print a space (always) .LA99C ;not a leading zero LDY #$2C ;force all remaining digits to be printed IF _SQUEEZE ORA #$30 ;convert to ASCII digit "0".."9" ELSE CLC ;convert to ASCII digit "0".."9" ADC #$30 ;can save 1 byte (ORA #$30) ENDIF .LA9A1 JSR osasci ;print digit or padding space CPX #$03 ;if separator column reached BNE LA9AC TYA ;then print comma or space JSR osasci .LA9AC DEX ;decrement number of digits remaining BPL LA98B ;loop until all digits printed JSR ustrng ;print " Bytes " EQUS " Bytes " NOP RTS ;exit without newline .ustrng ;Print string immediate (via OSASCI) STA itemp ;save A on entry PLA ;pop caller's address into pointer STA ptemp+$00 PLA STA ptemp+$01 LDA itemp ;restore A on entry and save on stack PHA TYA ;save Y PHA LDY #$00 ;set Y=0 for indirect indexed load .ustrlp JSR tmpinc ;increment ptemp LDA (ptemp),Y ;get character from after JSR BMI ustrnx ;if b7=1 then opcode terminator, execute it JSR osasci ;else print character JMP ustrlp ;and loop .ustrnx PLA ;restore AY TAY PLA CLC ;jump to address of end of string with C=0 JMP (ptemp) .LA9DE JSR L8426 ;convert binary value in A to BCD .LA9E1 PHA ;save lower nibble JSR sfour ;shift A right 4 places JSR LA9E9 ;print hex nibble (via OSASCI) PLA ;restore lower nibble: .LA9E9 ;Print hex nibble (via OSASCI) JSR digut1 ;convert hex nibble to ASCII JMP osasci ;print via OSASCI and exit .pdspc ;Print two spaces JSR pspace ;print a space: .pspace ;Print a space PHA ;save A LDA #$20 ;set A = space character JSR osasci ;print via OSASCI PLA ;restore A CLC ;exit C=0 RTS .LA9FB ;Z-BREAK JSR savita ;save AXY LDA #$40 ;set b6 of 40-track flag on drive 0 STA LC2DE ;enable i8271 emulation on drive 0 LDA #$A8 ;(tested at L8D49) JSR readby ;OSBYTE $A8 = read address of ROM pointer table STX temp+$00 ;set up pointer in zero page STY temp+$01 LDY #$0F ;$0F = offset of EBYTEV in extended vector table LDA #$4C ;instruction at LC2E2 = JMP absolute STA LC2E2+$00 ;set up trampoline to previous OSBYTE handler LDA bytev+$00 ;get LSB of existing BYTEV STA LC2E2+$01 ;store LSB of trampoline jump address LDA bytev+$01 ;get MSB of existing BYTEV STA LC2E2+$02 ;store MSB of trampoline jump address PHP ;save interrupt flag state SEI ;disable interrupts LDA #$0F ;$0F = LSB of ROMBYT extended vector entry point STA bytev+$00 ;store LSB of BYTEV LDA #$FF ;$FF = MSB of ROMBYT extended vector entry point STA bytev+$01 ;store MSB of BYTEV LDA #<LAA3B ;set A = LSB address of OSBYTE handler STA (temp),Y ;store new LSB of address in EBYTEV INY ;$10 = offset of MSB of address in EBYTEV LDA #>LAA3B ;set A = LSB address of OSBYTE handler STA (temp),Y ;store new MSB of address in EBYTEV INY ;$11 = offset of ROM slot number in EBYTEV LDA romid ;get our paged ROM slot number STA (temp),Y ;store new ROM slot number in EBYTEV PLP ;restore interrupt flag state and exit RTS .LAA3B ;OSBYTE handler CMP #$00 ;OSBYTE $00 = display MOS version BEQ LAA50 ;if A=$00 then branch to handler CMP #$81 ;OSBYTE $81 = read key within time limit BNE LAA4D ;if A<>$81 and A<>0 then pass to previous handler CPY #$FF ;else INKEY. test MSB of parameter BNE LAA4D ;if <-256 or >=0 then pass to previous handler CPX #$00 ;else test LSB parameter BNE LAA4D ;if parameter <>-256 then pass call on DEX ;else INKEY(-256). return $FFFF = -1 RTS ;meaning MOS 1.00/1.20 .LAA4D ;Jump to previous OSBYTE handler JMP LC2E2 .LAA50 ;OSBYTE $00 = display MOS version PHP ;save interrupt flag state SEI ;disable interrupts LDA LC2E2+$01 ;get LSB previous OSBYTE handler address STA bytev+$00 ;set LSB of BYTEV LDA LC2E2+$02 ;likewise with MSB STA bytev+$01 ;so that OSBYTE $00 cancels OSBYTE interception LDA #$00 ;restore A=$00 OSBYTE call number on entry LDX #$01 ;return X=$01, MOS 1.20 PLP ;restore interrupt flag state and exit RTS ;[BUG]doesn't print version even if X=0 on entry ;Start of SRAM 1.04 .LAA64 ;Text of *HELP SRAM EQUS $0A,"SRAM 1.04",$0D,$0A EQUS " SRDATA <id.>",$0D,$0A EQUS " SRLOAD <filename> <sram address> (<id.>) (Q)",$0D,$0A EQUS " SRREAD <dest. start> <dest. end> <sram start> (<id.>)",$0D,$0A EQUS " SRROM <id.>",$0D,$0A EQUS " SRSAVE <filename> <sram start> <sram end> (<id.>) (Q)",$0D,$0A EQUS " SRWRITE <source start> <source end> <sram start> (<id.>)",$0D,$0A EQUS "End addresses may be replaced by +<length>",$0D,$0A .LAB9F ;Paged ROM service JSR L9ADE ;offer service call to DFS PHA ;save call number on stack TAX ;and hold it in X LDA L00B8+$00 ;save contents of private page pointer PHA LDA L00B8+$01 PHA TYA ;save service call parameter PHA TXA ;restore call number to A LDX romid ;put paged ROM slot number back in X JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page BIT L00B8+$01 ;test MSB of pointer BPL LABBA ;if address < $8000 then test b14 BVC LABF7 ;if $8000 <= addr < $C000 then quit BVS LABBC ;else addr >= $C000, handle call (always) .LABBA BVS LABF7 ;if $4000 <= addr < $8000 then quit .LABBC CMP #$08 BNE LABF0 LDA worda ;Service call $08 = unrecognised OSWORD CMP #$43 ;get OSWORD reason code (in A on entry) BNE LABD1 ;if OSWORD $43 = load/save sideways RAM JSR LACB3 ;then call its handler, then: .LABC9 TSX ;transfer stack pointer to X LDA #$00 ;return A=0 on exit STA stack+$04,X ;claim service call BEQ LABF7 ;quit service call handler (always) .LABD1 CMP #$42 ;if OSWORD $42 = block transfer SWRAM BNE LABF7 LDY #$09 ;then 10 bytes to copy: .LABD7 LDA (wordx),Y ;copy offsets 8,9 from control block STA L00BC-$08,Y ;to sideways address pointer, L00BC DEY ;2 bytes copied CPY #$08 BCS LABD7 ;finish with Y=7 .LABE1 LDA (wordx),Y ;copy offsets 0..7 from control block STA L00B0,Y ;to workspace DEY ;loop until 8 bytes copied BPL LABE1 CLI ;enable interrupts JSR LB6C0 ;do SWRAM block transfer JMP LABC9 ;claim service call and quit handler. .LABF0 CMP #$02 ;if not service call $02 BNE LAC03 ;then handle other service calls JSR LB263 ;else handle call $02 and pass it on: .LABF7 ;quit service call handler PLA ;restore service call parameter to Y TAY PLA ;restore private page pointer STA L00B8+$01 PLA STA L00B8+$00 PLA ;restore service call number to A LDX romid ;put paged ROM slot number back in X RTS ;exit .LAC03 CMP #$06 BNE LAC15 LDY #sramon ;service call $06 = break LDA (L00B8),Y ;get last byte of private page CMP #$4E ;is it =$46, capital N? BNE LABF7 ;if not then pass call on JSR LAFD7 ;else close SWRAM image file JMP LABF7 ;and then pass it on. .LAC15 CMP #$04 BNE LAC32 JSR LB3C5 ;Service call $04 = unrecognised OSCLI BCS LABF7 ;scan for keyword in table ASL A ;double keyword number for use as offset BEQ LABF7 ;if keyword 0 (SRAM) then quit TAX ;else transfer to X as index LDA LB53D-($01*$02)+$00,X ;get LSB of action address STA L00B0+$00 ;store in zero page LDA LB53D-($01*$02)+$01,X ;get MSB of action address STA L00B0+$01 ;store in zero page JSR LACAF ;call routine at action address JMP LABC9 ;claim service call and quit handler. .LAC32 CMP #$07 BNE LAC4F LDA worda ;Service call $07 = unrecognised OSBYTE CMP #$44 ;test OSBYTE call number BNE LAC47 ;if A=$44 test RAM presence LDY #srwork+$00 ;then Y=$EE offset of RAM bitmap: .LAC3E LDA (L00B8),Y ;get byte from private page at offset in Y AND #$3F ;clear bits 7 and 6 STA wordx ;return value on exit from OSBYTE in X IF _SQUEEZE BPL LABC9 ;claim service call and quit handler. ELSE JMP LABC9 ;claim service call and quit handler. ;can save 1 byte: BPL/BRA LABC9 (just in range) ENDIF .LAC47 CMP #$45 ;if A<>$45 BNE LABF7 ;then quit service call handler LDY #srpsmp ;else OSBYTE $45 = test pseudo-addressing bank use BNE LAC3E ;Y=$FD offset of pseudo bitmap, return in X .LAC4F CMP #$09 BNE LABF7 IF _SQUEEZE ;Service call $09 = *HELP JSR LB477 ;check for arguments ELSE LDA #$0D ;Service call $09 = *HELP JSR LB479 ;check for arguments (can save 2 bytes) ENDIF BCS LAC7E ;if argument present then scan for keyword LDX #$00 ;else *HELP -clear offset into SRAM listing: .LAC5C LDA LAC6A,X ;get character of *HELP listing JSR oswrch ;print character using OSWRCH INX ;increment offset CPX #LAC7E-LAC6A ;compare with length of listing BNE LAC5C ;loop until 20 characters of listing printed .LAC67 JMP LABF7 ;quit service call handler. .LAC6A ;*HELP listing for SRAM EQUS $0A,"SRAM 1.04",$0D,$0A ;LF, "SRAM 1.04", CR, LF EQUS " SRAM",$0D,$0A ;indent 2 spaces, "SRAM" keyword, CR, LF ;[BUG] *HELP with multiple keywords is ignored. Only *HELP SRAM is accepted. .LAC7E ;*HELP with keyword JSR LB3C5 ;scan for keyword in table BCC LAC8F ;if match found then check keyword number LDA (linptr),Y ;else mismatch. test first char of keyword CMP #$2E ;is it a dot? BNE LAC67 ;if not then quit service call handler, else: JSR LB4B5 ;*HELP . -increment user offset past dot JMP LAC92 ;only one expansion, treat as *HELP SRAM .LAC8F ;*HELP with matching keyword TAX ;if keyword number is not 0, SRAM BNE LAC67 ;then quit service handler, else: .LAC92 ;*HELP SRAM JSR LB477 ;test for end of command line BCS LAC67 ;if characters present then quit svc handler LDY #$00 ;can save 2 bytes by printing whole page last .LAC99 LDA LAA64+$0000,Y ;print first page of *HELP SRAM JSR oswrch INY ;loop until 256 characters printed BNE LAC99 .LACA2 LDA LAA64+$0100,Y ;print second page of *HELP SRAM JSR oswrch INY CPY #<(LAB9F-LAA64) ;compare offset with (length of text - 256) BNE LACA2 ;loop until partial second page printed BEQ LAC67 ;then quit service call handler. .LACAF ;Jump to action address JMP (L00B0) IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code RTS ENDIF .LACB3 ;OSWORD $43 = load/save sideways RAM JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page LDA #srwork ;point it to SRAM OSWORD workspace STA L00B8+$00 LDY #$0B ;XY+11 = MSB of buffer length, last byte: .LACBC LDA (wordx),Y ;get byte of OSWORD control block CPY #$00 ;if at XY+0 = OSWORD mode bits BNE LACCC AND #$C0 ;then mask bits 7,6 direction and addressing mode STA L00BC+$00 ;store b7,b6 in zero page LDA (L00B8),Y ;get SWRAM bitmap from private page AND #$3F ;mask off b7,b6, keep SWRAM bitmap ORA L00BC+$00 ;replace mode bits with ones from control block .LACCC STA (L00B8),Y ;store byte in SRAM workspace DEY ;decrement offset BPL LACBC ;loop until 12 bytes copied CLI ;then enable interrupts: .LACD2 ;Load/save sideways RAM JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page LDA #$00 ;OSARGS 0,0 = return current temporary filing system TAY LDX #L00BA ;x = scratch space pointer, unused JSR osargs PHA ;save current FS JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB of address TAX ;hold in X INY ;XY+5 = MSB of start address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB start address JSR LB22B ;test OSWORD mode bits BVS LACFC ;if b6=0 absolute addressing LDY #srwork+$03 ;then XY+3 = ROM ID LDA (L00B8),Y ;get paged ROM slot number TAY ;hold in Y CPY #$14 ;if <20 = 16 real banks+4 mapped RAM banks BCC LAD0B ;then use given slot number .LACF7 LDX #$00 ;else error 0, "Illegal parameter" JMP LB2CB ;raise error by internal number .LACFC ;pseudo-addressing selected JSR LB086 ;convert pseudo-address to absolute address STY L00BA+$00 ;store RAM pseudo-slot number LDY #srwork+$05 ;XY+5 = MSB start address STA (L00B8),Y ;store MSB of converted address TXA ;put LSB of converted address in A DEY ;XY+4 = LSB start address STA (L00B8),Y ;store LSB of converted address LDY L00BA+$00 ;restore RAM pseudo-slot number: .LAD0B JSR LB0CF ;test pseudo-addressing of slot Y TAX ;hold result in X TYA ;put real slot number in A LDY #srwork+$03 ;XY+3 = ROM ID STA (L00B8),Y ;store paged ROM slot number TXA LDY #srwork+$00 ;XY+0 = OSWORD mode bits/RAM bitmap EOR (L00B8),Y ;compare OSWORD addressing mode AND #$40 ;with addressing mode of slot, mask result BNE LACF7 ;if unequal then raise "Illegal parameter" error PLA ;else restore current temporary FS IF _SQUEEZE ELSE TAX ;redundant ENDIF BNE LAD26 ;if FS = 0 LDX #$02 ;then error 2, "No filing system" JMP LB2CB ;raise error by internal number .LAD26 PHA ;save current temporary FS JSR LB8AC ;disable ROM slot if loading image PLA ;restore FS CMP #$04 ;if FS = 1 to 3, i.e. CFS or RFS BCS LADA9 JSR LB22B ;then test OSWORD mode bits BPL LAD64 ;if b7=1, loading to sideways RAM JSR LAFB3 ;then open sideways RAM image for reading JSR LAFEC ;test EOF state of SWRAM image file BNE LAD60 ;if end-of-file reached then close file and exit BEQ LAD41 ;else read bytes into SWRAM until EOF (always) .LAD3E JSR LB044 ;increment transfer address .LAD41 LDY #sramfh ;$FA = offset of SWRAM image file handle LDA (L00B8),Y ;get file handle TAY ;transfer to Y as parameter JSR osbget ;call OSBGET JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address JSR LB20D ;copy word from private page to general pointer TAX ;put byte read from file in X LDY #srwork+$03 ;XY+3 = ROM ID LDA (L00B8),Y ;get paged ROM slot number from OSWORD wksp TAY ;transfer to Y for routine TXA ;put byte read from file in A JSR LB116 ;write byte to sideways RAM JSR LAFEC ;test EOF state of SWRAM image file BEQ LAD3E ;if not at end-of-file then read more bytes, else: .LAD60 IF _SQUEEZE JMP LAFD7 ;close SWRAM image file and exit ELSE JSR LAFD7 ;close SWRAM image file and exit RTS ;(can save 1 byte) ENDIF .LAD64 JSR LAFD3 ;open sideways RAM image for writing JSR LAFFB ;test number of bytes to be saved BEQ LAD60 ;if none remaining then close file and exit BNE LAD71 ;else write bytes until count finished (always) .LAD6E JSR LB044 ;increment transfer address .LAD71 LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB number of bytes to be saved SEC ;subtract 1 SBC #$01 STA (L00B8),Y ;store updated LSB IF _SQUEEZE BCS LAD86 ;if no borrow then skip MSB INY ;else XY+7 = MSB of file length LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB number of bytes to be saved SBC #$00 ;c=0; subtract 1 STA (L00B8),Y ;store updated MSB ELSE CMP #$FF ;redundant (CC indicates borrow) BNE LAD86 ;if no borrow then skip MSB INY ;else XY+7 = MSB of file length LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB number of bytes to be saved SEC ;redundant (CS from CMP; otherwise SBC #$00) SBC #$01 ;subtract 1 STA (L00B8),Y ;store updated MSB ENDIF .LAD86 LDX #romptr ;$F6 = OSRDSC read address LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDY #srwork+$03 ;XY+3 = ROM ID LDA (L00B8),Y ;get paged ROM slot number from OSWORD wksp TAY ;transfer to Y as parameter JSR osrdsc ;call OSRDSC TAX ;hold byte read from RAM in X LDY #sramfh ;$FA = offset of SWRAM image file handle LDA (L00B8),Y ;get file handle TAY ;transfer to Y as parameter TXA ;restore byte read from RAM to A JSR osbput ;call OSBPUT JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page JSR LAFFB ;test number of bytes to be saved BNE LAD6E ;if bytes remaining then write more bytes BEQ LAD60 ;else close SWRAM image file and exit (always) .LADA9 ;not CFS or RFS LDY #srwork+$0B ;XY+11 = MSB of buffer length LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB BMI LADCD ;if bit 7 set then use user memory DEY ;else XY+11 = LSB of buffer length ORA (L00B8),Y ;or MSB with LSB BNE LADF5 ;if buffer length >0 then use supplied buffer IF _SQUEEZE ROL A ;else c=1; default buffer length = 256 bytes ELSE LDA #$00 ;redundant STA (L00B8),Y ;redundant LDA #$01 ;else default buffer length = 256 bytes ENDIF INY ;XY+11 = MSB of buffer length STA (L00B8),Y ;LSB clear already, set XY+10 = $0100 LDY #srwork+$08 ;XY+8 = LSB of buffer start address IF _SQUEEZE LSR A ;a=$00 ELSE LDA #$00 ;can save 1 byte (LSR A) ENDIF STA (L00B8),Y ;clear LSB of pointer, start on page boundary LDX L00B8+$01 ;get private page number INX ;point to second private page TXA ;hold in A for storing INY ;XY+9 = MSB of buffer start address STA (L00B8),Y ;store MSB of pointer IF _SQUEEZE BNE LADF5 ELSE JMP LADF5 ENDIF .LADCD ;using user memory (Q) LDA #$84 ;OSBYTE $84 = read top of user RAM JSR osbyte ;call OSBYTE TYA ;save YX on stack PHA TXA PHA LDA #$83 ;OSBYTE $83 = read OS high water mark (OSHWM) JSR osbyte ;call OSBYTE JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page STX L00BA+$00 ;set general pointer = OSHWM STY L00BA+$01 LDY #srwork+$08 ;XY+8 = LSB of buffer start address JSR LB21C ;copy word from general pointer to private page PLA ;restore LSB of HIMEM SEC ;subtract LSB of OSHWM SBC L00BA+$00 LDY #srwork+$0A ;XY+10 = LSB of buffer length STA (L00B8),Y ;store LSB of buffer length PLA ;restore MSB of HIMEM SBC L00BA+$01 ;subtract MSB of OSHWM INY ;XY+11 = MSB of buffer length STA (L00B8),Y ;store MSB of buffer length .LADF5 JSR LB22B ;test OSWORD mode bits BMI LADFD ;if b7=0 writing from sideways RAM JMP LAEC1 ;then jump to handler .LADFD ;else reading to sideways RAM JSR LAFB3 ;open sideways RAM image for reading TSX ;reserve 16 bytes on stack TXA SEC SBC #$10 TAX ;X points to empty slot before reserved bytes TXS ;update stack pointer LDY #srwork+$02 ;XY+2 = MSB of file name address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB PHA ;push on stack before block DEY ;XY+1 = LSB of file name address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB PHA ;push on stack before MSB DEX ;point X to LSB LDY #>stack ;point XY to new OSFILE block in stack page LDA #$05 ;OSFILE 5 = read catalogue information JSR osfile ;call OSFILE JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page TSX ;point X to empty slot before LSB file name LDA stack+$0B,X ;OSFILE XY+10 = LSB of object length LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length STA (L00B8),Y ;store in OSWORD workspace STA L00BA+$00 ;store in general pointer LDA stack+$0C,X ;OSFILE XY+11 = 3MSB of object length INY ;XY+7 = MSB of file length STA (L00B8),Y ;store in OSWORD workspace STA L00BA+$01 ;store in general pointer LDA stack+$0D,X ;test MSB and 2MSB of OSFILE object length ORA stack+$0E,X BEQ LAE3A ;if file less than 64 KiB then accept, else: .LAE35 ;Raise "Illegal address" error LDX #$01 ;error number = 1 JMP LB2CB ;raise error by internal number .LAE3A JSR LB23D ;pop 18 bytes from stack BIT LAF65 ;set V=1, default to loading in one (OSFILE) LDA L00BA+$00 ;test 3MSB and LSB of OSFILE object length ORA L00BA+$01 BNE LAE4A ;if anything to transfer then proceed, else: .LAE46 JSR LAFD7 ;close SWRAM image file and exit RTS .LAE4A ;is like LAED7 LDX #L00BC ;$BC = buffer length LDY #srwork+$0A ;XY+10 = LSB of buffer length JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDY #L00BA JSR LAF71 ;compare buffer length - file length BCS LAE5C ;if file fits in buffer then read it all JSR LAF66 ;else set transfer size = buffer length CLV ;and V=0, needs multiple loads (OSGBPB) .LAE5C LDY #sramln+$00 ;$FB = sideways RAM image file length JSR LB21C ;copy word from general pointer to private page BVC LAE98 ;if file can be read in one JSR LAFD7 ;then close SWRAM image file TSX ;reserve 13 bytes on stack TXA SEC SBC #$0B TAX ;X points to empty slot before reserved bytes TXS ;update stack pointer LDA #$00 ;OSFILE XY+6 = LSB of execution address PHA ;in OSFILE $FF, XY+6=0 load to specified address LDA #$FF ;set high word of load address = $FFFF PHA ;load to I/O memory PHA LDY #srwork+$09 ;XY+9 = MSB of buffer start address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB PHA ;OSFILE XY+3 = 3MSB of load address DEY ;XY+8 = LSB of buffer start address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB PHA ;OSFILE XY+2 = LSB of load address LDY #srwork+$02 ;XY+2 = MSB of file name address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB PHA ;push onto OSFILE control block DEY ;XY+1 = LSB of file name address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB PHA ;push onto OSFILE control block TSX ;point X to empty slot before LSB file name INX ;point X to LSB LDY #>stack ;point XY to new OSFILE block in stack page LDA #$FF ;OSFILE $FF = load file JSR osfile ;call OSFILE JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page JSR LB23D ;pop 18 bytes from stack JMP LAE9D .LAE98 LDA #$04 ;OSGBPB 4 = read from file at current pointer JSR LAF7E ;transfer buffer to sideways RAM image .LAE9D LDX #L00B1 LDY #srwork+$08 ;XY+8 = LSB of buffer start address JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDX #L00B3 LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDX #L00BE LDY #sramln+$00 ;$FB = LSB transfer size JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page SEC JSR LB199 LDX #L00B3 ;select L00B3, destination pointer JSR LB003 ;subtract transfer size from bytes remaining BEQ LAE46 ;if no bytes remain then close file and exit CLV ;else restore V=0, needs multiple loads IF _SQUEEZE BNE LAE4A ;and loop (always). ELSE JMP LAE4A ;and loop. can save 1 byte; BNE LAE4A ENDIF .LAEC1 ;OSWORD mode b7=0 writing from sideways RAM JSR LAFD3 ;open sideways RAM image for writing BIT LAF65 ;set V=1, default to saving in one (OSFILE) PHP ;flag held and manipulated on stack .LAEC8 LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length JSR LB20D JSR LAFFB ;test number of bytes to be saved BNE LAED7 ;if anything to transfer then proceed, else: .LAED2 PLP ;discard flags on stack JSR LAFD7 ;close SWRAM image file and exit RTS .LAED7 ;is like LAE4A LDX #L00BC ;$BC = buffer length LDY #srwork+$0A ;XY+10 = LSB of buffer length JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDY #L00BA JSR LAF71 ;compare buffer length - file length BCS LAEEB ;if file fits in buffer then save in one JSR LAF66 ;else set transfer size = buffer length PLP CLV ;and V=0 on stack, needs multiple saves (OSGBPB) PHP .LAEEB LDY #sramln+$00 ;$FB = LSB transfer size JSR LB21C ;copy word from general pointer to private page LDX #L00B1 LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDX #L00B3 LDY #srwork+$08 ;XY+8 = LSB of buffer start address JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDX #L00BE LDY #sramln+$00 ;$FB = LSB transfer size JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page CLC JSR LB199 ;transfer (L00BE) bytes to sideways RAM LDX #L00B1 ;select L00B1, source pointer JSR LB003 ;subtract transfer size from bytes remaining PLP ;retrieve flags from stack PHP ;and push them back BVS LAF1D ;if file can be saved in one then branch LDA #$02 ;else OSGBPB 2 = write to file at current pointer JSR LAF7E ;transfer buffer to sideways RAM image PLP CLV ;set V=0 on stack, needs multiple saves (OSGBPB) PHP JMP LAEC8 ;and loop until transfer complete. .LAF1D JSR LAFD7 ;close SWRAM image file LDA #$FF ;set high word, address in I/O memory PHA PHA LDY #srwork+$08 ;XY+8 = LSB of buffer start address JSR LB20D ;copy word from private page to general pointer LDY #sramln+$00 ;$FB = LSB transfer size LDA L00BA+$00 ;get LSB buffer start address CLC ;add LSB transfer size ADC (L00B8),Y TAX ;hold LSB end address in X LDA L00BA+$01 ;get MSB buffer start address INY ;XY+9 = LSB of buffer start address ADC (L00B8),Y ;add MSB transfer size PHA ;push MSB end address onto OSFILE control block TXA ;push LSB end address PHA ;OSFILE XY+14 = LSB of end address or attributes LDA #$FF ;set high word, address in I/O memory PHA PHA LDA L00BA+$01 ;get MSB buffer start address PHA ;push onto OSFILE control block LDA L00BA+$00 ;get LSB buffer start address PHA ;OSFILE XY+10 = LSB of start address LDA #$FF ;push eight $FF bytes: LDX #$08 .LAF47 PHA ;OSFILE XY+6 = LSB of execution address DEX ;OSFILE XY+2 = LSB of load address BNE LAF47 ;file not executable, not for loading LDY #srwork+$02 ;XY+2 = MSB of file name address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB PHA ;push onto control block DEY ;XY+1 = LSB of file name address TSX ;point X to empty slot to contain LSB LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB PHA ;OSFILE XY+0 = LSB file name address LDY #>stack ;point XY to new OSGBPB block in stack page LDA #$00 ;OSFILE 0 = save file JSR osfile ;call OSFILE JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page JSR LB23D JMP LAED2 ;close SWRAM image file (redundant) and exit .LAF65 ;constant with b6=1 for setting V with BIT EQUB $40 .LAF66 ;Copy zero page word (X) to (Y) LDA $00,X STA $0000,Y LDA $01,X STA $0001,Y RTS .LAF71 ;Compare zero page words (X) - (Y) LDA $01,X ;return Z=1 iff (X) == (Y) CMP $0001,Y ; C=1 iff (X) >= (Y) BNE LAF7D LDA $00,X CMP $0000,Y .LAF7D RTS .LAF7E ;Transfer buffer to sideways RAM image PHA ;on entry A=OSGBPB reason code PHA ;push 4 copies as placeholders PHA ;OSGBPB XY+9..12 = file pointer PHA LDA #$00 ;clear high word, transfer <64 KiB PHA PHA LDY #sramln+$01 ;get MSB transfer size LDA (L00B8),Y PHA ;push onto OSGBPB control block DEY ;Y=$FB=sramln LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB transfer size PHA ;OSGBPB XY+5..8 = no. bytes to transfer LDA #$FF ;set high word, address in I/O memory PHA PHA LDY #srwork+$09 ;XY+9 = MSB of buffer start address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB PHA ;push onto OSGBPB control block DEY ;XY+8 = LSB of buffer start address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB PHA ;OSGBPB XY+1..4 = transfer start address TSX ;point X to empty slot to contain file handle LDY #sramfh LDA (L00B8),Y ;get file handle PHA ;push onto control block where X points LDA stack+$09,X ;get back OSGBPB reason code LDY #>stack ;point XY to new OSGBPB block in stack page JSR osgbpb ;call OSGBPB LDX #$0D ;control block size = 13 bytes JSR LB23F ;pop X bytes from stack JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page and exit RTS .LAFB3 ;Open sideways RAM image for reading LDA #$40 ;OSFIND $40 = open file for reading: .LAFB5 ;Open sideways RAM image PHA ;save file open mode LDY #srwork+$01 ;XY+1 = LSB of file name address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB TAX ;put in X for OSFIND INY ;XY+2 = MSB of file name address LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB TAY ;put in Y for OSFIND PLA ;restore file open mode to A JSR osfind ;call OSFIND TAX ;test result, if A=0 no file opened BNE LAFCB LDX #$04 ;then error 4 = "File not found" JMP LB2CB ;raise error by internal number .LAFCB LDY #sramfh ;$FA = offset of SWRAM image file handle JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page STA (L00B8),Y ;store handle of opened file .LAFD2 RTS .LAFD3 ;Open sideways RAM image for writing LDA #$80 ;OSFIND $80 = open file for writing BNE LAFB5 ;branch (always) .LAFD7 ;Close SWRAM image file LDY #sramfh ;$FA = offset of SWRAM image file handle LDA (L00B8),Y ;get file handle BEQ LAFD2 ;if no image file open then exit PHA ;else save file handle LDA #$00 ;A=$00 no SWRAM image file open STA (L00B8),Y ;store value in SRAM workspace PLA ;restore file handle TAY ;transfer to Y as parameter LDA #$00 ;OSFIND $00 = close a file/all files JSR osfind ;call OSFIND JMP LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page and exit .LAFEC ;Test EOF state of SWRAM image file LDY #sramfh ;$FA = offset of SWRAM image file handle LDA (L00B8),Y ;get file handle TAX ;transfer to X as parameter LDA #$01 ;FSC 1 = read EOF state JSR LB23A ;issue Filing System Call JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page TXA ;return NE=end-of-file condition RTS .LAFFB ;Test number of bytes to be saved LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB of no. bytes to be saved INY ;XY+7 = MSB of file length ORA (L00B8),Y ;or with MSB, return EQ=no bytes remaining RTS .LB003 ;Subtract transfer size from bytes remaining STX L00BC+$00 ;save address of pointer LDY #sramln+$00 ;$FB = sideways RAM image file length JSR LB20D ;copy word from private page to general pointer LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB bytes transferred SEC ;subtract LSB SWRAM file length SBC L00BA+$00 STA (L00B8),Y ;new LSB bytes remaining to [sramln+$00] STA L00BA+$00 ;and to general pointer INY ;y = sramln+$01 LDA (L00B8),Y SBC L00BA+$01 STA (L00B8),Y ;new LSB bytes remaining to [sramln+$00] STA L00BA+$01 ;and to general pointer ORA L00BA+$00 ;test L00BA == $0000 BEQ LB043 ;if no bytes remaining then return Z=1 LDX L00BC+$00 ;else restore address of pointer JSR LB22B ;test OSWORD mode bits BVC LB03A ;if b6=1, use pseudo-addressing LDA $01,X ;then test high byte of pointer CMP #$C0 ;if pointer has reached $C000 BCC LB03A LDA #<(LB263-LB253+lang) ;then reset it to $8010 STA $00,X LDA #>(LB263-LB253+lang) STA $01,X JSR LB070 ;and increment sideways RAM slot number .LB03A LDX L00BC+$00 ;copy selected pointer to [sramln] LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address JSR LB21E ;copy word from zero page to private page LDA #$FF ;return Z=0, bytes remaining to transfer .LB043 RTS .LB044 ;Increment transfer address LDX #L00BD ;point X to temporary workspace LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page INC L00BD+$00 ;increment LSB of address BNE LB061 ;carry out to MSB INC L00BD+$01 BEQ LB06D ;if MSB overflows then raise "Illegal address" JSR LB22B ;else test OSWORD mode bits BVC LB061 ;if b6=1 pseudo-addressing LDA L00BD+$01 ;then test MSB of updated address CMP #$C0 ;if =$C0, overflowed into MOS/Hazel BNE LB061 IF _BUGFIX LDA #<(LB263-LB253+lang) ;then reset it to $8010 STA L00BD+$00 LDA #>(LB263-LB253+lang) STA L00BD+$01 ENDIF JSR LB070 ;then increment sideways RAM slot number ;[BUG]does not restart at $8010 .LB061 LDA L00BD+$00 ;get LSB of updated address LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address STA (L00B8),Y ;store LSB in OSWORD workspace LDA L00BD+$01 ;get MSB of updated address INY ;XY+5 = MSB of start address STA (L00B8),Y ;store MSB in OSWORD workspace and exit RTS .LB06D JMP LAE35 ;raise "Illegal address" error .LB070 ;Increment sideways RAM slot number LDY #srwork+$03 ;XY+3 = ROM ID LDA (L00B8),Y ;get paged ROM slot number from OSWORD wksp CLC ;increment slot number ADC #$01 CMP #$08 ;if past 7, highest RAM slot on Master 128 BCS LB06D ;then raise "Illegal address" error IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDY #srwork+$03 ;else XY+3 = ROM ID (redundant) ENDIF STA (L00B8),Y ;store updated paged ROM slot number TAY ;transfer slot number to Y JSR LB0CF ;test pseudo-addressing of slot Y BEQ LB06D ;if slot absolutely addressed then "Illegal address" RTS ;else exit .LB086 ;Convert pseudo-address to absolute address LDY #$10 ;xa = address. start at pseudo-slot $10, "W": .LB088 CMP LB0AF-$10,Y ;compare MSB - end address of bank Y BCC LB09F ;if less then map address to bank Y BNE LB097 ;if greater then skip to next bank PHA ;else save MSB TXA ;compare LSB - end address of bank Y CMP LB0AB-$10,Y PLA ;result in C, restore MSB BCC LB09F ;if address < end address then map to bank Y .LB097 INY ;else increment bank number CPY #$14 ;if $13, "Z" or less BCC LB088 ;then loop JMP LAE35 ;else raise "Illegal address" error. .LB09F ;Map pseudo-address in XA to address in bank Y PHA ;save MSB TXA ;transfer LSB to A CLC ;add LSB of offset to memory area of bank Y ADC LB0B3-$10,Y TAX ;return LSB of result in X PLA ;restore MSB to A ADC LB0B7-$10,Y ;add MSB of offset to memory area of bank Y RTS ;return absolute address in XA ;Table of mappings from pseudo-addresses to sideways RAM banks .LB0AB ;LSBs of ends of pseudo-address segments EQUB <(($4000+LB253-LB263)*1) EQUB <(($4000+LB253-LB263)*2) EQUB <(($4000+LB253-LB263)*3) EQUB <(($4000+LB253-LB263)*4) .LB0AF ;MSBs of ends of pseudo-address segments EQUB >(($4000+LB253-LB263)*1) EQUB >(($4000+LB253-LB263)*2) EQUB >(($4000+LB253-LB263)*3) EQUB >(($4000+LB253-LB263)*4) .LB0B3 ;LSBs of offsets from pseudo-address to RAM bank EQUB <($C000-($4000+LB253-LB263)*1) EQUB <($C000-($4000+LB253-LB263)*2) EQUB <($C000-($4000+LB253-LB263)*3) EQUB <($C000-($4000+LB253-LB263)*4) .LB0B7 ;LSBs of offsets from pseudo-address to RAM bank EQUB >($C000-($4000+LB253-LB263)*1) EQUB >($C000-($4000+LB253-LB263)*2) EQUB >($C000-($4000+LB253-LB263)*3) EQUB >($C000-($4000+LB253-LB263)*4) ;NB +$C040 overflows and is effectively -$3FC0 .LB0BB ;Convert RAM pseudo-slot to real slot CPY #$10 ;if pseudo-slot number less than 16 BCS LB0C0 ;then it is a real slot, return in Y RTS .LB0C0 TYA ;else map to real slot number SEC ;on the Master 128, RAM is in slots 4 to 7 SBC #$0C ;so just subtract 12 TAY ;and return result in Y. RTS IF _SQUEEZE ELSE ;unreachable code TYA AND #$01 LDY #$FE ORA (L00B8),Y TAY RTS ENDIF .LB0CF ;Test pseudo-addressing of slot Y JSR LB0BB ;convert RAM pseudo-slot to real slot TYA ;hold real slot number in X TAX LDA LB0F7,Y ;look up RAM bitmap mask for slot Y PHA ;save mask LDY #srwork+$00 ;$EE = offset of RAM bitmap AND (L00B8),Y ;mask RAM bitmap BNE LB0E9 ;if a RAM slot and RAM present then branch LDA (L00B8),Y ;else get OSWORD mode bits/RAM bitmap AND #$C0 ;mask OSWORD mode bits CMP #$80 ;if b7=1, b6=0 load to absolute address BEQ LB0E9 ;then accept command JMP LAE35 ;else raise "Illegal address" error .LB0E9 PLA ;restore mask LDY #srpsmp ;set Y=$FD offset of pseudo-addressing bitmap AND (L00B8),Y ;mask pseudo-addressing bitmap PHA ;save result TXA ;put real slot number back in Y TAY PLA ;restore and test result BEQ LB0F6 ;if pseudo-addressing enabled for slot Y LDA #$FF ;then return A=$FF .LB0F6 RTS ;else A=0, slot Y absolutely addressed ;Table of sideways RAM banks installed in the Master 128 .LB0F7 EQUB $00,$00,$00,$00 ;no RAM in slots 0 to 3 EQUB $01,$02,$04,$08 ;bit masks of RAM banks 0 to 3 EQUB $00,$00,$00,$00 ;no RAM in slots 8 to 11 EQUB $00,$00,$00,$00 ;no RAM in slots 12 to 15 .LB107 ;SWRAM write code copied to private page STY romid ;set MOS copy of ROMSEL from Y STY romsw ;page in sideways RAM slot in Y LDY #$00 ;clear Y for use as offset STA (L00BA),Y ;write byte in A to address in general pointer STX romid ;set MOS copy of ROMSEL from X STX romsw ;page SRAM back in and exit RTS .LB116 ;Write byte to sideways RAM STA L00BF ;save A in temp TXA ;save XY PHA TYA PHA LDX romid ;get our paged ROM slot number LDA priptr,X ;get first private page number for our slot STA L00B0+$01 ;set MSB of private page pointer INC L00B0+$01 ;increment to point to second page LDA #$00 ;clear LSB of pointer STA L00B0+$00 LDY #$0E ;15 bytes to copy: .LB12B LDA LB107,Y ;get byte of SWRAM write code STA (L00B0),Y ;store at start of second page DEY ;loop until 15 bytes copied BPL LB12B ;L00B0 points to the routine PLA ;restore Y PHA ;X contains ROM slot number TAY LDA L00BF ;restore A JSR LACAF ;write byte in A to (L00BA),Y PLA ;restore XY TAY PLA TAX LDA L00BF ;restore A from temp and exit. RTS .LB142 ;SWRAM transfer code pushed on stack STA romid ;set MOS copy of ROMSEL from A STA romsw ;set ROMSEL, select slot number in A .LB147 LDA (L00B1),Y ;get byte from source pointer+Y STA (L00B3),Y ;store byte at target pointer+Y INY ;increment offset BNE LB153 ;loop until 256*n bytes copied INC L00B1+$01 ;then increment MSB source pointer INC L00B3+$01 ;and increment MSB target pointer DEX ;decrement MSB number of bytes .LB153 CPY L00B5+$00 ;compare Y - LSB number of bytes BNE LB147 ;if unequal then loop TXA ;else test MSB number of bytes BNE LB147 ;if more pages to do then loop PLA ;else pop our (SRAM) slot number STA romid ;set MOS copy of ROMSEL from A STA romsw ;page SRAM back in JMP LB182 ;jump back into ROM to finish .LB163 ;Transfer data to sideways RAM LDA L00B5+$00 ;test number of bytes to transfer ORA L00B5+$01 BEQ LB198 ;if zero then nothing to do, exit LDX #LB163-LB142-$01 ;else transfer code has offsets 0..32: .LB16B LDA LB142,X ;get byte of SWRAM transfer code PHA ;push on stack DEX ;loop until 33 bytes of code pushed BPL LB16B TSX ;point X to empty slot before routine. LDA romid ;get our paged ROM slot number PHA ;push onto stack where X points LDA #>stack ;form MSB of routine call address PHA ;push $01 on stack TXA ;A = (start of routine)-$01 PHA ;push LSB of routine call address LDA L00B0a ;get sideways RAM bank number in A LDX L00B5+$01 ;get MSB transfer size (no. pages) in X LDY #$00 ;clear offset, start transfer at pointers RTS ;jump to SWRAM transfer code on stack .LB182 LDX #LB163-LB142 ;$21 = transfer code size JSR LB23F ;pop X bytes from stack LDX #$02 ;point X to destination address: .LB189 LDA L00B1,X ;get LSB of address CLC ;add number of bytes transferred ADC L00B5+$00 STA L00B1,X ;update LSB of address BCC LB194 ;carry out to MSB INC L00B1+$01,X .LB194 DEX ;point X to source address DEX BPL LB189 ;and loop once to update source address. .LB198 RTS .LB199 ;Transfer (L00BE) bytes to sideways RAM LDY #srwork+$03 ;XY+3 = ROM ID LDA (L00B8),Y ;get paged ROM slot number from OSWORD wksp STA L00B0a ;store ROM slot number in zero page IF _SQUEEZE LDA #$00 ;clear b7..b2 ROL A ;set b1 from carry flag, writing to SWRAM SEC ;set b0=1 ROL A STA L00B7 ;store resulting flag in zero page JSR LB22B ;test OSWORD mode bits BVS LB1BD ;if b6=1, pseudo-addressing then branch ELSE LDX L00BE+$00 ;set XY=number of bytes to transfer LDY L00BE+$01 ;can save 4 bytes (fall through to LB1B2) LDA #$00 ;clear b7..b2 ROL A ;set b1 from carry flag, writing to SWRAM ASL A ;set b0=1 STA L00B7 ;store resulting flag in zero page INC L00B7 ;can save 1 byte (SEC:ROL A) JSR LB22B ;test OSWORD mode bits BVS LB1BD ;if b6=1, pseudo-addressing then branch BVC LB1B6 ;[BUG] should be BVC before BVS ENDIF .LB1B2 LDX L00BE+$00 ;set XY from L00BE: LDY L00BE+$01 .LB1B6 ;Transfer XY bytes to sideways RAM STX L00B5+$00 ;set number of bytes to transfer from XY STY L00B5+$01 JMP LB163 ;and transfer data to sideways RAM. .LB1BD ;using pseudo-addressing. LDA #$00 ;set A = LSB of end of SWRAM window, $C000 SEC LDX L00B7 ;point X to source or destination pointer SBC L00B1-$01,X ;subtract LSB of transfer start address STA L00B5+$00 ;= LSB distance to end of window, store LDA #$C0 ;set A = MSB of end of SWRAM window, $C000 SBC L00B1-$01+$01,X ;subtract MSB of transfer start address STA L00B5+$01 ;= MSB distance to end of window, store LDX #L00B5 LDY #L00BE JSR LAF71 ;compare max transfer size - requested size BCS LB1B2 ;if request fits SWRAM bank then copy in one LDA L00BE+$00 ;else get LSB requested transfer size SEC ;subtract LSB maximum transfer size SBC L00B5+$00 STA L00BE+$00 ;update LSB of remaining transfer size LDA L00BE+$01 ;get MSB requested transfer size SBC L00B5+$01 ;subtract MSB maximum transfer size STA L00BE+$01 ;update MSB of remaining transfer size JSR LB163 ;transfer data to sideways RAM LDA #<(LB263-LB253+lang) ;reset source or destination pointer LDX L00B7 ;to $8010 STA L00B1-$01,X LDA #>(LB263-LB253+lang) STA L00B1-$01+$01,X JSR LB070 ;increment sideways RAM slot number LDY #srwork+$03 ;XY+3 = ROM ID LDA (L00B8),Y ;get paged ROM slot number from OSWORD wksp STA L00B0a ;save updated slot number in zero page JMP LB1BD ;and loop back to transfer more. .LB1FB ;Set up pointer to private page PHA ;save AX TXA PHA LDA #$00 ;clear LSB of pointer STA L00B8+$00 LDX romid ;get our paged ROM slot number LDA priptr,X ;get private page number for our slot STA L00B8+$01 ;set MSB of pointer to private page PLA ;restore AX and exit. TAX PLA RTS .LB20D ;Copy word from private page to general pointer LDX #L00BA ;point X to general pointer: .LB20F ;Copy word from private page to zero page PHA ;preserve A on entry LDA (L00B8),Y ;get LSB of word from private page STA $00,X ;store in zero page byte addressed by X INY ;increment Y to point to MSB LDA (L00B8),Y ;get MSB of word from private page STA $01,X ;store in zero page byte addressed by X+1 DEY ;restore Y on entry PLA ;restore A on entry RTS ;exit .LB21C ;Copy word from general pointer to private page LDX #L00BA ;point X to general pointer: .LB21E ;Copy word from zero page to private page PHA ;preserve A on entry LDA $00,X ;get zero page byte addressed by X STA (L00B8),Y ;store LSB of word in private page INY ;increment Y to point to MSB LDA $01,X ;get zero page byte addressed by X+1 STA (L00B8),Y ;store MSB of word in private page DEY ;restore Y on entry PLA ;restore A on entry RTS ;exit .LB22B ;Test OSWORD mode bits PHA ;save AY TYA PHA LDY #srwork+$00 ;XY+0 = OSWORD mode bits/RAM bitmap LDA (L00B8),Y ;get mode bits in b7,b6 STA L00F6 ;romptr+$00 used as a temp PLA ;restore AY TAY PLA BIT L00F6 ;return N=load to SWRAM, V=use pseudo-addressing RTS .LB23A ;Issue Filing System Call JMP (fscvec) .LB23D ;Pop 18 bytes from stack LDX #$12 .LB23F ;Pop X bytes from stack STX L00F7 ;romptr+$01 used as a temp PLA ;save LSB return address in Y TAY PLA ;save MSB return address in temp STA L00F6 ;romptr+$00 used as a temp TSX ;stack pointer to A TXA CLC ;add number of bytes to discard ADC L00F7 TAX ;update stack pointer from A TXS LDA L00F6 ;restore MSB return address PHA ;push on stack TYA ;restore LSB return address PHA ;push on stack RTS ;return to caller. .LB253 ;Header copied to pseudo-addressed RAM banks RTS ;$8000, language entry: return EQUB $00,$00 RTS ;$8003, service entry: return EQUB $00,$00 .LB259 EQUB $02 ;$8006, ROM type: no service, no language, no Tube address, 6502 format EQUB $0C ;$8007, copyright string offset: =$800C (LB25F) EQUB $FF ;$8008, binary version number EQUS "RAM" ;$8009, ROM title terminated by NUL .LB25F EQUB $00 ;copyright string: NUL followed by "(C)" EQUS "(C)" .LB263 ;Service call $02 = reserve private workspace LDA #$00 LDY #srpsmp ;set Y=$FD offset of pseudo-addressing bitmap STA (L00B8),Y ;clear pseudo-addressing for all slots LDY #srwork+$00 ;set Y=$EE offset of RAM bitmap STA (L00B8),Y ;set all slots to ROM LDY #sramfh STA (L00B8),Y ;no SWRAM image file open LDY #sramon LDA #$4E ;SRAM initialised/close SWRAM image file on BRK STA (L00B8),Y LDY #$0F ;start at slot 15: .LB279 LDA LB0F7,Y ;look up RAM table for slot Y BEQ LB2C7 ;if slot marked as ROM then skip TYA ;else save SWRAM bank number (used by OSRDSC) PHA LDA #<(lang+$08) ;set A=LSB address of binary version no, $8008 STA romptr+$00 ;set LSB read address for OSRDSC STA L00BA+$00 ;set LSB write address for LB116 LDA #>(lang+$08) ;set A=MSB address of binary version no, $8008 STA romptr+$01 ;set MSB read address for OSRDSC STA L00BA+$01 ;set MSB write address for LB116 JSR osrdsc ;read byte from sideways RAM STA L00BD+$00 ;store read value in temp PLA ;restore SWRAM bank number to Y PHA TAY LDA L00BD+$00 ;get back byte read EOR #$FF ;invert value JSR LB116 ;write byte to sideways RAM JSR osrdsc ;read byte back from sideways RAM CMP L00BD+$00 ;compare with value read originally BEQ LB2C5 ;if the same then ROM, skip bank PLA ;else restore SWRAM bank number to X PHA TAX LDY #srwork+$00 ;set Y=$EE offset of RAM bitmap LDA (L00B8),Y ;get current value of bitmap ORA LB0F7,X ;set bit corresponding to SWRAM bank in X STA (L00B8),Y ;update SWRAM bitmap TXA ;transfer SWRAM bank number to Y TAY LDA L00BD+$00 ;get back original value of $8008 JSR LB116 ;write byte to sideways RAM JSR LB356 ;detect type of pseudo-addressed RAM in slot Y CMP #$02 ;if not $02 = valid pseudo-addressed RAM found BNE LB2C5 ;then go to next bank LDA LB0F7,Y ;else get bitmap bit corresponding to bank Y LDY #srpsmp ;set Y=$FD offset of pseudo-addressing bitmap ORA (L00B8),Y ;set bit corresponding to bank Y STA (L00B8),Y ;update pseudo-addressing bitmap .LB2C5 PLA ;restore SWRAM bank number to Y TAY .LB2C7 DEY ;decrement bank number BPL LB279 ;loop until banks 15..0 tested, then exit. RTS .LB2CB ;Raise error by internal number IF _SQUEEZE LDA LB350,X ;get OS error number STA errbuf+$01 ;set offset 1 = OS error number LDA LB349+$01,X ;get offset of next error string STA L00BF ;set loop terminator value LDY LB349,X ;set Y = offset of error string LDX #$00 ;clear buffer offset STX errbuf+$00 ;set offset 0 of buffer = BRK ELSE LDA #$00 ;number in X STA errbuf+$00 ;set offset 0 of buffer = BRK LDA LB350,X ;get OS error number STA errbuf+$01 ;set offset 1 = OS error number LDA LB349+$01,X ;get offset of next error string STA L00BF ;set loop terminator value LDY LB349,X ;set Y = offset of error string LDX #$00 ;clear buffer offset (can save 2, LDX): ENDIF .LB2E0 LDA LB2F4,Y ;get character of error message STA stack+$02,X ;store in error buffer INX ;increment buffer offset INY ;increment table offset CPY L00BF ;compare with offset of next error BCC LB2E0 ;loop if less LDA #$00 ;else store $00, error message terminator STA stack+$02,X ;after last character of message JMP errbuf ;execute BRK to raise error. .LB2F4 ;Table of error messages .eilprm EQUS "Illegal parameter" .ebaddr EQUS "Illegal address" .enofs EQUS "No filing system" .ebcom EQUS "Bad command" .enofil EQUS "File not found" .erammo EQUS "RAM occupied" .etable .LB349 ;Table of error message offsets EQUB eilprm-LB2F4 EQUB ebaddr-LB2F4 EQUB enofs -LB2F4 EQUB ebcom -LB2F4 EQUB enofil-LB2F4 EQUB erammo-LB2F4 EQUB etable-LB2F4 .LB350 ;Table of OS error numbers EQUB $80,$81,$82,$FE EQUB $D6,$83 .LB356 ;Detect type of pseudo-addressed RAM in slot Y TXA ;save XY PHA TYA ;Y = ROM slot number PHA LDX #<(lang+$07) ;point ROMPTR to copyright string offset STX romptr+$00 ;at $8007 LDA #>(lang+$07) STA romptr+$01 JSR osrdsc ;get copyright offset STA romptr+$00 ;point ROMPTR to starting NUL of copyright string LDX #$00 ;set counter = 0: .LB369 STX L00BF ;store counter in temp PLA ;restore ROM slot number to Y PHA TAY JSR osrdsc ;read byte of copyright string LDX L00BF ;restore counter CMP LB25F,X ;compare with correct copyright string BNE LB3BE ;if unequal then return $FF = invalid paged ROM INC romptr+$00 ;else increment ROMPTR to point to next character BNE LB37E ;carry out to high byte INC romptr+$01 .LB37E INX ;increment counter CPX #$04 ;loop until 4 bytes compared, NUL+"(C)" BCC LB369 LDA #$02 ;$02 = valid pseudo-addressed RAM found STA L00BF LDX #<(LB263-LB253-$01+lang) ;$0F = offset of last byte of header LDA #>(LB263-LB253-$01+lang) ;set MSB of ROMPTR to first page of ROM: STA romptr+$01 .LB38D STX romptr+$00 ;set LSB of ROMPTR PLA ;restore ROM slot number to Y PHA TAY JSR osrdsc ;get byte of first page of ROM LDX romptr+$00 ;restore counter CMP LB253,X ;compare with pseudo-addressed RAM bank header BNE LB3A9 ;if unequal then return $00 or $01 .LB39C DEX ;else step backwards through ROM CPX #LB259-LB253 ;loop until ROM type bytes compared at $8006 BCS LB38D .LB3A1 CLC ;return C=0 valid ROM with copyright string: .LB3A2 PLA ;restore XY TAY PLA TAX LDA L00BF ;return bank type in A RTS .LB3A9 CPX #<(lang+$09+$01) ;if failure point is not 2nd char of title BNE LB3B8 ;then return $00 = other valid ROM CMP #$4F ;else if the character found is not "O" BNE LB3B8 ;then return $00 = other valid ROM LDA #$01 ;else $01 = valid pseudo-addressed ROM found STA L00BF IF _SQUEEZE BNE LB39C ;loop to validate rest of header to $8006 ELSE JMP LB39C ;loop to validate rest of header to $8006 ;can save 1 byte: BNE / BRA ENDIF .LB3B8 ;return $00 = other valid ROM LDA #$00 ;besides pseudo-addressed RAM or ROM bank STA L00BF BEQ LB3A1 ;return C=0 (always) .LB3BE ;return C=1, A=$FF = valid ROM not found LDA #$FF STA L00BF SEC BCS LB3A2 .LB3C5 ;Scan for keyword in table JSR LB46F ;skip spaces in command line TYA ;save offset of start of user word PHA LDX #$00 ;clear offset into *command table: .LB3CC BIT LAF65 ;set V=1 .LB3CF LDA (linptr),Y ;get character of user's command line AND #$DF ;convert to uppercase CMP #$0D ;if equal to CR (or -) BEQ LB3E5 ;then user word too short, reject command CMP LB506,X ;else compare with character of *command table BNE LB3F9 ;if unequal then handle mismatch/abbreviation .LB3DC INX ;else increment table offset LDA LB506,X ;test next character of command BEQ LB407 ;if terminator then accept command INY ;else advance to next user word character BNE LB3CF ;and loop to compare rest of word (always) .LB3E5 ;reject command INX ;step through *command table LDA LB506,X ;test byte of command word BNE LB3E5 ;loop until terminator reached PLA ;pop user word start offset PHA ;push it back TAY ;and restore offset to Y INX ;advance past terminator INX ;advance past command number LDA LB506,X ;test first character of next *command BNE LB3CC ;if not end of table then compare next command PLA ;else discard offset of user word IF _SQUEEZE ELSE TAY ;redundant, user word offset left in Y ENDIF SEC ;return C=1, *command not recognised RTS .LB3F9 ;handle mismatch or abbreviation LDA (linptr),Y ;get user's character complete with b5 CMP #$2E ;is it a dot? BNE LB40E ;if not then handle mismatch BVS LB3E5 ;else if V=1 then ambiguous abbreviation, reject else: .LB401 ;accept abbreviated command INX ;step through *command table LDA LB506,X ;test byte of command word BNE LB401 ;loop until terminator reached: .LB407 ;accept command PLA ;discard offset of user word LDA LB506+$01,X ;get command number INY ;advance past last character of user's word CLC ;return C=0, *command recognised, number in A RTS .LB40E ORA #$20 ;convert to lowercase CMP LB506,X ;compare with character of *command BNE LB3E5 ;if unequal then reject command CLV ;else V=0, accept abbreviations AFTER this point BVC LB3DC ;check rest of words match (always) ;[BUG] BVC sensitive to glitches, use BEQ or BRA ;Note: when this code reaches the last letter of a command word and it ;is lowercase, LB3DC accepts the command immediately, even if the user's ;word continues (in contrast to the MOS parser and DFS above, wname0). ;This only applies to keyword 0, SRAM, used solely as a *HELP keyword. ;Commands such as *HELP SRAM. or *HELP SRAMX get as far as LAC92 where ;the presence of trailing characters (. or X) is tested and the requests ;are rejected. .LB418 ;Parse hexadecimal argument from command line TXA ;save X PHA JSR LB46F ;skip spaces in command line LDA #$00 ;clear working area STA L00BC+$00 STA L00BC+$01 STA L00BC+$02 STA L00BC+$03 SEC ;c=1, argument invalid PHP ;save result flag on stack .LB429 LDA (linptr),Y ;get character of argument CMP #$30 ;if less than "0" BCC LB465 ;then return CMP #$3A ;else if "9" or less BCC LB43D ;then accept digit CMP #$47 ;else if greater than "F" BCS LB465 ;then return CMP #$41 ;else if less than "A" BCC LB465 ;then return SBC #$07 ;else C=1, subtract 7; "A".."F" -> 10..15: .LB43D SEC ;subtract value of ASCII "0" SBC #$30 PLP ;restore V=0 input 16 bits or V=1 input 32 bits PHP IF _SQUEEZE ELSE PHA ;save current nibble (redundant) ENDIF LDX #$04 ;shift 4 bits into working area: .LB445 ASL L00BC+$00 ;shift zero into LSB ROL L00BC+$01 ;shift b7 into b8 BVC LB44F ;if word input then trap overflow here ROL L00BC+$02 ;else shift b15 into b16 ROL L00BC+$03 ;shift b23 into b24, C=b31 .LB44F BCS LB461 ;if C=1 then overflow, return C=1 argument invalid DEX ;else loop until 4 bits shifted BNE LB445 IF _SQUEEZE ELSE PLA ;restore current nibble (redundant) ENDIF ORA L00BC+$00 ;or with LSB whose low nibble is zero STA L00BC+$00 ;update LSB PLP ;set C=0 on stack, argument valid CLC PHP INY ;skip to next character of argument BEQ LB462 ;if offset overflows then return C=1 BCC LB429 ;else loop to process next character (always) .LB461 IF _SQUEEZE ELSE PLA ;discard current nibble (redundant): ENDIF .LB462 PLP ;set C=1 on stack, argument invalid: SEC PHP .LB465 PLP ;restore carry flag from stack PLA ;restore X and exit. TAX RTS .LB469 ;Skip current character and spaces in command line INY ;increment command line offset BNE LB46F ;if not overflowed then loop JMP LB4AD ;else raise "Bad command" error. .LB46F ;Skip spaces in command line LDA (linptr),Y ;get character of command line CMP #$20 ;is it a space? BEQ LB469 ;if so then advance and test next character CLC ;else return C=0. RTS .LB477 ;Test for end of command line LDA #$0D ;i.e. next non-space character is CR: .LB479 ;Compare A with non-space character of command line PHA ;save comparand JSR LB46F ;skip spaces in command line PLA ;restore comparand CMP (linptr),Y ;compare with character at index Y BNE LB485 ;if unequal then return C=1 CLC ;else return C=0, character found INY ;and skip the character. RTS .LB485 SEC RTS .LB487 ;Address and ensure first argument JSR LB46F ;skip spaces in command line TYA ;save offset of command line tail PHA CLC ;add LSB of address of command line ADC linptr+$00 LDY #srwork+$01 STA (L00B8),Y ;store in private page LDA linptr+$01 ;carry out to MSB of address ADC #$00 INY ;y=$F0 STA (L00B8),Y ;store in private page PLA ;restore command line tail offset TAY BIT LAF65 ;set V=1, no argument present: .LB49F LDA (linptr),Y ;get character of command line CMP #$20 ;if it's a space BEQ LB4B2 ;then stop scanning CMP #$0D ;if it's CR BEQ LB4B2 ;then stop scanning CLV ;else it's part of an argument, V=0 INY ;loop until end of first argument reached BNE LB49F ;if no CR or space in 256 characters then: .LB4AD ;Raise "Bad command" error LDX #$03 ;internal error number = 3 JMP LB2CB ;raise error by internal number .LB4B2 ;end of first argument reached BVS LB4AD ;if no argument present then "Bad command" RTS ;else exit .LB4B5 INY ;increment offset BEQ LB4AD ;if offset overflows then "Bad command" RTS ;else return .LB4B9 ;Parse bank specifier STX L00BF ;save X in temp JSR LB46F ;skip spaces in command line LDA (linptr),Y ;get bank specifier character LDX #$03 ;4 ranges to test, 3..0: .LB4C2 CMP LB4FE,X ;if beyond end of current range BCS LB4F6 ;then invalid, exit C=1 CMP LB4FA,X ;else if before start of range BCC LB4F3 ;then try next range SBC LB502,X ;else convert to bank number JSR LB4B5 ;increment offset CMP #$01 ;if bank number <> 1 BNE LB4EA ;then return A=bank number, C=0 LDA (linptr),Y ;else it may be a two-digit argument CMP #$36 ;if next character > "5" BCS LB4E8 ;then return A=1, C=0 CMP #$30 ;else if character < "0" BCC LB4E8 ;then return A=1, C=0 SBC #$26 ;else C=1, convert second digit to 10..15 JSR LB4B5 ;increment offset JMP LB4EA ;return A=bank number, C=0 .LB4E8 LDA #$01 ;"1" with no more digits, return A=1: .LB4EA PHA ;save bank number JSR LB46F ;skip spaces in command line PLA ;restore bank number to A LDX L00BF ;restore X CLC ;return C=0, bank number valid RTS .LB4F3 DEX ;point X to next table entry BPL LB4C2 ;if more entries to test then loop, else: .LB4F6 LDX L00BF ;restore X SEC ;return C=1, bank number invalid. RTS ;Tables of ASCII to ROM bank mappings ; $30..$39 "0".."9" -> $00..$09 ; $41..$46 "A".."F" -> $0A..$0F ; $57..$5A "W".."Z" -> $10..$13 remapped to found RAM banks ; $77..$7A "w".."z" -> $0D..$10 [BUG] .LB4FA EQUB $30,$41,$57,$77 .LB4FE EQUB $3A,$47,$5B,$7B .LB502 IF _BUGFIX EQUB $30,$37,$47,$67 ELSE EQUB $30,$37,$47,$6A ENDIF .LB506 ;Table of SRAM *commands EQUS "sram" EQUB $00,$00 ;command terminator, command number EQUS "SRlOAD" EQUB $00,$01 EQUS "SRsAVE" EQUB $00,$02 EQUS "SRwRITE" EQUB $00,$03 EQUS "SRReAD" EQUB $00,$04 EQUS "SRdATA" EQUB $00,$05 EQUS "SRRoM" EQUB $00,$06 EQUB $00 ;table terminator .LB53D ;Table of SRAM *command addresses EQUW LB549 ;*SRLOAD $B549 EQUW LB54D ;*SRSAVE $B54D EQUW LB5DA ;*SRWRITE $B5DA EQUW LB5DE ;*SRREAD $B5DE EQUW LB63E ;*SRDATA $B63E EQUW LB688 ;*SRROM $B688 .LB549 ;*SRLOAD LDA #$C0 ;b7=1 load to SWRAM, b6=1 use pseudo-addressing BNE LB54F ;enter routine with mode bits in A (always) .LB54D ;*SRSAVE LDA #$40 ;b7=0 save from SWRAM, b6=1 use pseudo-addressing .LB54F PHA ;save mode bits on stack JSR LB487 ;address and ensure first argument CLV ;v=0 input 16-bit address JSR LB418 ;parse hexadecimal argument from command line BCS LB572 ;if argument invalid then raise "Bad command" error STY L00BA+$00 ;else save offset of end of argument LDX #L00BC ;point X to converted argument LDY #srwork+$04 ;XY+4 = LSB of start address JSR LB21E ;copy word from zero page to private page LDY L00BA+$00 ;restore offset of end of argument PLA ;test command type and preserve on stack PHA BMI LB593 ;if doing *SRSAVE LDA #$2B ;then set A="+" JSR LB479 ;compare A with non-space character of command line PHP ;save result CLV ;v=0 input 16-bit address JSR LB418 ;parse hexadecimal argument from command line .LB572 BCS LB5D7 ;if argument invalid then raise "Bad command" error STY L00BA+$00 ;else save offset of end of argument PLP ;restore result of "+" test BCC LB58C ;if "+" was not present LDY #srwork+$04 ;then the second argument is the end address IF _SQUEEZE ELSE SEC ;(redundant) ENDIF LDA L00BC+$00 ;get LSB end address SEC ;subtract LSB start address SBC (L00B8),Y STA L00BC+$00 ;store LSB data transfer size INY LDA L00BC+$01 ;get MSB end address SBC (L00B8),Y ;subtract MSB start address BCC LB5D7 ;if transfer size underflows then "Bad command" STA L00BC+$01 ;else store MSB data transfer size .LB58C LDX #L00BC ;point X to converted argument LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length JSR LB21E ;copy word from zero page to private page .LB593 LDY L00BA+$00 ;restore offset of end of last argument JSR LB4B9 ;parse bank specifier STY L00BA+$00 ;save offset of end of argument BCS LB5A4 ;if a valid bank argument is present LDY #srwork+$03 ;then store bank number in private page STA (L00B8),Y PLA ;and clear b6 of mode bits on stack AND #$80 ;b6=use pseudo-addressing PHA .LB5A4 PLA STA L00BA+$01 LDY #srwork+$00 ;y=$EE offset of RAM bitmap LDA (L00B8),Y ;get OSWORD mode bits/RAM bitmap AND #$3F ;clear b7=load to SWRAM, b6=use pseudo-addressing ORA L00BA+$01 ;apply mode bits generated by *command STA (L00B8),Y ;update mode bits/RAM bitmap LDY L00BA+$00 ;restore offset of end of last argument JSR LB46F ;skip spaces in command line LDA (linptr),Y ;get first character of next argument AND #$DF ;convert to uppercase LDX #$00 ;x=$00 do not use user memory for transfer CMP #$51 ;if character = "Q" BNE LB5C5 JSR LB4B5 ;then skip over it IF _SQUEEZE DEX ;and flag fast transfer, X=$FF ELSE LDX #$FF ;and flag fast transfer (can save 1 byte: DEX) ENDIF .LB5C5 JSR LB477 ;test for end of command line BCS LB5D7 ;if more arguments then raise "Bad command" error LDY #srwork+$0A ;XY+10 = LSB of buffer length LDA #$00 ;buffer length = $0000 use default buffer/ STA (L00B8),Y ;$FF00 use user memory OSHWM..HIMEM INY ;XY+11 = MSB of buffer length TXA STA (L00B8),Y ;store Q flag in private page JMP LACD2 ;load/save sideways RAM and exit. .LB5D7 JMP LB4AD ;raise "Bad command" error .LB5DA ;*SRWRITE LDA #$C0 ;b7=1 load to SWRAM, b6=1 use pseudo-addressing BNE LB5E0 ;enter routine with mode bits in A (always) .LB5DE ;*SRREAD LDA #$40 ;b7=0 save from SWRAM, b6=1 use pseudo-addressing .LB5E0 PHA ;save mode bits on stack BIT LAF65 ;v=1 input 32-bit address JSR LB418 ;parse hexadecimal argument from command line BCS LB5D7 ;if argument invalid then raise "Bad command" error LDX #$03 ;else 4 bytes to copy: .LB5EB LDA L00BC,X ;copy start address to workspace STA L00B1,X DEX ;loop until 4 bytes copied BPL LB5EB LDA #$2B ;set A="+" JSR LB479 ;compare A with non-space character of command line BCS LB5FA ;v=1 still; if "+" present then next argument = size CLV ;so V=0 input 16-bit address: .LB5FA JSR LB418 ;parse hexadecimal argument from command line BCS LB5D7 ;if argument invalid then raise "Bad command" error BVC LB61A ;if +size argument given then skip IF _SQUEEZE ELSE SEC ;(redundant) ENDIF LDX #$00 ;else end address argument given; start at LSB: SEC .LB605 LDA L00BC,X ;get byte of end address SBC L00B1,X ;subtract byte of start address STA L00BC,X ;store byte of transfer size INX ;increment offset TXA ;test for offset=4, preserving C AND #$04 BEQ LB605 ;loop until 4 bytes subtracted LDA L00BC+$02 ;test high word of transfer size ORA L00BC+$03 BEQ LB61A ;if 64 KiB or more to transfer JMP LAE35 ;then raise "Illegal address" error .LB61A LDA L00BC+$00 ;else copy transfer size to workspace STA L00B5+$00 LDA L00BC+$01 STA L00B5+$01 CLV ;v=0 input 16-bit address JSR LB418 ;parse hexadecimal argument from command line BCS LB5D7 ;if argument invalid then raise "Bad command" error JSR LB4B9 ;else parse bank specifier BCS LB633 ;if bank argument valid STA L00B7 ;then store bank number in workspace PLA ;and clear b6 of mode bits on stack AND #$BF ;b6=0 use absolute addressing PHA .LB633 JSR LB477 ;test for end of command line BCS LB5D7 ;if more arguments then raise "Bad command" error PLA ;else store mode bits in workspace STA L00B0+$00 JMP LB6C0 ;do SWRAM block transfer .LB63E ;*SRDATA JSR LB4B9 ;parse bank specifier .LB641 BCS LB5D7 ;if argument invalid then raise "Bad command" error PHA ;else save bank number JSR LB477 ;test for end of command line BCS LB5D7 ;if more arguments then raise "Bad command" error PLA ;else restore bank number to Y TAY JSR LB0CF ;test pseudo-addressing of slot Y BNE LB66B ;if pseudo-addressing enabled then reserve and exit JSR LB356 ;else detect type of pseudo-addressed RAM in slot Y TAX ;if 0, other valid ROM BNE LB65B LDX #$05 ;then error 5, "RAM occupied" JMP LB2CB ;raise error by internal number .LB65B STY L00BF ;store bank number in temp LDA LB0F7,Y ;look up RAM bitmap mask for slot Y LDY #srpsmp ;set Y=$FD offset of pseudo-addressing bitmap ORA (L00B8),Y ;set bit corresponding to bank Y STA (L00B8),Y ;update pseudo-addressing bitmap LDY L00BF ;restore bank number JSR LB66F ;write pseudo-addressing RAM header to bank Y .LB66B JSR LB8D1 ;reserve paged ROM slot Y for RAM RTS .LB66F ;Write pseudo-addressing RAM header to bank Y LDX #$0F ;maintain offset counter in X, 15..0 STX L00BA+$00 ;set LSB write address for LB116 LDA #>lang ;set A=page number of standard ROM header STA L00BA+$01 ;set MSB write address for LB116 .LB677 LDA LB253,X ;get byte of pseudo-addressed RAM header CPX #$01 ;but if writing to $8001 BNE LB67F ;then replace with bank's own number TYA ;to prevent MOS unplugging as a duplicate .LB67F JSR LB116 ;write byte to sideways RAM DEX ;decrement offset counter STX L00BA+$00 ;update write address BPL LB677 ;loop until $8000..$800F written RTS .LB688 ;*SRROM JSR LB4B9 ;parse bank specifier BCS LB641 ;if argument invalid then raise "Bad command" error PHA ;else save bank number JSR LB477 ;test for end of command line BCS LB641 ;if more arguments then raise "Bad command" error PLA ;else restore bank number to Y TAY JSR LB0CF ;test pseudo-addressing of slot Y BEQ LB6B9 .LB69A STY L00BC+$00 ;store bank number in temp JSR LB66F ;write pseudo-addressing RAM header to bank Y LDA #<(lang+$09+$01) ;(L00BA) = $8000; update write address to $800A STA L00BA+$00 ;= address of "A" in title string "RAM" LDA #$4F ;replace with "O" to make "ROM" JSR LB116 ;write byte to sideways RAM LDA LB0F7,Y ;look up RAM bitmap mask for slot Y EOR #$FF ;invert mask LDY #srpsmp ;set Y=$FD offset of pseudo-addressing bitmap AND (L00B8),Y ;clear bit corresponding to bank Y STA (L00B8),Y ;update pseudo-addressing bitmap LDY L00BC+$00 ;restore bank number JSR LB8D1 ;reserve paged ROM slot Y for RAM RTS .LB6B9 JSR LB356 ;detect type of pseudo-addressed RAM in slot Y TAX ;if not $00 = other valid ROM BNE LB69A ;then repeat rewriting title until it takes RTS ;else exit. .LB6C0 ;Do SWRAM block transfer LDA L00B0+$00 ;get OSWORD mode bits/RAM bitmap AND #$C0 ;mask mode bits STA L00BE+$00 ;store in workspace LDY #srwork+$00 ;XY+0 = OSWORD mode bits/RAM bitmap LDA (L00B8),Y ;get RAM bitmap AND #$3F ;clear b7=load to SWRAM, b6=use pseudo-addressing ORA L00BE+$00 ;apply mode bits generated by *command STA (L00B8),Y ;update mode bits/RAM bitmap BIT L00B0+$00 ;test bit 6 BVS LB6DD ;if b6=0, using absolute addressing LDY L00B7 ;then get bank number in Y and test CPY #$14 ;if not a real slot number or remapped RAM bank no. BCC LB6E8 .LB6DA JMP LACF7 ;then raise "Illegal parameter" error. .LB6DD LDX L00BC+$00 ;set XA = pseudo-address LDA L00BC+$01 JSR LB086 ;convert pseudo-address to absolute address STX L00BC+$00 ;replace pseudo-address with absolute address STA L00BC+$01 .LB6E8 JSR LB0CF ;test pseudo-addressing of slot Y PHA ;save result, $FF=pseudo $00=absolute TYA LDY #srwork+$03 ;XY+3 = ROM ID STA (L00B8),Y ;store bank number in control block PLA ;restore pseudo-addressing status EOR L00B0+$00 ;compare mode of SWRAM transfer command AND #$40 ;mask result in b6 BNE LB6DA ;if modes mismatch then raise "Illegal parameter" JSR LB8AC ;else disable ROM slot if loading image JSR LB8A0 ;test presence of Tube coprocessor BCS LB722 ;if Tube absent .LB700 LDX #L00B5 ;then copy transfer size to control block LDY #L00BE JSR LAF66 ;copy zero page word (X) to (Y) ROL L00B0+$00 ;test b7 of mode bits BCC LB715 ;if b7=1, loading to SWRAM IF _SQUEEZE LDY #L00B3 ;then copy to target pointer .LB70F LDX #L00BC ;from SWRAM address ELSE LDX #L00BC ;then copy SWRAM address LDY #L00B3 ;to target pointer .LB70F ENDIF JSR LAF66 ;copy zero page word (X) to (Y) JMP LB199 ;transfer (L00BE) bytes to sideways RAM ;can save 2 bytes; common LDX .LB715 ;else saving from sideways RAM LDX #L00B1 ;copy main memory address LDY #L00B3 ;to target pointer JSR LAF66 ;copy zero page word (X) to (Y) IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDX #L00BC ;copy SWRAM address ENDIF LDY #L00B1 ;to source pointer BNE LB70F ;branch to transfer from SWRAM (always) .LB722 ;transferring with Tube present LDA L00B1+$02 ;test high word of main memory address AND L00B1+$03 CMP #$FF ;if high word = $FFFF BEQ LB700 ;then address in I/O proc., treat as no Tube LDA L00BC+$00 ;else save SWRAM address PHA LDA L00BC+$01 PHA LDX #$03 ;4 bytes to copy: .LB732 LDA L00B1,X ;copy byte of main memory start address STA L00BA,X ;to Tube transfer address DEX ;loop until 4 bytes copied BPL LB732 LDX #L00B5 ;point X to transfer size LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length JSR LB21E ;copy word from zero page to private page BIT L00B0+$00 ;test mode bits BMI LB747 ;if b7=0 saving from SWRAM JMP LB7C8 ;then write from SWRAM to parasite .LB747 PLA ;else restore SWRAM address to target pointer: STA L00B3+$01 PLA STA L00B3+$00 .LB74D ;Read from parasite to SWRAM LDX #L00BE LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDA L00BE+$01 ;test MSB of transfer size BNE LB787 ;if >=256 bytes to transfer then branch LDX L00BE+$00 ;else load and test LSB of transfer size BEQ LB7C7 ;if transfer size = 0 then nothing to do, exit IF _SQUEEZE ELSE LDA #$00 ;(redundant) ENDIF STA (L00B8),Y ;else clear LSB of transfer size in OSWORD block INC L00B8+$01 ;point private page pointer to second page JSR LB88A ;claim Tube for SRAM LDA #$00 ;TUBADR $00 = bytes to host LDX #<L00BA ;point XY to copy of transfer address LDY #>L00BA JSR taddrl ;call TUBADR to set up data transfer LDY #$0B ;wait 34 microseconds JSR LB898 NOP ;wait 2 microseconds: NOP .LB775 LDA reg3 ;read from R3DATA STA (L00B8),Y ;store in I/O memory buffer LDX #$08 ;wait 26.5 microseconds JSR LB89C INY ;increment buffer offset EQUB $CC ;compare offset with LSB transfer size EQUW L00BE+$00 ;CPY L00BE; +0.5 us with absolute addressing BNE LB775 ;loop until done at 36 microseconds per byte BEQ LB7B1 ;Note: Application note 004 specifies data transfer type 0 as requiring ;only 24 microseconds' delay on return from TUBADR, and 24 microseconds ;between R3DATA reads. .LB787 LDA #$00 ;set transfer size = 256 bytes STA L00BE+$00 LDA #$01 STA L00BE+$01 INC L00B8+$01 ;point buffer pointer to second private page JSR LB88A ;claim Tube for SRAM LDA #$06 ;TUBADR $06 = page to host LDX #<L00BA ;point XY to Tube transfer address LDY #>L00BA JSR taddrl ;call TUBADR to set up data transfer LDY #$08 ;wait 26.5 microseconds JSR LB898 NOP ;wait 2 microseconds: NOP .LB7A4 LDA reg3 ;read Tube FIFO 3 STA (L00B8),Y ;store in buffer (5 us so far) JSR LB8AB ;wait 6 microseconds LDA $00 ;wait 1.5 microseconds (LDA zp) INY ;increment and loop back BNE LB7A4 ;taking 15 microseconds per byte .LB7B1 JSR LB892 ;release Tube from SRAM LDX #L00B8 ;copy buffer pointer as source address LDY #L00B1 ;at $00B1..2 JSR LAF66 ;copy zero page word (X) to (Y) DEC L00B8+$01 ;reset buffer pointer to first private page SEC ;c=1, writing to sideways RAM JSR LB199 ;transfer (L00BE) bytes to sideways RAM JSR LB856 ;add 256 to Tube transfer address JMP LB74D ;and loop to read next page. ;Note: Data transfer type 6 requires only 19 microseconds' delay before the first ;transfer and 10 microseconds between transfers, per application note 004. .LB7C7 RTS .LB7C8 ;Write from SWRAM to parasite PLA ;restore SWRAM address to source pointer: STA L00B1+$01 PLA STA L00B1+$00 .LB7CE LDX #L00BE LDY #srwork+$06 ;XY+6 = LSB of file length JSR LB20F ;copy word from private page to zero page LDA L00BE+$01 ;test MSB file length BNE LB7E1 ;if >0 then write a page to parasite LDX L00BE+$00 ;else <256 bytes. test LSB IF _SQUEEZE BNE LB7EB ;if >0 then A=$00, partial page to write RTS ;else nothing to do, exit .LB7E1 ;set transfer size = 256 bytes LDA #$00 STA L00BE+$00 LDA #$01 STA L00BE+$01 ;A=$01, whole page to write: .LB7EB PHA ;save transfer type INC L00B8+$01 ;point buffer pointer to second private page LDX #L00B8 ;copy buffer pointer to target address LDY #L00B3 JSR LAF66 ;copy zero page word (X) to (Y) LDA L00BE+$00 ;save LSB transfer size PHA DEC L00B8+$01 ;point buffer pointer to first private page CLC ;c=0, reading from sideways RAM JSR LB199 ;transfer (L00BE) bytes to sideways RAM PLA ;restore LSB transfer size STA L00BE+$00 PLA ;restore transfer type BNE LB82E ;if A=$00, partial page transfer ELSE BEQ LB7C7 ;if 0 then nothing to do, exit LDA #$01 ;else A=$01, partial page to write BNE LB7EB ;branch into loop (always) ;can save 2 bytes: keep A=0 and reverse sense .LB7E1 ;set transfer size = 256 bytes LDA #$00 STA L00BE+$00 LDA #$01 STA L00BE+$01 LDA #$07 ;A<>$01, whole page to write: .LB7EB PHA ;save transfer type INC L00B8+$01 ;point buffer pointer to second private page LDX #L00B8 ;copy buffer pointer to target address LDY #L00B3 JSR LAF66 ;copy zero page word (X) to (Y) LDA L00BE+$00 ;save LSB transfer size PHA DEC L00B8+$01 ;point buffer pointer to first private page CLC ;c=0, reading from sideways RAM JSR LB199 ;transfer (L00BE) bytes to sideways RAM PLA ;restore LSB transfer size STA L00BE+$00 PLA ;restore transfer type CMP #$01 ;if A=$01, partial page transfer BNE LB82E LDA #$00 ENDIF LDY #srwork+$06 ;then XY+6 = LSB of file length STA (L00B8),Y ;set file length to zero (MSB = $00) INC L00B8+$01 ;point buffer pointer to second private page JSR LB88A ;claim Tube for SRAM LDA #$01 ;TUBADR $01 = bytes from host LDX #<L00BA ;point XY to Tube transfer address LDY #>L00BA JSR taddrl ;call Tube service to set up data transfer LDY #$00 .LB81C LDA (L00B8),Y ;get byte from buffer STA reg3 ;store in Tube FIFO 3 (4.5 us so far) LDX #$08 ;wait 26.5 microseconds JSR LB89C NOP ;wait 1 microsecond INY ;increment offset CPY L00BE+$00 ;test if end of buffer reached BNE LB81C ;if not then loop (36 us per byte) BEQ LB84B ;else release Tube and loop for next page. ;Note: byte transfer interval again too long (vs 24 us per byte for type 1.) .LB82E INC L00B8+$01 ;point buffer pointer to second private page JSR LB88A ;claim Tube for SRAM LDA #$07 ;TUBADR $07 = page from host LDX #<L00BA ;point XY to Tube transfer address LDY #>L00BA JSR taddrl ;call Tube service to set up data transfer LDY #$00 ;point Y to start of buffer: .LB83E LDA (L00B8),Y ;get byte from buffer STA reg3 ;store in Tube FIFO 3 (4.5 us so far) LDX #$03 ;wait 8 microseconds .LB845 DEX BNE LB845 INY ;increment offset BNE LB83E ;loop until 256 bytes sent (15 us per byte) .LB84B JSR LB892 ;release Tube from SRAM DEC L00B8+$01 JSR LB856 ;add 256 to Tube transfer address JMP LB7CE ;and loop to write next page. ;Note: transfer type 7 specifies down to 10 microseconds per byte. .LB856 ;Add 256 to Tube transfer address LDX #$01 ;point X to 3MSB IF _BUGFIX .LB858 ENDIF INC L00BA,X ;add 1 * 256 to address BNE LB861 ;if overflow INX ;then point X to 64 KiB place (redundant) CPX #$04 ;loop back (always) and add 256 again IF _BUGFIX BCC LB858 ;increment 2MSB or MSB ELSE BCC LB856 ;[BUG] should be B858 ENDIF .LB861 LDY #srwork+$07 ;XY+7 = MSB of file length LDA (L00B8),Y ;subtract 256 from file length SEC SBC #$01 BCC LB889 ;if borrow then file finished, exit STA (L00B8),Y ;else update MSB of file length JSR LAFFB ;test number of bytes to be saved BEQ LB889 ;if none remaining then exit LDX L00B7 ;else get offset, 1=read 3=write JSR LB22B ;test OSWORD mode bits BVC LB889 ;if b6=0, absolute addressing then exit LDA L00B1-$01+$01,X ;else get MSB SWRAM address (src/dest) CMP #$C0 ;if less than $C0 BCC LB889 ;then within bank, exit LDA #<(LB263-LB253+lang) ;else reset SWRAM address to $8010 STA L00B1-$01,X LDA #>(LB263-LB253+lang) STA L00B1,X JSR LB070 ;and increment sideways RAM slot number. .LB889 RTS .LB88A ;Claim Tube for SRAM LDA #$C0+srtbid ;tube service call = $C0 + ID for SRAM (8) JSR taddrl ;call Tube service BCC LB88A ;loop until C=1, indicating claim granted RTS .LB892 ;Release Tube from SRAM LDA #$80+srtbid ;tube service call = $80 + ID for SRAM (8) JSR taddrl ;call Tube service RTS .LB898 ;Wait 2.5 * Y + 5.5 microseconds DEY ;(including JSR and RTS) BNE LB898 ;add 1 us for the preceding LDY #imm RTS .LB89C ;Wait 2.5 * X + 5.5 microseconds DEX ;(including JSR and RTS) BNE LB89C ;add 1 us for the preceding LDX #imm RTS .LB8A0 ;Test presence of Tube coprocessor LDA #$EA ;OSBYTE $EA = read Tube presence flag LDX #$00 ;$00 = don't alter variable LDY #$FF ;$FF = don't update variable JSR osbyte ;call OSBYTE CPX #$FF ;return Z=1, C=1 iff Tube present .LB8AB RTS .LB8AC ;Disable ROM slot if loading image JSR LB22B ;test OSWORD mode bits BPL LB8D0 ;exit unless b7=1, load to sideways RAM BVS LB8D0 ;exit unless b6=0, absolute addressing LDA #$00 ;a=$00, slot vacant, no access until validated PHA ;push on stack LDY #srwork+$03 ;XY+3 = ROM ID LDA (L00B8),Y ;get paged ROM slot number from OSWORD wksp: .LB8BA ;Update ROM type byte PHA ;new value on stack, A=ROM slot number, save LDA #$AA ;OSBYTE $AA = read address of ROM type table LDX #$00 ;x=$00 do not alter value LDY #$FF ;y=$FF do not update value JSR osbyte ;call OSBYTE JSR LB1FB ;set up pointer to private page STX L00BA+$00 ;set up pointer to ROM table STY L00BA+$01 PLA ;restore ROM slot number to Y TAY ;for use as offset PLA ;restore new type byte STA (L00BA),Y ;store in table .LB8D0 RTS .LB8D1 ;Reserve paged ROM slot Y for RAM LDA #$02 ;type byte=$02, 6502 format, PHA ;no language, no service TYA ;push on stack for LB8BA BPL LB8BA ;slot number in A, branch (always) IF _FASTGB JMP LAE35 ;raise "Illegal address" error .fastgb JSR makatp ;set up pointer to user's OSGBPB block LDA wbrwtb,Y ;get microcode byte from table AND #$03 ;test bit 1 = transfer data LSR A ;set C=1 iff preserving PTR BEQ chain ;if not a transfer then pass call downstream STY acc ;else save call number LDY #$0C ;13 bytes to copy, $0C..$00: .copyl0 LDA (atemp),Y ;copy user's OSGBPB block STA dosram,Y ;to workspace DEY ;loop until 13 bytes copied BPL copyl0 TAY ;file handle to Y LDX #$03 ;4 bytes to copy, $03..$00: .initl LDA dosram+$05,X ;copy L in OSGBPB block STA ltemp0,X ;to working L DEX ;loop until 4 bytes copied BPL initl LDA dosram+$09 ;get LSB of P, initial PTR to use for transfer BCC dcptr ;if calls 1 or 3 then use P; else 2 or 4 use current PTR TYA ;convert file handle to workspace pointer JSR lfive ;(file handle validated later) TAY ;to Y as offset LDA seqpl,Y ;get LSB of file pointer PTR CLC ;clear carry flag for two's complement .dcptr EOR #$FF ;take two's complement ADC #$01 ;=no. bytes from start of transfer to a page boundary LDY #$FC ;reverse counter, 4 bytes to set: .hdrext ;do header/extender OSGBPB call STA dosram+$05-$FC,Y ;replace L field with number of bytes to move LDA #$00 ;set MSB,2MSB,(3MSB) of user's L to zero INY ;increment offset BNE hdrext ;loop until 3 (4) bytes of L replaced JSR subwk ;subtract L from working L BCC trailr ;if underflow then within one sector, do trailer call BNE align ;else if remaining working L >= 256 then enter loop .trailr ;else combine header/extender with trailer: JSR addtol ;add working L to L .drain LDA #<dosram ;point to OSGBPB block in workspace STA atemp+$00 ;-read user's block once LDA #>dosram ;upgbpb will write it back once STA atemp+$01 LDY acc ;restore call number .chain JMP upgbpb ;and pass call downstream .morfst ;done a fast transfer, user's L = $00xxxx00 LDA ltemp0+$03 ;get MSB of working L JSR testl ;test MSB, 2MSB, 3MSB of working L BNE dofast ;if >= 256 then try another fast transfer STA dosram+$06 ;else set user's L = 0 STA dosram+$07 LDA ltemp0+$00 ;if 0 < working L < 256 BNE trailr ;then do trailer call with L = working L CLC ;else C=0, no bytes remaining: .fgbfin ;working L reached zero or something went wrong: PHP ;save carry flag that says which JSR addtol ;add remaining request to bytes not transferred PLP ;restore carry flag returned from OSGBPB call JSR makatp ;set up pointer to user's OSGBPB block LDY #$0C ;copy 13 bytes of OSGBPB control block .retnl LDA dosram,Y ;from DFS workspace STA (atemp),Y ;to user's address DEY ;loop until 13 bytes copied BPL retnl RTS ;return C=0 OSGBPB succeeded/C=1 OSGBPB failed .setmax ;set fast transfer request = maximum transfer size STA dosram+$07 ;set MSB request = MSB maximum ORA dosram+$06 BNE sectr1 ;if maximum > 0 then transfer sectors .throw ;working L >= 256, L = $00xxxx00, maximum = 0 LDY #$FD ;set user's L = 256 LDA #$01 BNE hdrext ;do extender OSGBPB call to extend file (always) .align JSR drain ;call OSGBPB on workspace control block. ;this validates the file handle, sets PTR from P, ;aligns it to a sector boundary, and sets L=0 BCS fgbfin ;return if call failed else continue transfer .dofast ;working L >= 256, L = $00xxxx00, PTR on sector bdy LDX ltemp0+$03 ;test working L - are there 16 MiB or more to move? BEQ sclamp ;if not then move 1..65535 sectors LDX #$FF ;else transfer first 65535 sectors of remainder .sclamp TXA ORA ltemp0+$02 STA dosram+$07 ;set MSB of transfer length = 2MSB of L TXA ORA ltemp0+$01 TAX ;hold LSB of transfer length in X LDA dcby ;get channel workspace offset SEC ADC acc ;add 1+call number, 2..5 to workspace offset EOR #$04 ;bit 2 = 1 if writing AND #$E4 ;if writing then point to allocation instead of EXT TAY LDA seqlma,Y ;get 2MSB of channel EXT SEC SBC dosram+$0A ;subtract 2MSB of PTR STA dosram+$06 ;=LSB maximum transfer size LDA seqlha,Y ;get MSB of EXT SBC dosram+$0B ;subtract MSB of PTR = MSB maximum BCC throw ;if maximum<0 throw back CMP dosram+$07 ;else compare MSB maximum - MSB request BCC setmax ;if maximum < request then request = maximum BNE sectr0 ;if maximum > request then transfer sectors CPX dosram+$06 ;else compare LSB request - LSB maximum BCS setmax ;if request >= maximum then request = maximum .sectr0 ;transfer one or more sectors. STX dosram+$06 ;x=request, hold in 3MSB of L .sectr1 LDY dcby ;undo EXT/allocation fudge JSR vlook ;ensure open file still in drive JSR bflush ;ensure buffer up-to-date on disc L6 LDA #$3F ;b7=0 buffer does not contain PTR, b6=0 buffer not changed STA seqdah,Y ;set buffer LBA out of range to force re-reading JSR clrbit ;clear b7,b6 of channel flags LDA dosram+$01 ;copy OSGBPB transfer address STA lodlo ;to load address in OSFILE block LDA dosram+$02 STA lodhi LDA dosram+$03 STA ldlow+$02 LDA dosram+$04 STA ldlow+$03 LDA seqloc,Y ;get LSB LBA of start of open file CLC ADC dosram+$0A ;add 2MSB of PTR STA lbalo ;store LSB target LBA in OSFILE block LDA seqlh,Y ;get MSB LBA ADC dosram+$0B ;add MSB of PTR AND #$03 ;mask MSB of target LBA STA lbahi ;store MSB target LBA in OSFILE block LDA #$00 ;clear LSB file length in OSFILE block STA lenlo LDA dosram+$06 ;copy transfer length STA lenhi ;to file length in OSFILE block LDA dosram+$07 ;get MSB transfer length JSR lfour ;shift b1..b0 to b5..b4 ORA lbahi ;combine with LSB target LBA STA wrkcat+$06 ;pack into last byte of OSFILE block LDX acc ;(L8826 needs load+exec unpacked, but length packed) LDA cmdtbl-$01,X ;1770 command $A0 to write or $80 to read INC seqsem ;set *SPOOL/*EXEC critical flag (now $00) JSR L8826 ;transfer ordinary file L5 DEC seqsem ;clear *SPOOL/*EXEC critical flag (now $FF) JSR subwk ;subtract amount transferred from working L LDY dosram+$06 ;get and hold LSB number of sectors transferred TYA CLC ;add to OSGBPB address field ADC dosram+$02 STA dosram+$02 LDX dosram+$07 ;get and hold MSB number of sectors transferred TXA ADC dosram+$03 ;add to OSGBPB address field STA dosram+$03 BCC updp ;carry out to high byte INC dosram+$04 .updp TYA ;set A=LSB transfer size in sectors LDY dcby ;set Y=channel workspace offset CLC ;add to open file's pointer ADC seqpm,Y STA seqpm,Y ;update PTR STA dosram+$0A ;update OSGBPB control block in workspace TXA ;add MSB transfer size to MSB PTR ADC seqph,Y STA seqph,Y STA dosram+$0B ;(MSB OSGBPB P field cleared by upgbpb) TYA JSR pcmp ;compare PTR - EXT BCC doneit ;if file not extended then loop BEQ doneit ;if PTR = EXT, at EOF then loop ;else PTR > EXT only possible if writing JSR updext ;clamp PTR to 0..EXT by raising EXT .doneit JMP morfst ;loop to transfer more sectors .subwk ;Subtract L from working L SEC ;set carry flag for subtract LDX #$FC ;reverse counter, 4 bytes to subtract .subwkl LDA ltemp0-$FC,X ;get byte of working L SBC dosram+$05-$FC,X ;subtract byte of L in OSGBPB block STA ltemp0-$FC,X ;update byte of working L INX ;loop until 4 bytes updated: BNE subwkl .testl ;Test whether working L >= 256 ORA ltemp0+$02 ;a=MSB, OR with 2MSB ORA ltemp0+$01 ;or with 3MSB RTS ;return Z=1 iff working L < 256 .addtol ;add working L to L in OSGBPB block CLC ;clear carry flag for add LDX #$FC ;reverse counter, 4 bytes to add: .addl LDA ltemp0-$FC,X ;get byte of working L ADC dosram+$05-$FC,X ;add to byte of L in OSGBPB block STA dosram+$05-$FC,X ;update byte of L INX ;loop until 4 bytes added BNE addl RTS .cmdtbl EQUB $A0 ;OSGBPB 1=write data setting PTR EQUB $A0 ;OSGBPB 2=write data ignoring PTR EQUB $80 ;OSGBPB 3=read data setting PTR EQUB $80 ;OSGBPB 4=read data ignoring PTR ENDIF IF _BUGFIX SKIPTO $BFFF EQUB $00 ELIF _NMOS SKIPTO $BFFF EQUB $00 ELIF _FASTGB SKIPTO $BFFF EQUB $00 ELIF _SQUEEZE SKIPTO $BFFF EQUB $00 ELSE ;Padding EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 EQUD -1,-1 EQUB -1 ENDIF .end save "dfs224.bin",lang,end ;This Perl script strips unused conditional assembly paths ;from this listing. ;Copy the text between the cut lines. ;Paste it into a new file, beebasmpp.pl, and remove the column of ; ;Then call it with ; perl beebasmpp.pl -o dfs224-stripped.asm.txt dfs224.asm.txt ; perl beebasmpp.pl -o dfs224-allpatches.asm.txt \ ; -D_BUGFIX -D_FASTGB -D_NMOS -D_TURBO -D_SQUEEZE dfs224.asm.txt ;-------->8--- ;#!/usr/bin/perl ; ;#Usage: perl beebasmpp.pl ;# {-D SYMBOL[=VALUE]} [-l] [-v] -o OUTFILE [FILE...] ; ;use Getopt::Std; ;use IO::Seekable qw(SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END); ; ;@x=(2); @t[6,7]=(2,4); ; ;for($i=0;$i<@ARGV && ($arg = $ARGV[$i]) ne '--'; ++$i) { ; if(substr($arg,0,2) eq '-D') { ; if(($dfn=substr($arg,2)) eq '') { ; $dfn = $ARGV[++$i]; ; } ; if(($x=index($dfn,'=')) > 0) { ; $symbol{substr($dfn,0,$x)} = substr($dfn,$x+1); ; } elsif($dfn ne '') { ; $symbol{$dfn} = 1; ; } ; } ;} ; ;getopts("D:Edlo:v"); ;die "No output file specified" if $opt_o eq ''; ;$opt_b = hex($opt_b);$l=$opt_l ? "\n" : ''; ; ;open(BIN,"+>$opt_o") or die; ;while(<>) { ; y/\n\r//d; ; if($opt_v || /^\s*(?:IF|ELIF|ELSE|ENDIF)/i) { ; while(($key, $value) = each %symbol) { ; $x=0; ; while(($x = index($_,$key,$x)) >= 0) { ; substr($_,$x,length($key),$value); ; $x+=length($value); ; } ; } ; } ; if(/^\s*((?:EL)?)IF\s+NOT\s+(\S*)\s*$/i) { ; unshift@x,4 if$1 eq''; ; $x[0]=$t[$x[0]|$x[1]&2|($2 !=0)];$_=$l; ; }elsif(/^\s*((?:EL)?)IF\s+(\S*)\s*$/i) { ; unshift@x,4 if$1 eq''; ; $x[0]=$t[$x[0]|$x[1]&2|($2 ==0)];$_=$l; ; }elsif(/^\s*ELSE(?!\S)/i) { ; $x[0]=$t[$x[0]|$x[1]&2];$_=$l; ; }elsif(/^\s*ENDIF(?!\S)/i) { ; shift@x;@x=(2)unless@x;$_=$l; ; }elsif($x[0] & 2 && /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\?\s*(\S+)/) { ; $symbol{$1}=$2 unless defined($symbol{$1});$_.="\n"; ; }elsif($x[0] & 2 && /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { ; $symbol{$1}=$2;$_.="\n"; ; }else{ ; $_.="\n"; ; } ; print BIN ($x[0] & 2 ? $_ : $l); ;} ;close(BIN); ;-------->8--- ;End of dfs224.asm.txt