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CRC routines in assembly language


Map of common 16-bit CRC algorithms.

Karnaugh map of the most common 16-bit CRCs, with Check values and algorithm citations. All values are hexadecimal.
Polynomial 1021 8005
Reflected? False True False
Initial value Final XOR
0000 0000 31C3
0000 29B1
(IBM 3740)
6502 code 6502
ARM code ARM Generic ARM
8080 / Z80 code 8080/Z80
8051 / 8052 code 8051

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Sample 6502 assembly code to implement the eleven major 16-bit algorithms in constant time, without the use of lookup tables.

   *= $0070
crclo:  .DB $FF
crchi:  .DB $FF

        *= $1900
        .START *
test:   CLD
        LDY #$FF        ; for GENIBUS, SDLC, USB, IBM 3740, MCRF4XX, MODBUS
;       LDY #$00        ; for XMODEM, KERMIT, ARC, GSM, MAXIM
        STY crclo       ; store init value
        STY crchi
        LDY #$00
byloop: LDA data,Y
        JSR crc16_xmodem_f
        CPY #lendata
        BMI byloop
;       LDA crclo       ; complement result
;       EOR #$FF        ; for GSM, MAXIM, GENIBUS, SDLC, USB
;       STA crclo
;       LDA crchi
;       EOR #$FF
;       STA crchi
        BRK             ; result is in $0070 and $0071

; Add byte to XMODEM, GSM, GENIBUS or IBM 3740 CRC
; On entry:
;       A = byte to add
;       crclo = low byte of XMODEM CRC
;       crchi = high byte of XMODEM CRC
;       (on the first call, crclo and crchi should be set
;       according to the algorithm in use)
; On exit:
;       crclo,crchi = New XMODEM CRC with byte added
; On exit, when using alternative ending 1:
;       S,V,B,D,I = preserved (subject to interrupts)
;       A,X,Y,N,Z,C = undefined
; On exit, when using alternative ending 2:
;       Y,S,V,B,D,I = preserved (subject to interrupts)
;       A,X,N,Z,C = undefined
; Relocatable, non-re-entrant

crc16_xmodem_f:         ; add byte to XMODEM CRC
        EOR crchi       ; A contained the data
        STA crchi       ; XOR it into high byte
        LSR             ; right shift A 4 bits
        LSR             ; to make top of x^12 term
        LSR             ; ($1...)
        TAX             ; save it
        ASL             ; then make top of x^5 term
        EOR crclo       ; and XOR that with low byte
        STA crclo       ; and save
        TXA             ; restore partial term
        EOR crchi       ; and update high byte
        STA crchi       ; and save
        ASL             ; left shift three
        ASL             ; the rest of the terms
        ASL             ; have feedback from x^12
        TAX             ; save bottom of x^12
        ASL             ; left shift two more
        ASL             ; watch the carry flag
        EOR crchi       ; bottom of x^5 ($..2.)

;                       ; alternative ending 1
;       TAY             ; save high byte
;       TXA             ; fetch temp value
;       ROL             ; bottom of x^12, middle of x^5!
;       EOR crclo       ; finally update low byte
;       STA crchi       ; then swap high and low bytes
;       STY crclo
;       RTS             ; 37 bytes, 68 cycles, AXYP undefined

                        ; alternative ending 2
        STA crchi       ; save high byte
        TXA             ; fetch temp value
        ROL             ; bottom of x^12, middle of x^5!
        EOR crclo       ; finally update low byte
        LDX crchi       ; then swap high and low bytes
        STA crchi
        STX crclo
        RTS             ; 40 bytes, 72 cycles, AXP undefined

; Add byte to KERMIT, SDLC or MCRF4XX CRC
; This is a straightforward reflection of the XMODEM algorithm
; On entry:
;       A = byte to add
;       crclo = low byte of KERMIT CRC
;       crchi = high byte of KERMIT CRC
;       (on the first call, crclo and crchi should be set
;       according to the algorithm in use)
; On exit:
;       crclo,crchi = New KERMIT CRC with byte added
; On exit, when using alternative ending 1:
;       S,V,B,D,I = preserved (subject to interrupts)
;       A,X,Y,N,Z,C = undefined
; On exit, when using alternative ending 2:
;       Y,S,V,B,D,I = preserved (subject to interrupts)
;       A,X,N,Z,C = undefined
; Relocatable, non-re-entrant

kermit_f:               ; add byte to KERMIT CRC
        EOR crclo       ; A contained the data
        STA crclo       ; XOR into low byte
        ASL             ; create top of x^12 term
        TAX             ; save it
        LSR             ; then make top of x^5 term
        EOR crchi       ; XOR into high byte
        STA crchi
        TXA             ; restore x^12
        EOR crclo       ; apply it to low byte
        EOR crclo
        LSR             ; create bottom of x^12
        LSR             ; (with feedback from top)
        LSR             ; watch the carry flag
        TAX             ; save it
        LSR             ; make bottom of x^5
        EOR crclo       ; apply to low byte

;                       ; alternative ending 1
;       TAY             ; save in Y
;       TXA             ; restore bottom of x^12
;       ROR             ; rotate in middle of x^5
;       EOR crchi       ; apply to high byte
;       STA crclo       ; and swap bytes
;       STY crchi
;       RTS             ; 37 bytes, 68 cycles, AXYP undefined

                        ; alternative ending 2
        STA crclo       ; save low byte
        TXA             ; restore bottom of x^12
        ROR             ; rotate in middle of x^5
        EOR crchi       ; apply to high byte
        LDX crclo       ; pick up low byte
        STA crclo       ; and swap bytes
        STX crchi
        RTS             ; 40 bytes, 72 cycles, AXP undefined

; Add byte to ARC, MAXIM, USB or MODBUS CRC
; On entry:
;       A = byte to add
;       crclo = low byte of ARC CRC
;       crchi = high byte of ARC CRC
;       (on the first call, crclo and crchi should = $00, $00)
;       temp = unused byte of memory
;       D = 0
; On exit:
;       crclo,crchi = New ARC CRC with byte added
;       Y,S,V,B,D,I = preserved (subject to interrupts)
;       A,X,N,Z,C,temp = undefined
; Relocatable, non-re-entrant

crc16_arc_f:            ; add byte to ARC-style CRC
        EOR crclo
        STA crclo

                        ; parity_adc (thanks bogax at
        EOR crclo
        AND #$AA
        ADC #$66        ; C has no effect
        AND #$88
        ADC #$78
        ASL             ; C contains even parity

        LDA #0

        ROR crclo       ; push parity in b7
        STA temp        ; save crclo B0
        LDA crclo
        ROR temp        ; save crclo B1
        EOR crclo       ; 'blur' crclo
        TAX             ; keep final crchi

        ASL             ; C contains parity again
        LDA temp        ; reload mask
        ROL             ; parity in b0, B0 in b7
        EOR temp        ; add B0 in b6, B1 in b7
        EOR crchi       ; apply completed mask
        STA crclo       ; and store, swapping bytes
        STX crchi
        RTS             ; 44 bytes, 73 cycles, AXP undefined
                        ; other parity algorithms can be used
                        ; their speed and size vary greatly

data:   .DB $31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38
        .DB $39
lendata = *-data


[ Top of page ]

6502 (CRC-8/SMBUS)

Sample 6502 assembly code to implement the "CRC-8/SMBUS" algorithm in constant time, without the use of lookup tables.

   *=  $0070
crc:    .DB $00

        *=  $1900
        .START *
test:   CLD
        LDY #$00        ; init value
        STY crc
byloop: LDA data,Y
        JSR crc8_f
        CPY #lendata
        BMI byloop
        BRK             ; result is in $0070

; Add byte to CRC-8
; On entry:
;       A = byte to add
;       crc = CRC-8 value
;       (on the first call, crc should = $00)
; On exit:
;       crc = New CRC-8 value with byte added
;       X,Y,S,V,B,D,I = preserved (subject to interrupts)
;       A,N,Z,C,temp = undefined
; Relocatable, non-re-entrant

crc8_f:                 ; add byte to CRC-8
        EOR crc         ; A contained the data
        STA crc         ; XOR it with the byte
        ASL             ; current contents of A will become x^2 term
        BCC crc8_f_apply_1
                        ; if b7 = 1
        EOR #$07        ; then apply polynomial with feedback
        BCC *+2         ; ballast to ensure constant time
        EOR crc         ; apply x^1
        ASL             ; C contains b7 ^ b6
        BCC crc8_f_apply_2
        EOR #$07
        BCC *+2         ; ballast to ensure constant time
        EOR crc         ; apply unity term
        STA crc         ; save result
        RTS             ; 25 bytes, 37 cycles, AP undefined

data:   .DB $31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38
        .DB $39
lendata = *-data


[ Top of page ]


Sample ARM assembly code to implement the eleven major 16-bit algorithms in constant time, without the use of lookup tables. Thanks to Viktor Gottschald for correspondence and a 15-instruction routine for ARC/Modbus, leading to this updated version.

        STMDB   (sp)!,{R1-R4,R8,R9,lr}  \preserve registers
        ADR     R8,data                 \set pointer to string
        MOV     R9,#dataend - data      \set counter to string length
        MOV     R0,#0                   \set Init = 0 (XMODEM, KERMIT, ARC)
\       MOV     R0,#&FF00               \or set Init = 0xffff (others)
\       ORR     R0,R0,#&FF
        MOV     R2,#&FF000000           \R2 = 0xff0000ff
        ORR     R2,R2,#&FF
        MOV     R3,#&A000000A           \R3 = 0xa006000a
        ORR     R3,R3,#&60000
        MVN     R4,#&2D00               \R4 = 0x2d00d2ff
        EOR     R4,R4,R4,LSL #16
        LDRB    R1,[R8],#1              \get character from string
        BL      crc16_xmodem_f          \update CRC using XMODEM
        SUBS    R9,R9,#1                \decrement counter
        BNE     crc16_test_loop         \loop until end of string
        AND     R0,R0,R2,ROR #24        \clear high bytes of result
\       EOR     R0,R0,R2,ROR #24        \complement it for GENIBUS/SDLC/USB
        ADDS    R0,R0,#0                \BASIC V/RISC OS needs flags clear
        LDMIA   (sp)!,{R1-R4,R8,R9,pc}  \at end restore regs and return CRC

                                        \fast XMODEM engine
                                        \on entry R0=old CRC, R1=data byte,
                                        \R2 = 0xff0000ff
                                        \on exit R0=new CRC (bits 0..15),
                                        \R0 bits 16..31 undefined,
                                        \R1 undefined
        EOR     R0,R0,R1,LSL #8         \merge new byte into top byte
        AND     R0,R2,R0,ROR #8         \old CRC to top and bottom byte
        EOR     R1,R0,R0,LSR #4         \'blur' low byte in new register
        EOR     R0,R0,R1,LSL #21        \apply feedback to polynomial
        EOR     R0,R0,R1,LSL #12        \and again
        EOR     R0,R0,R0,LSR #16        \fold top half of word to bottom
        MOV     pc,lr                   \return; 6 (7) instructions

                                        \fast KERMIT / SDLC engine
                                        \on entry R0=old CRC, R1=data byte,
                                        \R2 = 0xff0000ff
                                        \on exit R0=new CRC (bits 0..15),
                                        \R0 bits 16..31 undefined,
                                        \R1 undefined
        AND     R0,R2,R0,ROR #8         \merge new byte into bottom byte
        EOR     R0,R0,R1,LSL #24        \old CRC to top and bottom byte
        EOR     R1,R0,R0,LSL #4         \'blur' low byte in new register
        EOR     R0,R0,R1,LSR #21        \apply feedback to polynomial
        EOR     R0,R0,R1,LSR #12        \and again
        EOR     R0,R0,R0,LSR #16        \fold top half of word to bottom
        MOV     pc,lr                   \return; 6 (7) instructions

                                        \fast ARC / MODBUS engine
                                        \on entry R0=old CRC, R1=data byte,
                                        \R2 = 0xff0000ff, R3 = 0xa006000a,
                                        \R4 & 0x7f807f80 = 0x2d005280
                                        \on exit R0=new CRC (bits 0..15),
                                        \R0 bits 16..31 undefined,
                                        \R1 undefined
        AND     R0,R2,R0,ROR #8         \old CRC to top and bottom byte
        EOR     R0,R0,R1,LSL #24        \merge new byte into top byte
        EOR     R1,R0,R0,LSR #1         \'blur' top byte in new register
        EOR     R0,R0,R1,LSR #17        \merge blurred byte into new top
        ORR     R1,R3,R1,ROR #26        \and rotate it and mask with 1s
        ADDS    R1,R1,R4,ROR R1         \put parity into N using table
        EORMI   R0,R0,R3,LSR #3         \if odd parity invert three bits
        MOV     pc,lr                   \return; 7 (8) instructions

        EQUS "123456789"

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A demonstration of selected 16-bit algorithms in Python. Reproduced by kind permission of James Luscher.

#!/usr/bin/env Python

def CharToBinary(char):
    n = ord(char)
    bits = ''
    for y in range(8):
        if ((n & (1 << y)) == 0):
            bits = '0' + bits
            bits = '1' + bits
    return bits

def StringToBinary(message, reflect):
    bytes = ''
    print 'message = "' + message + '"'
    if reflect:
        print '               binary    hex       reflected'
        print '               binary    hex'
    for x in range(len(message)):
        char = message[x:x+1]
        bits = CharToBinary(char)
        rbits = Reflect(bits)
        if reflect:
            print "char  = '"+char+"' -> "+bits+" (0x"+BinaryToHex(bits)+') <=> '+rbits+' (0x'+BinaryToHex(rbits)+')'
            bits = rbits
            print "char  = '"+char+"' -> "+bits+" (0x"+BinaryToHex(bits)+')'
        if bytes == '':
            bytes = bytes + '{' + bits
            bytes = bytes + ',' + bits
    bytes = bytes + '}'
    if len(bytes) > 57:
        print "bytes = "+bytes[0:57]+' ...'
        print "bytes = " + bytes
    return bytes

def XOR(s1,s2):
    if len(s1) != len(s2):
        print "XOR(): ERROR, unequal length strings: ["+s1+"]["+s2+"]"
    r = ''
    for i in range(len(s1)):
        if  (s1[i:i+1] == '1' and s2[i:i+1] == '1'):
            r = r + '0'
        elif(s1[i:i+1] == '0' and s2[i:i+1] == '0'):
            r = r + '0'
            r = r + '1'
    return r

def Reflect(s):
    r = ''
    for i in range(len(s)):
        r = s[i:i+1] + r
    return r

def NOT(s):
    r = ''
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if  (s[i:i+1] == '1'):
            r = r + '0'
            r = r + '1'
    return r

def HexToBinary(n):
    h = ''
    for inx in range(16):
        if n & 0x1 == 0x1:
            h = '1' + h
            h = '0' + h
        n = n / 2
    return h

def BinaryToHex(s):
    h = ''
    for x in range((len(s)+3)/4):
        n = 0
        i = 1
        for y in range(4):
            if s[-1:] == '1':
                n = n + i
            s = s[:-1]
            i = (i * 2)
        if n <= 9:
            h = (chr(ord('0') +  n      )) + h
            h = (chr(ord('a') + (n - 10))) + h
    return h

def MessageStrip(M):
    while len(M) > 0 and M[0:1] != '0' and M[0:1] != '1':
        M = M[1:]
    return M

# author: James Luscher  (owns all errors ;-)
#                        <jluscher-gmail-com>
# corrections: Greg Cook (thanks Greg!)
# copyright: 2007 James Luscher
# licensed under: GNU General Public License
# details at
# This program was written for self-education.
# I hope others may find it informative also.

def crc(poly, register, reflect, message, invert):
# CRC-16 polynomial is 0x8005
# CRC-16/CCITT polynomial is 0x1021
    P =  HexToBinary(poly)
# register (initial value)
    R = HexToBinary(register)
# reflect in/out ??
    if reflect != 0:
        print "reflect   = True"
        print "reflect   = False"
# M -> message  (ASCII string)
    M = StringToBinary(message, reflect)
    length = len(M)
    if len(M) > 53:
        print "message   = "+M[0:53]+' ...'
        print "message   = "+M
    print "register  = "+R
    print "polynomial= "+P+"  (0x" + BinaryToHex(P) + ')'
    M = MessageStrip(M)
    print             "        register                message..."
    print             "        ----------------        -------..."
    if len(M) > 40:
        print         "        "+R+'        '+M[0:40]+' ...'
    elif len(M) > 0:
        print         "        "+R+'        '+M
        print         "        "+R
    while len(M)>0:
        Rc = R[0:1]
        Mc = M[0:1]
        C = XOR(Rc,Mc)
        R = R[1:]+'0'
        M = M[1:]
        M = MessageStrip(M)
        if len(M) > 40:
            print         "  ("+Rc+") < "+R+'  ('+Mc+') < '+M[0:40]+' ...'
            print         "  ("+Rc+") < "+R+'  ('+Mc+') < '+M
        if C == '1':
            print         "["+Rc+'^'+Mc+"]=> "+P+"       (xor by 0x" + BinaryToHex(P) + ')'
            print         "        "+('-' * 16 )
            R = XOR(R, P)
            print         "        "+R+"       (0x" + BinaryToHex(R) + ')'
    if reflect:
        R = Reflect(R)
        print         "       reflected"
        print         "<=> => " + R
    if invert != 0:
        R = NOT(R)
        print         "NOT => " + R
    print             "       " + R + " = CRC" + " (0x" + BinaryToHex(R) + ")"

def d1():
    crcdemo(0x1021, 0x0000, 1, 0)
    print "demo:  example:                 poly    reg   r  i      expect"
    print "-----  ------------------- -----------------------------     ------"
    print "d1()   KERMIT:             crcdemo(0x1021, 0x0000, 1, 0)  // 0x2189"
    print "==================================================================="

def d2():
    crcdemo(0x8408, 0x0000, 1, 0)
    print "demo:  example:                 poly    reg   r  i      expect"
    print "-----  ------------------- -----------------------------     ------"
    print "d2()   X-KERMIT:           crcdemo(0x8408, 0x0000, 1, 0)  // 0x0c73"
    print "==================================================================="

def d3():
    crcdemo(0x1021, 0xffff, 1, 1)
    print "demo:  example:                 poly    reg   r  i      expect"
    print "-----  ------------------- -----------------------------     ------"
    print "d3()   X-25:               crcdemo(0x1021, 0xffff, 1, 1)  // 0x906e"
    print "==================================================================="

def d4():
    crcdemo(0x8005, 0x0000, 1, 0)
    print "demo:  example:                 poly    reg   r  i      expect"
    print "-----  ------------------- -----------------------------     ------"
    print "d4()   CRC-16/ARC:         crcdemo(0x8005, 0x0000, 1, 0)  // 0xbb3d"
    print "==================================================================="

def d5():
    crcdemo(0x1021, 0xffff, 0, 0)
    print "demo:  example:                 poly    reg   r  i      expect"
    print "-----  ------------------- -----------------------------     ------"
    print "d5()   CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE: crcdemo(0x1021, 0xffff, 0, 0)  // 0x29b1"
    print "==================================================================="

def d6():
    crcdemo(0x1021, 0x0000, 0, 0)
    print "demo:  example:                 poly    reg   r  i      expect"
    print "-----  ------------------- -----------------------------     ------"
    print "d6()   CRC-16/XMODEM:      crcdemo(0x1021, 0x0000, 0, 0)  // 0x31c3"
    print "==================================================================="

def crcdemo_help():
    print """
        - show the detailed calculation for various kinds of 16 bit CRCs
        - ALL demo examples applied to the canonical message "123456789"
        - use function 'crc()' to apply to your own message string.

        crcdemo(poly, register, reflect, append, invert)
            poly     <- hex value for (truncated) generator polynomial
            register <- hex initial value for remainder register
            reflect  <- 0 == don't reflect message bytes & output CRC
            invert   <- 0 == don't invert remainder after calculation

 demo:  examples:                poly    reg   r  i      expect
 -----  ------------------- -----------------------------     ------
 d1()   KERMIT:             crcdemo(0x1021, 0x0000, 1, 0)  // 0x2189
 d2()   X-KERMIT:           crcdemo(0x8408, 0x0000, 1, 0)  // 0x0c73
 d3()   X-25:               crcdemo(0x1021, 0xffff, 1, 1)  // 0x906e
 d4()   CRC-16/ARC:         crcdemo(0x8005, 0x0000, 1, 0)  // 0xbb3d
 d5()   CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE: crcdemo(0x1021, 0xffff, 0, 0)  // 0x29b1
 d6()   CRC-16/XMODEM:      crcdemo(0x1021, 0x0000, 0, 0)  // 0x31c3

def crcdemo(poly, register, reflect, invert):
    crc(poly, register, reflect, '123456789', invert)


// To run a demonstration of each algorithm, uncomment any of the next 6 lines. - GJC

//  d1()
//  d2()
//  d3()
//  d4()
//  d5()
//  d6()

// End of

[ Top of page ]


Sample 8080/Z80 assembly code to implement the eleven major 16-bit algorithms in constant time, without the use of lookup tables. One of the routines is for faster calculation on a Z80 only.

        ; Main loop, for 8080/Z80

        ORG     100H
Start:  LD      SP,1000H
        LD      HL,0            ; for XMODEM, KERMIT and ARC
;       LD      HL,FFFFH        ; for GENIBUS, SDLC and USB
        LD      DE,data         ; set pointer to test string
        LD      C,dataend-data  ; set counter to string length
tloop:  LD      A,(DE)          ; get character of string
        INC     DE              ; increment pointer
        PUSH    BC              ; save counter
        CALL    crc16_xmodem_f  ; do CRC on character
        POP     BC              ; restore counter
        DEC     C               ; decrement it
        JP      NZ,tloop        ; and loop until string done
;       LD      A,H             ; complement result
;       CPL                     ; for GENIBUS, SDLC and USB
;       LD      H,A
;       LD      A,L
;       CPL
;       LD      L,A

data:   DEFB    "123456789"     ; test string
dataend:NOP                     ; label for calculating length

        ; CRC-16/XMODEM for 8080/Z80
        ; On entry HL = old CRC, A = byte
        ; On exit HL = new CRC, A,B,C undefined

                                ; Ts  M/code    8080 assembly
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        LD      B,A             ;  4  47        MOV     B,A
        LD      C,L             ;  4  4D        MOV     C,L
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        AND     0FH             ;  7  E6 0F     ANI     0FH
        LD      H,A             ;  4  67        MOV     H,A
        XOR     B               ;  4  A8        XRA     B
        LD      B,A             ;  4  47        MOV     B,A
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD        XRA     L
        AND     F0H             ;  7  E6 F0     ANI     F0H
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        XOR     C               ;  4  A9        XRA     C
        ADD     HL,HL           ; 11  29        DAD     H
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        LD      H,A             ;  4  67        MOV     H,A
        LD      A,L             ;  4  7D        MOV     A,L
        XOR     B               ;  4  A8        XRA     B
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        RET                     ; 10  C9        RET

        ; 115 T-states, 25 bytes

        ; CRC-16/XMODEM for 8080/Z80
        ; On entry HL = old CRC, A = byte
        ; On exit HL = new CRC, A,B undefined

                                ; Ts  M/code    8080 assembly
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        LD      H,A             ;  4  67        MOV     H,A
        AND     F0H             ;  7  E6 F0     ANI     F0H
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        LD      H,A             ;  4  67        MOV     H,A
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        LD      B,A             ;  4  47        MOV     B,A
        AND     E0H             ;  7  E6 E0     ANI     E0H
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        LD      H,A             ;  4  67        MOV     H,A
        LD      A,B             ;  4  78        MOV     A,B
        AND     1FH             ;  7  E6 1F     ANI     1FH
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD        XRA     L
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        LD      A,B             ;  4  78        MOV     A,B
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        AND     F0H             ;  7  E6 F0     ANI     F0H
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD        XRA     L
        LD      L,H             ;  4  6C        MOV     L,H
        LD      H,A             ;  4  67        MOV     H,A
        RET                     ; 10  C9        RET

        ; 126 T-states, 31 bytes

        ; KERMIT for 8080/Z80
        ; On entry HL = old CRC, A = byte
        ; On exit HL = new CRC, A,B undefined

                                ; Ts  M/code    8080 assembly
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD        XRA     L
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        ADD     A,A             ;  4  87        ADD     A
        ADD     A,A             ;  4  87        ADD     A
        ADD     A,A             ;  4  87        ADD     A
        ADD     A,A             ;  4  87        ADD     A
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD        XRA     L
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        RLCA                    ;  4  07        RLC
        RLCA                    ;  4  07        RLC
        RLCA                    ;  4  07        RLC
        LD      B,A             ;  4  47        MOV     B,A
        AND     07H             ;  7  E6 07     ANI     07H
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD        XRA     L
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        LD      A,B             ;  4  78        MOV     A,B
        AND     F8H             ;  7  E6 F8     ANI     F8H
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        LD      H,A             ;  4  67        MOV     H,A
        LD      A,B             ;  4  78        MOV     A,B
        RLCA                    ;  4  07        RLC
        AND     0FH             ;  7  E6 0F     ANI     0FH
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        LD      H,L             ;  4  65        MOV     H,L
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        RET                     ; 10  C9        RET

        ; 119 T-states, 29 bytes

        ; CRC-16/ARC for 8080/Z80
        ; On entry HL = old CRC, A = byte
        ; On exit HL = new CRC, A,B undefined

                                ; Ts  M/code    8080 assembly
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD        XRA     L
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        RRCA                    ;  4  0F        RRC
        JP      PO,blur         ; 10  E2 nn nn  JPO     blur
        AND     A               ;  4  A7        ANA     A
blur:   JP      PE,blur1        ; 10  EA nn nn  JPE     blur1
        SCF                     ;  0  37        STC
blur1:  RRA                     ;  4  1F        RAR
        AND     E0H             ;  7  E6 E0     ANI     E0H
        RLA                     ;  4  17        RAL
        LD      B,A             ;  4  47        MOV     B,A
        RLA                     ;  4  17        RAL
        XOR     B               ;  4  A8        XRA     B
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        LD      B,A             ;  4  47        MOV     B,A
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC        XRA     H
        RRA                     ;  4  1F        RAR
        LD      A,L             ;  4  7D        MOV     A,L
        RRA                     ;  4  1F        RAR
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F        MOV     L,A
        AND     A               ;  4  A7        ANA     A
        RRA                     ;  4  1F        RAR
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD        XRA     L
        LD      L,B             ;  4  68        MOV     L,B
        LD      H,A             ;  4  67        MOV     H,A
        RET                     ; 10  C9        RET

        ; 125 T-states, 31 bytes

        ; CRC-16/ARC for Z80 only
        ; On entry HL = old CRC, A = byte
        ; On exit HL = new CRC, A,B undefined

                                ; Ts  M/code
        LD      B,0             ;  7  06 00
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD
        JP      PO,blur80       ; 10  E2 nn nn
        AND     A               ;  4  A7
blur80: JP      PE,blur81       ; 10  EA nn nn
        SCF                     ;  0  37
blur81: RRA                     ;  4  1F
        RR      B               ;  8  CB 18
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F
        SRL     A               ;  8  CB 3F
        RR      B               ;  8  CB 18
        XOR     L               ;  4  AD
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F
        ADD     A,A             ;  4  87
        LD      A,B             ;  4  78
        RLA                     ;  4  17
        XOR     B               ;  4  A8
        XOR     H               ;  4  AC
        LD      H,L             ;  4  65
        LD      L,A             ;  4  6F
        RET                     ; 10  C9

        ; 113 T-states, 29 bytes


[ Top of page ]

Generic ARM

Parametrised, table-driven CRC algorithm in ARM assembler. The main loop takes just 8 instructions per byte, or 6 if inlined.

REM >Table3
REM Greg Cook 12 January 2020

REM Assemble algorithm-independent code

DIM code 1024+1024-1

FOR pass=0 TO 3 STEP 3
[OPT pass
        \ do a CRC of the test string
        \ to demonstrate the algorithm
        stmdb   (sp)!,{r1-r4,lr}
        bl      doinit
        adr     r3,string
        ldr     r4,strlen
.mloop  ldrb    r1,[r3],#1
        bl      byte
        subs    r4,r4,#1
        bne     mloop
        bl      finish
        adds    r0,r0,#0 \for BASIC V/RISC OS
        ldmia   (sp)!,{r1-r4,pc}

        stmdb   (sp)!,{r1,r3-r5,lr}
        \ set up registers
        adr     r2,table
        ldr     r1,poly
        bic     r1,r1,#&FF0000
        bic     r1,r1,#&FF000000
        \ set up table
        mov     r3,#&FF
.itbyte \ copy table offset to dividend
        mov     r0,r3,lsl #8
        mov     r5,r3
        mov     r4,#&01000000 \bit counter
        \ do pure polynomial division
.itbit  tst     r0,#&8000
        bic     r0,r0,#&8000
        mov     r0,r0,lsl #1
        eorne   r0,r0,r1
        \ shift bit counter and reverse offset
        movs    r5,r5,lsr #1
        adcs    r4,r4,r4
        bcc     itbit
        \ test RefIn
        ldr     r5,refin
        tst     r5,#1
        beq     split
        \ if RefIn = true reverse remainder
        \ (without swapping bytes)
        mov     r5,#&18000
.revrem movs    r0,r0,lsr #1
        adcs    r5,r5,r5
        bcc     revrem
        movs    r0,r5,ror #8 \clear Z
        \split remainder to top and bottom byte
        orr     r5,r0,r0,lsl #16
        bic     r5,r5,#&FF00
        bic     r5,r5,#&FF0000
        \if RefIn = false store at direct offset
        orreq   r5,r5,r4,lsl #8
        streq   r5,[r2,r3,lsl #2]
        \if RefIn = true store at reflected offset
        orrne   r5,r5,r3,lsl #8
        strne   r5,[r2,r4,lsl #2]
        subs    r3,r3,#1
        bcs     itbyte
        \ set up shift register. test RefIn
        ldr     r5,refin
        tst     r5,#1
        ldr     r0,init
        \ move Init to top
        mov     r0,r0,lsl #16
        \ split Init and quit if RefIn = false
        orreq   r0,r0,r0,lsr #16
        beq     doneinit
        \ else split and reflect Init (bytes not swapped)
        mov     r5,r0,lsr #24
        and     r0,r0,#&FF0000
        ldr     r0,[r2,r0,lsr #14]
        ldr     r5,[r2,r5,lsl #2]
        mov     r5,r5,lsl #16
        orr     r0,r5,r0,lsr #8
        bic     r0,r0,#&FF00
        bic     r0,r0,#&FF0000
        ldmia   (sp)!,{r1,r3-r5,pc}

        \ merge byte in R1 into the CRC in R0
        eor     r0,r0,r1,lsl #24
        ldr     r1,[r2,r0,lsr #22]
        eor     r0,r1,r0,lsl #24
        mov     pc,lr

        \ test RefIn and RefOut
        ldr     r1,refout
        movs    r1,r1,lsr #1
        ldr     r1,refin
        adc     r1,r1,#0
        tst     r1,#1
        \ C = RefOut, Z = !(RefIn ^ RefOut)
        \ Bytes to top of r0 and r1
        \ Swap if RefOut = true
        movcc   r1,r0,lsl #24
        andcs   r1,r0,#&FF000000
        movcs   r0,r0,lsl #24
        \ Reflect bytes if RefIn != RefOut
        ldrne   r0,[r2,r0,lsr #22]
        ldrne   r1,[r2,r1,lsr #22]
        \ Join bytes in r0
        bic     r0,r0,#&FF
        orr     r0,r0,r1,lsr #8
        \ Move to top if RefIn != RefOut
        movne   r0,r0,lsl #16
        \ Apply XorOut to result
        ldr     r1,xorout
        eor     r0,r0,r1,lsl #16
        \ Shift result to bottom of r0
        mov     r0,r0,lsr #16
        mov     pc,lr

.poly   equd    0
.init   equd    0
.refin  equd    0
.refout equd    0
.xorout equd    0

.strlen equd    0
.string equs    STRING$(255," ")


REM Set parameters for this run
REM This is a RockSoft(TM) Model record
REM with adjusted syntax

Width   =  16   : REM not used
Poly    = &1021
Init    = &FFFF
RefIn   =  TRUE
RefOut  =  TRUE
XorOut  = &FFFF

REM Set the string to test

String$ = "123456789"

REM Store the parameters for the routine

!poly    = Poly
!init    = Init
!refin   = RefIn
!refout  = RefOut
!xorout  = XorOut
!strlen  = LEN(String$)
$string  = String$

REM Call code and print computed CRC

PRINT '"Result = ";~USR(main)

REM Dump table contents
PRINT "Contents of table:"
FOR T% = 0 TO 1023 STEP 4
PRINT ~table!T%;

REM Regression test: 16 results from Ross Williams' crcmodel.c
REM and values from
$string = "123456789"
FOR T%=1 TO 30
READ !poly,!init,!refin,!refout,!xorout,expect%,name$
IF actual%<>expect% THEN
PRINT ~!poly,~!init,~!refin,~!refout,~!xorout,~expect%,~actual%:END
PRINT "Regression test passed"

DATA &1021,&0000, 0, 0,&0000,&31C3,"CRC-16/XMODEM"
DATA &1021,&0000, 0,-1,&0000,&C38C,""
DATA &1021,&0000,-1, 0,&0000,&9184,""
DATA &1021,&0000,-1,-1,&0000,&2189,"CRC-16/KERMIT"
DATA &1021,&0000, 0, 0,&2357,&1294,""
DATA &1021,&0000, 0,-1,&2357,&E0DB,""
DATA &1021,&0000,-1, 0,&2357,&B2D3,""
DATA &1021,&0000,-1,-1,&2357,&02DE,""
DATA &1021,&1234, 0, 0,&0000,&EDEB,""
DATA &1021,&1234, 0,-1,&0000,&D7B7,""
DATA &1021,&1234,-1, 0,&0000,&4DAC,""
DATA &1021,&1234,-1,-1,&0000,&35B2,""
DATA &1021,&1234, 0, 0,&2357,&CEBC,""
DATA &1021,&1234, 0,-1,&2357,&F4E0,""
DATA &1021,&1234,-1, 0,&2357,&6EFB,""
DATA &1021,&1234,-1,-1,&2357,&16E5,""
DATA &8005,&0000,-1,-1,&0000,&BB3D,"CRC-16/ARC"
DATA &8005,&0000, 0, 0,&0000,&FEE8,"CRC-16/UMTS"
DATA &1021,&0000, 0, 0,&FFFF,&CE3C,"CRC-16/GSM"
DATA &1021,&0000,-1,-1,&FFFF,&DE76,""
DATA &8005,&0000,-1,-1,&FFFF,&44C2,"CRC-16/MAXIM"
DATA &8005,&0000, 0, 0,&FFFF,&0117,""
DATA &1021,&FFFF, 0, 0,&FFFF,&D64E,"CRC-16/GENIBUS"
DATA &1021,&FFFF,-1,-1,&FFFF,&906E,"CRC-16/IBM-SDLC"
DATA &8005,&FFFF,-1,-1,&FFFF,&B4C8,"CRC-16/USB"
DATA &8005,&FFFF, 0, 0,&FFFF,&5118,""
DATA &1021,&FFFF, 0, 0,&0000,&29B1,"CRC-16/IBM-3740"
DATA &1021,&FFFF,-1,-1,&0000,&6F91,"CRC-16/MCRF4XX"
DATA &8005,&FFFF,-1,-1,&0000,&4B37,"CRC-16/MODBUS"
DATA &8005,&FFFF, 0, 0,&0000,&AEE7,"CRC-16/CMS"

REM End of Table3

NB: When RefIn and RefOut are constants, the finish subroutine can be condensed to one of the following:

        \RefIn = FALSE, RefOut = FALSE
        and     r1,r0,#&FF
        orr     r0,r1,r0,lsr #16
        ldr     r1,xorout
        eor     r0,r0,r1
        mov     pc,lr

        \RefIn = FALSE, RefOut = TRUE
        and     r1,r0,#&FF
        ldr     r0,[r2,r0,lsr #22]
        ldr     r1,[r2,r1,lsl #2]
        and     r0,r0,#&FF00
        and     r1,r1,#&FF00
        orr     r0,r1,r0,lsr #8
        ldr     r1,xorout
        eor     r0,r0,r1
        mov     pc,lr

        \RefIn = TRUE, RefOut = FALSE
        and     r1,r0,#&FF
        ldr     r0,[r2,r0,lsr #22]
        ldr     r1,[r2,r1,lsl #2]
        and     r0,r0,#&FF00
        and     r1,r1,#&FF00
        orr     r0,r0,r1,lsr #8
        ldr     r1,xorout
        eor     r0,r0,r1
        mov     pc,lr

        \RefIn = TRUE, RefOut = TRUE
        mov     r0,r0,ror #24
        bic     r0,r0,#&FF0000
        ldr     r1,xorout
        eor     r0,r0,r1
        mov     pc,lr

[ Top of page ]


Sample 8051/8052 assembly code to implement the eleven major 16-bit algorithms in constant time, without the use of lookup tables.

   ; Main loop

        mov     r0,#00h         ; for XMODEM, KERMIT and ARC
        mov     r1,#00h
        ;mov    r0,#0ffh        ; for GENIBUS, SDLC and USB
        ;mov    r1,#0ffh
        mov     dptr,#data
        mov     r3,#0
        mov     a,r3
        movc    a,@a+dptr
        acall   xmodem
        inc     r3
        cjne    r3,#datalen,char
        ;xch    a,r0            ; complement result
        ;cpl    a               ; for GENIBUS, SDLC and USB
        ;xch    a,r1
        ;cpl    a
        ;xch    a,r1
        ;xch    a,r0

        sjmp    $

        ; CRC-16/XMODEM for 8051/2
        ; On entry A  = byte
        ;          R0 = old CRC low byte
        ;          R1 = old CRC high byte
        ; On exit  R0 = new CRC low byte
        ;          R1 = new CRC high byte
        ;          A,R2 = undefined

                                ; Cs  M/code
        xrl     a,r1            ;  1  69
        mov     r1,a            ;  1  f9
        swap    a               ;  1  c4
        anl     a,#0fh          ;  1  54 0f
        xrl     a,r1            ;  1  69
        mov     r1,a            ;  1  f9
        swap    a               ;  1  c4
        mov     r2,a            ;  1  fa
        anl     a,#0f0h         ;  1  54 f0
        xrl     a,r0            ;  1  68
        xch     a,r2            ;  1  ca
        rl      a               ;  1  23
        mov     r0,a            ;  1  f8
        anl     a,#0e0h         ;  1  54 e0
        xrl     a,r1            ;  1  69
        xch     a,r0            ;  1  c8
        anl     a,#1fh          ;  1  54 1f
        xrl     a,r2            ;  1  6a
        mov     r1,a            ;  1  f9
        ret                     ;  2  22

        ;21 cycles, 24 bytes

        ; KERMIT for 8051/2
        ; On entry A  = byte
        ;          R0 = old CRC low byte
        ;          R1 = old CRC high byte
        ; On exit  R0 = new CRC low byte
        ;          R1 = new CRC high byte
        ;          A,R2 = undefined

                                ; Cs  M/code
        xrl     a,r0            ;  1  68
        mov     r0,a            ;  1  f8
        swap    a               ;  1  c4
        anl     a,#0f0h         ;  1  54 f0
        xrl     a,r0            ;  1  68
        mov     r0,a            ;  1  f8
        swap    a               ;  1  c4
        mov     r2,a            ;  1  fa
        anl     a,#0fh          ;  1  54 0f
        xrl     a,r1            ;  1  69
        xch     a,r2            ;  1  ca
        rr      a               ;  1  03
        mov     r1,a            ;  1  f9
        anl     a,#07h          ;  1  54 07
        xrl     a,r0            ;  1  68
        xch     a,r1            ;  1  c9
        anl     a,#0f8h         ;  1  54 f8
        xrl     a,r2            ;  1  6a
        mov     r0,a            ;  1  f8
        ret                     ;  2  22

        ;21 cycles, 24 bytes

        ; ARC for 8051/2
        ; On entry A  = byte
        ;          R0 = old CRC low byte
        ;          R1 = old CRC high byte
        ; On exit  R0 = new CRC low byte
        ;          R1 = new CRC high byte
        ;          A,R2,C = undefined

                                ; Cs  M/code
        xrl     a,r0            ;  1  68
        mov     r0,a            ;  1  f8
        rr      a               ;  1  03
        rr      a               ;  1  03
        anl     a,#0c0h         ;  1  54 c0
        mov     r2,a            ;  1  fa
        mov     a,r0            ;  1  e8
        mov     c,p             ;  1  a2 d0
        rrc     a               ;  1  13
        mov     r0,a            ;  1  f8
        clr     c               ;  1  c3
        rrc     a               ;  1  13
        xrl     a,r0            ;  1  68
        mov     r0,a            ;  1  f8
        rlc     a               ;  1  33
        mov     a,r2            ;  1  ea
        rlc     a               ;  1  33
        xrl     a,r2            ;  1  6a
        xrl     a,r1            ;  1  69
        xch     a,r0            ;  1  c8
        mov     r1,a            ;  1  f9
        ret                     ;  2  22

        ;23 cycles, 24 bytes

datalen equ     9
        db      "123456789"


Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, however there may be occasional errors or omissions. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The code and documentation included in this document are supplied without warranty, not even the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author or his suppliers be liable for any loss, damage, injury or death, of any nature and howsoever caused, arising from the use of, or failure, inability or unwillingness to use, this software or documentation.

Greg Cook, [email address] Last updated 13 September 2020

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