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Unified format Greg Cook, 19/Aug/2005
Model WD2795/WD2797 x x x x . . . x x . . x . x WD2791/WD2793 x x x x . . x . x . x . . x WD1773 x x x x . x . . x . x . . x WD1770/WD1772 x x x x x . . . x x . . x . Type Command b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 I Restore 0 0 0 0 H X h h V r r r r r I Seek 0 0 0 1 H X h h V r r r r r I Step 0 0 1 u H X h h V r r r r r I Step in 0 1 0 u H X h h V r r r r r I Step out 0 1 1 u H X h h V r r r r r II Read sector 1 0 0 m H S S L E 0 C U 0 0 II Write sector 1 0 1 m H S S L E P C U a a III Read address 1 1 0 0 H 0 0 0 E 0 0 U 0 0 III Read track 1 1 1 0 H 0 0 0 E 0 0 U 0 0 III Write track 1 1 1 1 H 0 0 0 E P 0 U 0 0 IV Force interrupt 1 1 0 1 I I I I I X I I X I Parameters: 0 = always 0 1 = always 1 X = not used (reset to 0) a = Data address mark 0 = Data address mark 1 = Deleted-data address mark C = Side compare 0 = Disable side compare 1 = Enable side compare E = Settling delay 0 = No delay 1 = Delay: 15 ms for WD279x at 2 MHz, and WD1772 30 ms for WD279x at 1 MHz, and WD1770/WD1773 h = Head load 0 = Unload head at beginning 1 = Load head at beginning H = Motor On 0 = Enable spin-up sequence 1 = Disable spin-up sequence I = Interrupt I0 = Interrupt on not ready to ready transition I1 = Interrupt on ready to not ready transition I2 = Interrupt on index pulse I3 = Interrupt immediately 0 = No interrupt 1 = Raise interrupt on this condition I0..I3 all 0 = terminate current command without interrupt L = Interpretation of ID field The sector length in bytes is determined from the following table: LSBs of sector length in ID field 00 01 10 11 L 0 256 512 1024 128 1 128 256 512 1024 WD177x and WD2791/3 operate with L = 1. m = Multiple sectors 0 = Single sector 1 = Multiple sectors P = Write precompensation 0 = Enable write precompensation 1 = Disable write precompensation r = Stepping rate Model, clock frequency WD1770 WD1772 WD279x WD279x /WD1773 @2 MHz @1 MHz r1 r0 0 0 6 ms 6 ms 3 ms 6 ms 0 1 12 ms 12 ms 6 ms 12 ms 1 0 20 ms 2 ms 10 ms 20 ms 1 1 30 ms 3 ms 15 ms 30 ms S = Side comparand 0 = Compare for side 0 1 = Compare for side 1 u = Update track (T in 279x datasheet) 0 = No update 1 = Update track register U = Update SSO (Side select) 0 = Update SSO to 0 1 = Update SSO to 1 V = Verify on track 0 = No verify 1 = Verify on destination track
Model WD2795/WD2797 . x . x . . x . x . x x x x WD2791/WD2793 . x . x . . x . x . x x x x WD1773 . x . x . x . . x . x x x x WD1770/WD1772 x . x . x . . x . x . x x x Type Command b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 I (all type Is) M n X w s h h R R c c T I b II Read sector M n X 0 a a a R R c c d q b II Write sector M n w w a f 0 R R c c d q b III Read address M n X 0 a 0 0 R R c c d q b III Read track M n X 0 a 0 0 R 0 c 0 d q b III Write track M n w w a f 0 R 0 c 0 d q b IV Force interrupt -while busy - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 -while idle M n X w s h h R R c c T I 0 - Idle M n X w s h h R R c c T I b Parameters: 0 = always 0 X = not defined - = retains previous value a = Data address mark 0 = Data address mark 1 = Deleted-data address mark b = Busy 0 = controller idle 1 = controller busy c = CRC error 0 = CRC verified 1 = CRC error d = Lost data (late register service) 0 = no data lost 1 = data lost f = Write fault 0 = no write fault 1 = write fault h = Head loaded 0 = drive head not loaded 1 = drive head loaded I = Index pulse 0 = disc not at index mark (/IP = high) 1 = disc at index mark (/IP = low) M = Motor on 0 = drive motor off 1 = drive motor on n = Not ready 0 = drive ready 1 = drive not ready q = Data request 0 = Data register does not require service 1 = Data register requires service R = Record not found 0 = record found / verified on track 1 = record not found / seek error s = Motor spin up sequence completed 0 = spin up not completed 1 = spin up completed T = Track 0 0 = drive head not at track 0 (/TR00 = high) 1 = drive head at track 0 (/TR00 = low) w = Write protect 0 = disc write enabled 1 = disc write protected
The WD2791 and WD2795 have inverted data bus lines. As noted elsewhere, the Busy flag may be left set when the FDC is idle, if the FDC has been reset while a command was in progress. If the WD1773 or WD279x is idle, and n = 1, flags c,h,I,R,T and w may be invalid and contain 0. The WD1770/2 status register description is taken from the datasheet; some flags may have fixed values for certain commands, as with the other models.
1770/2/3 Datasheet http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/documents/chipdata/wd177x/index.html 177x datasheet extracts and BBC disc hardware summary http://www.nvg.org/bbc/doc/wd1770.txt http://www.poppyfields.net/acorn/tech/1770.shtml 279x datasheet and application notes http://tcg.speccy.cz/zoom/files/wd2797.pdf BBC Datasheets http://members.aon.at/~musher/bbc/datasheets.htm
The documentation in this file is for information only. For a more authoritative specification, refer to the manufacturer's original datasheets. The author does not guarantee the suitability of the hardware for use in any particular application, especially life support and/or critical systems; for authoritative information on suitability refer to the manufacturer. Whilst every effort has been made to maintain accuracy, this file may contain errors, inaccuracies or omissions which may or may not also be present in the datasheet(s). Specifications are subject to change without notice. This documentation is supplied without warranty, not even the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author or his suppliers be liable for any loss, damage, injury or death, of any nature and howsoever caused, arising from the use of, or failure, inability or unwillingness to use, this documentation.Greg Cook,
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